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Old 06-16-2017, 09:19 AM   #46
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 12,632

I thought everyone was in agreement on the symptom and that this really happens...

Start with a project with wav files in the project folder.

FLAC the wav files. (Outside of Reaper)

Open the project.
The dialog window opens asking to browse for a new file or search for the old one.
Browse for the first file it is looking for (file.wav) and point it to file.flac, and now it just finds and replaces everything else.

We're asking for Reaper to search the project folder for same_name.new_extension and have that part done with just an OK prompt.

Not in the same project folder? Fair enough to be forced to manually search.
Still in the very same project folder? Come on now!

That's really the long and short of it.
Reaper doesn't consider to even look initially.

I can only guess but I'd bet the above outburst came about from fat fingering that one day and replacing a file with the wrong one. If you want smoke coming out of your ears, that will do it.

PS. I hope I said 'search' vs. 'browse' correctly there. This language gets ambiguous as used too.
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