Undo doesn't move time selection back to previous location
01-22-2012 08:53 AM
Human being with feelings
Undo doesn't move time selection back to previous location
After using 'Item: Duplicate selected area of items' undo does not move time selection back.
After using 'Item: Duplicate selected area of items' undo does not move time selection back.
'Create undo point for time selection' was enabled.
'Create undo point for cursor' was disabled.
Actually I'm not sure if it is even necessary or intended behaviour to move time selection when doing duplication.
For example copy-pasting does not move time selection.
A workaround is to enable 'Create undo point for cursor', but enabling this should not be required.
Issue Details
Deprecated REAPER issue tracker
Category Editing behavior
Status Fixed
Priority 6
Affected Version 4.15
Closed Version 4.73
Yes votes
No votes
Assigned Users
03-24-2013 04:43 AM
Issue Changed by Ollie
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Confirmed
09-12-2014 02:27 PM
Issue Changed by Jeffos
- Status changed from Confirmed to Fix Coming Soon
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