Hey Justin/schwa... this one might be quite old, but it's really weird, but since you guys are in MIDI editor mode, let's see if something can be done about it:
1. Create an empty MIDI item
2. Input some MIDI CCs ONLY (no notes)
3. See Edit menu, copy/paste actions (default Ctrl+C/V) are grayed out
4. Actually try to do Ctrl+C/V and IT WORKS.
5. As soon as a single note is entered in MIDI editor, copy/paste actions in Edit menu are not grayed out any longer.
Interestingly, if I assign these same cut/copy/paste actions to MIDI CC context menu, they never get grayed out! They do get grayed out in MIDI piano roll context, MIDI main menu context, and of course the MIDI main edit.
This is cosmetic, but it's also confusing. By all means, Copy should not be grayed out if there's ANY MIDI data entered in the item, not just notes. Right?
Just had a newbie Reaper user trip up on this one, so... might be nice to have this one fixed?