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Old 12-15-2022, 06:17 AM  
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Default bug in resizing height of FIPM track items

Resizing height of the items in FIPM has definitely some kind of bug.
I just found it yesterday while playing with it because of the another thread.

The bug: if you drag the handle at the bottom pretty far away down, even it does nothing which is ok, then if you immediately move that item a little bit up, then the item height is resized to the max. or near max. If you then try to make the height smaller again using that handle, the item is resizing in realtime but also moves out of the current valid track space to upper track space, wow


Note: Although the screencapture is done on v6.71+dev1202 the bug is still also in this latest v6.72rc7 (btw: Windows10, 32bit).
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