Originally Posted by STOP
Is it the same issue with sstillwell/randomizer ?
Yeah, I think so.
Originally Posted by STOP
Should anyone want to fix this, so it works with any MIDI controller out of the box, then you could change stillwell/randomizer like this:
midirecv(mpos, msg1, msg2) ? (
- (msg1 & 240) == note_on ? (
+ (msg1 & 240) == note_on && (velocity = (msg2 & 65280)) ? (
((msg1 & 15) == chan) || chan==-1 ? (
(msg2 & 255) == note ? (
- velocity = msg2 & 65280;
newnote = floor(rand(end-start)) + start;
newnote == prevnote ? newnote == end ? newnote = start : newnote += 1;
midisend(mpos, msg1, velocity | newnote);
prevnote = newnote;
) : (
midisend(mpos, msg1, msg2);
- );
- (msg1 & 240) == note_off ? (
+ ) :
+ (msg1 & 240) == note_off || (msg1 & 240) == note_on ? (
((msg1 & 15) == chan) || chan==-1 ? (
(msg2 & 255) == note ? (
midisend(mpos, msg1, newnote);
prevnote = newnote;
) : (
midisend(mpos, msg1, msg2);