1) Big bug in scripting versus notation:
MIDI_SetNote function removes articulations, ornaments and other notation settings.
If the mouse is used to edit a note in the MIDI editor, or if the "Note Properties" dialog box is used, the note's notation information is preserved.
In contrast, if a script uses MIDI_SetNote to edit the PPQ position, channel of pitch of a note, all notation settings are lost.
(PPQ, channel and pitch are the parameters by which the notation editor knows which MIDI 'text event' corresponds to which note. When a script uses MIDI_SetNote to change these parameters, the corresponding text event is not automatically updated, so the notes loses its notation settings.)
2) And a bug that affects the notation view as well as piano roll:
The "Set channel for new events" actions activate the event filter.
As discussed
earlier in this thread, the MIDI editor needs channel better management, similar to the notation view's new Voice dropdown menu. While we are waiting for this feature to be implemented, users are dependent on the actions "Set channel for new events to ..." to set the channel for new events. Unfortunately, there is a bug in these actions (as reported in a separate Bug Report):
they automatically activate the event filter, which causes notes and CCs to disappear without the user knowing why.
This bug also affects some of the scripts that I wrote to provide better channel management.