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Old 11-19-2016, 08:18 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ReaDave View Post
Is this designed to fix the frame rate issues I've noticed during some renders? What I have noticed occurring is that rendered video will play smoothly most of the time but will have some random sections with choppy frame rates (looks like dropped frames).
This is perhaps my biggest issue with REAPER video editing at present.
Yes. This was noticed in detail by someone a couple days ago, with a relatively simple but clever test he made.

He made images of numbers 0 through 99 and set them on each frame (snapped) then rendered (to the same framerate of the project). Some of the numbers were skipped or "half skipped" while following numbers were displayed longer to make up for the missing bits. It had to be tested in slow motion to really catch what was going on. I tested it as well using pretty much every encoder in Reaper at most framerates, just to be sure it wasn't a particular encoder or setting.

After it was fixed I tested again using a few of the encoders at various framerates. I didn't want to go through it all again since I had to keep adjusting the project's framerate and moving all the images to snap to the frames. If you were to have the images misaligned on the frames it could so something similar despite the fix, so the idea is to ensure your framerate for the project is set in advance and then place the images/videos precisely where you need them. (Or if you change framerate for your project, be sure things align precisely where they need to.) So if you plan to render at 30 fps, might as well set the project to 30 fps and work from there. That'll save some headaches.
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