Could not display Width / Right Pan control on the Master track
06-15-2013 09:59 AM
Human being with feelings
Could not display Width / Right Pan control on the Master track
... MASTERPANMODE stuck at 3 in .rpp file
I've noticed that some themes (not all) have a Width / Right Pan control displayed on the Master track MCP or TCP.
I altered the setting in Project Settings. The Width knob appeared on the tracks but not on the Master track. On investigation of the .rpp file, the PANMODE is changed, but the MASTER_PANMODE is not (it stays set to a value of 3).
I changed it to -1 in the .rpp file and now the Width / Right Pan knob appears when it should when I change the Pan Mode in Project Settings.
Original report thread:
Issue Details
Deprecated REAPER issue tracker
Category Arcana
Status Fixed
Priority 6
Affected Version 4.33
Closed Version 4.5
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Assigned Users
master, Pan Mode
06-16-2013 06:58 AM
Human being with feelings
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