View Full Version : Little question about Reason and rewire

11-28-2008, 01:20 PM
I think this is not a bug from Reaper but from Rewire itself and it's not very important.

- Make a track with Reason, create a beat with redrum or load dr rex.
- Create an other track, put Reason track as a child for this new track.
- In this new track select " Record : Output (stereo) ".
- Record one or two measure in this new track.
- Put the recorded item onto a third track.
- Inverse the phase for the third track.
- Press play. Sound is not null.
- Remove the track with Reason from folder, put it everywhere but not in a folder.
- Press play. Sometimes sound is null.

Have you got the same issue ?

I don't know if this thread could be here, if not, you can move it.

11-30-2008, 06:33 AM
Sometimes sound is null.

Like your comments.

No!!! don't be angry, it's a joke :-p