API - Command hook for midi / mousewheel events
11-04-2009 02:09 PM
Code Monkey
API - Command hook for midi / mousewheel events
Currently in the API we have:
bool hookCommandProc(int command, int flag);
// Process action with ID "command", return true if handled
plugin_register("hookcommand", hookCommandProc);
This lets us process actions, but there's no extra information if the action is triggered by a MIDI event or the mousewheel. I propose an extension such as:
bool hookCommandProcEx(int command, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd, ReaProject* proj);
// Process action with ID "command", return true if handled
plugin_register("hookcommandex", hookCommandProcEx);
This is just like the interface to KBD_OnMainActionEx.
Issue Details
Deprecated REAPER issue tracker
Category Plugins
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version 3.13
Closed Version 4.62
Yes votes
No votes
Assigned Users
11-04-2009 02:12 PM
Code Monkey
Now, I know most won't use this directly, but please vote "yes" if you'd be interested in the actions that would be possible:
Different mousewheel zoom modes
Actions to change send levels from midi CC
11-05-2009 04:48 AM
Great idea! SWS didn't detailed it but there would be many other possible things (as the idea is to pass some "kind of" parameters to the actions).
sidenote: where's the discussion thread? I'm impatient to see how you're gonna be punished by the mods, Tim :))
11-05-2009 05:06 AM
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