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Old 12-02-2022, 06:40 AM  
Meo-Ada Mespotine
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Hmm, I can't seem to get the shortcuts-actions working.

Counting always returns 0, although there are multiple shortcuts available:
B=reaper.CountActionShortcuts(0, 40012)
and with this function, I don't know, what to pass into the last two parameters, it always returns false and "", unless I pass a text into desclen, then it will return false and the text:

Aretval, Adesc = reaper.GetActionShortcutDesc(0, 40012, 0, "", 10)
I tried the implementations by Julian Sader in his extension, and they work...

Tried on Windows 7 and the actions "Item: Split items at edit or play cursor" and "Item: Split items at edit cursor (select right)."

Delete and DoActionShortcutDialog also doesn't work. I suspect, I pass something wrong into KbdSectionInfo section, though I use the numbers accepted by other functions...
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