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Old 05-27-2016, 04:52 AM  
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 943

because you have this MIDI file(JesterMusician example) at hand devs
and I thought that this was already fixed but is not.

Midi files which use Note ON nn vv> 0 | Note ON nn vv = 0 for NOTE OFF like this file
REAPER shows vv = -1
but that's not the problem.
The problem is, if you select even one of these Note ON / Note off in List view,
then REAPER produces System resets.
The -1 is converted to 0xff = System reset
Unless you select one of these Note ON- Note on 0 = off notes in the roll it stays that way ... and visavi

simply said it could easy happen that REAPER send 0x9n 0xnn 0xvv | 0x8n 0xnn 0xFF messages.. with simple selections

VSTi and MIDI Hardware Port

This behavior could be somewhat dangerous for ext hardware!
0x9n 0xnn 0xvv 0x8n 0xnn 0xFF Sys Reset .......


BTW someone should tell the muse guys that is is not really a good/standard way for format 1 MIDI files to mix tempo/sig events together with channel events within
the very first track..

but ok I donīt thing that this file is complete produce
with muse, because the file include
two old cakewalks port meta events....

I hope you can understand me? Without german beer my written english is always very bad, with beer it becomes unbearable!.
Less is more! To much limited the own creativity.

Last edited by ELP; 05-27-2016 at 04:57 AM.
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