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Old 01-08-2018, 04:11 PM   #25
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 554

First of all, I would like to thank you for coming here. There's literally no one one interested in OSC or osscii-bot, except, maybe, Michael and goldenpharazon. And my related questions are almost always left unanswered.

Originally Posted by Justin View Post

oscSelTrackVolStr = 0;
oscparm(0,'s', oscSelTrackVolStr+trackNumber); // for track number 1, use global string index 1, track number 2 use string index 2, etc.
printf("Track Number: %d Value: %s\n",trackNumber,oscSelTrackVolStr+trackNumber);
This one seems to works. I'll use it. Thanks a lot!

Originally Posted by Justin View Post
Finally, I should mention that if possible, it's probably a good idea to avoid keeping string copies of things. E.g. if you have a string which represents a volume, convert it to a number, store that, and convert back to a string on demand.
The thing is that I started implementing LCD feedback into my script and the first task was to display track names (fx names), not numbers. Volume strings are used here mostly as an example, since it's faster to adjust volume fader to check for changes, instead of renaming tracks.

Originally Posted by Justin View Post
P.S. if you want to debug what a string points to, you can use something like:
v="some string";
printf("string: %d='%s'\n", v,v);
v = #str;
printf("string: %d='%s'\n", v,v);
This would also be useful.

I have a question about MIDIACTION and MIDILISTACTION. What is their purpose? Is it possible to use them in relative/absolute modes?
If I want to control "Adjust solo in front dim (MIDI CC/mousewheel only)" (action 987) with an encoder/pot via OSC, what command should I send to Reaper and what should be sent as an argument to this command?
Related thread:

I've made a post last year about "learn" action, which is only working, when called via midi command, hotkey or from the action list, but not when it was assigned to the osc command.
Thread with demonstration:

I'm also wondering of, how to assign encoder to the internal .ReaperOSC actions, like "n/track/volume", considering that encoder sends +1/+65 when turned CW/CCW and there's no appropriate settings in .ReaperOSC.
The same is true for assigning OSC commands to actions in the action list. "CC mode" button becomes disabled, and there's no similar button for osc, where it would be possible to set control type, like relative/absolute/etc.
Loosely related thread here:

Is it possible for you to check those questions and answer in those threads or just here? Thanks in advance.
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