Move items by grid size does not work properly when grid size is set to frames
01-18-2014 02:32 PM
Human being with feelings
Move items by grid size does not work properly when grid size is set to frames
If I try to move items using the action "Move items/envelope points right by grid size" or "Move items/envelope points left by grid size" and my grid size is set to frames I get some unexpected behavior. The items move, but the audio contained in the items does not move, similar to if I were using the action "Move items preserving timing of contents" This only happens when the grid size is set to frames, If I set the grid spacing to any other size both the item and it's contents move:
Issue Details
Deprecated REAPER issue tracker
Category Editing behavior
Status Fixed
Priority 3
Affected Version 4.58
Closed Version 4.60
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Assigned Users
01-19-2014 11:07 AM
Issue Changed by gofer
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Confirmed
01-22-2014 02:31 PM
Issue Changed by Justin
- Status changed from Confirmed to Fix Coming Soon
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