MIDI extension API enhancements
07-06-2010 07:36 AM
Human being with feelings
MIDI extension API enhancements
Currently the support for using the REAPER API for midi has a few holes. This request lists ideas for new API functions
It would be great to have a few API functions/enhancements which would allow extensions to perform MIDI actions from the midi editor. Listed here are some ideas:
Get the currently active take from the midi editor. e.g.
MediaItem_Take* MIDIEditor_GetActiveTake(void* midieditor)
Ability to register commands for the midi editor keyboard sections.
Some way of knowing whether a midi event is selected or muted etc. Maybe a new MIDI event list which has a list of structs containing the MIDI_event_t and a bitmask containing whether the event is selected, muted etc. (or something similar). Ideally this new list could be obtained/set through the GetSetMediaItem_take function. Or through the PCM_source interface.
These additions would allow a lot of interesting stuff which extension devs can't do at the moment. It is a common request to extend the midi editor but without these API additions we can't do anything.
The order of priority would be getting the active take from the midi editor first, followed closely by registering midi editor actions. The extended MIDI event list, I'd imagine, would require a bit more work but it would be nice to have a way to know whether an event is selected regardless of whether it is an in project midi item or midi file.
Issue Details
Deprecated REAPER issue tracker
Category Editing behavior
Status Implemented
Priority 4
Suggested Version 3.63
Implemented Version 4.62
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07-06-2010 07:43 AM
Human being with feelings
08-02-2010 02:02 AM
Nothing to add about the FR itself.. except.. "Pretty please!"
1) Getting the active ME's take has been implemented in 3.65
2) Registering actions in the ME: (if it makes sense) it'd be great to have some way of R/W accessing all the different KbdSectionInfo instances, including the main one. Many other things would also be possible...
08-20-2011 02:32 PM
Human being with feelings
I don't know if it beyond the scope of this request, but I am treading water in an ocean of longing for high level access to midi notes for creating new notes and editing properties of existing ones without diving into the chunk data.
oceans of longing.
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