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Old 10-22-2014, 02:36 PM  
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Default indefinite hang when changing playrate

Heya devs -- hanging bug:

4.74p5, win 8/64, portable install with license and audio interface chosen:

- open reaper
- make new track
- place a media item on it
- establish a loop range
- turn loop on
- set play rate to 5x
- play inside of loop
- pause playing (don't stop)
- try to change play rate by selecting play rate text and typing ".5" (using playrate slider seems to do the same thing)
- right after hitting the "." the program hangs and one CPU core (presumably RT thread?) goes to 100% indefinitely

This is also in 4.73, at least, so, not new.

I'm also seeing the hang when setting the playrate to 5, before trying to set it back.
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