View Full Version : WDL on Linux

10-18-2010, 01:35 AM
Did anyone ever try to use WDL to build linux application? What's your opinion? Could you please provide some very basic examples of it?

Thanks in advance

10-18-2010, 03:45 AM
Many of the core WDL classes don't have OS spesific code (wdlstring, wdlheapbuf etc), so they should work on anything that has a C++ compiler available. However, the SWELL layer (for translating win32 API based code) currently only officially supports OS-X, as far as I know. So for Linux, you'd probably need to do all the OS events handling and low level drawing etc stuff yourself. (I would guess the WDL "lice" graphics layer is mostly OS independent but ultimately you will of course need some way to actually put the drawn graphics on the screen, which would depend on calls spesific to the operating system.)

10-27-2010, 08:50 AM
Thanks a lot for your answer.

Forgive me my stupid questions, I'm really newbie to WDL. Could you please provide very simple example of GUI application that can be run on linux.

I'm sure it is possible but I just can't understand how.

10-27-2010, 12:18 PM
Thanks a lot for your answer.

Forgive me my stupid questions, I'm really newbie to WDL. Could you please provide very simple example of GUI application that can be run on linux.

I'm sure it is possible but I just can't understand how.

Sorry, there is no such example as far as I know, as WDL has no comprehensive Linux support for actual applications development, like I tried explaining above. It doesn't have such support for Windows or OS-X either, by the way. You would still need to write quite a lot of operating system spesific code simply to get an empty window on the screen, as WDL doesn't abstract that part of applications programming.

The usual way to get a Linux application going is to use an applications/GUI development toolkit like GTK, JUCE or Qt. How easy or even necessary those might be to integrate with WDL things like Lice, I don't know. It might not even be worth the trouble. WDL could still prove useful in other areas of development.