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Old 04-12-2018, 03:24 AM   #7
Human being with feelings
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Location: Ohio, USA
Posts: 633

Originally Posted by White Tie View Post
Never. Sir. Dude. Look into my eyes, Listen to the soft clicking of the clock. You're feeling drowsy. Let yourself drift into pure relaxation.

Now. When you open your eyes, you will feel refreshed, happy and you will never use reverse_margin again.

.......aaaaand you're back in the room

...and now, thanks to an enterprising user who went on an archaeological expedition through some very old themes, I can present to you...

A brief history of reverse_margin bollocks

This vile and terrible creature was birthed into the world by me. Way back in the def4 theme, mere days after the Frankel declared "let there be WALTER". I wanted to be able to tell some elements on the TCP to react to folder depth, and some not, so I wrote a variable that I could attach to the elements I didn't want to move. And I called it reverse_margin. My intentions were pure. I didn't know my creature would go on a rampage. I swear I didn't knoooowwww.

The Def4 theme was released into a world where there were no other WALTER themes. I hadn't yet finished the WALTER themers' guide. Someone else made a theme, and his theme was very popular. His graphics were good but his WALTER was, understandably, a total mess. He used ALL of my x-alignment code, without understanding why, and because he wanted to replicate the old V3 indenting behaviour, he applied reverse_margin to all his elements. The result was the same as if he had used none of my x-alignment code.

wt_code set pick everything up and put it over there >>>
set anchor <<< pick everything up and put it back over there
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
set thing anchor thing
The end result was that his theme worked fine, and it was popular, and its WALTER was about 1000% easier to understand than that of the Def4 theme. People wanted to try out this WALTER business, so they based their code on his. And so, as a wolf howled beneath a blood moon, the creature was released onto the world. reverse_margin was ...unleashed. And before you knew it, it was everywhere.

In the years that followed, at first I was unaware of the evil I had created. It grew, it festered, and it infected themer's work with its wasteful, pointless and contradictory bullshit. It stayed in the shadows of their rtconfigs, and much time passed before the outer signs of infection were visible. People would ask WALTER questions, and themers would helpfully reply. They would pass on their hard learned lessons. "This is really complicated and difficult, but if you use reverse_margin it sort-of works out OK". These poor souls, I had doomed them to confusion. In a misguided attempt to be supportive, I didn't correct them. No one likes being corrected on the internet, particularly if they're trying to help someone, that's just rude, and I didn't want to be that guy. So I let it slide, and the beast grew in strength.

Years later, it has been discovered, a secondary infection emerged. The beast gave way to its own foul spawn. Themes where the actual code for reverse_margin itself was removed but the themer still attached the (100% non-functional) command to individual elements, like some kind of superstitious invocation. OMG.

Theming is hard, and WALTER can be complicated. reverse_margin makes it harder, more complicated, and is completely unnecessary.

reverse_margin is my creation. I want it dead. On more than one occasion, a reverse_margin user has got really angry when I've tried to explain this. Please, please, understand that I am its creator, and I know all its tricks and strategems, and they're all bollocks. Lets kill it. Kill it dead.

Right. So. Enough of this banter. Read this:

EVERYTHING you need to know about folder indenting if you're doing it from scratch

well thats awesome. I am an engineer and producer and I use what works and dont
sit on the boards all day long waiting
to answer questions and pounce on people
like a cat with my claws out and all I
do on here is praise you like a God and
yet everything I say you condescend
to me like I am a peion. Thats fine and
of course it is your right, and I am
sure that there are alot of little
things that are not perfect in terms
of etiquette in my work but my stuff
works and I have helped people and
in the end thats my aim. At least I
do not upload broken themes, and the
work I do is crisp and clean and does
not look to be scaled and rendered
in PS 5. And thats good enough for me.
I have only been around lately because
I am working on something new and
watching trends. I should stick to
doing what I do.. learning in my
spare time. And since I am not almighty
I will stop posting advice unless it
pertains to recording. I wonder how
many others here have done the same
for the same reasons...pity. and I do
not even post unless I see an unanswered
thread or one where someone has not
received sufficient solution.

Ever in your debt and of course
sincerest apologies,
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