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Old 03-02-2016, 11:50 AM   #61
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 340

I think we might want to take particular note of external apps like ControllerMate, MidiPipe, MIDIHarmonizer and now TransMIDIfier that composers are turning to in order to solve problems like this and ask "what are they bringing to the game, what problems are they solving, that makes them compelling enough to overcome the extra complexity of using them as add-ons?" and think about what might be done to incorporate the same sort of functionality internally. This of course has much more far-reaching consequences than simply notation; it stands a chance of making the MIDI engine itself vastly more powerful.

What these external apps add is the ability to route and translate MIDI from one thing to another - basically the model for us might be the Environment in Logic, except with the addition of saveable presets that can be freely exported and swapped (this was often a whopping PITA with the environment). Basically such a layer would allow [any notation or MIDI gesture] mapped to [any notation or MIDI gesture] with flexibility around re-channelization, scaling of values etc. It would ideally be integrated into Reaper at a much more basic level than plugins, include an architecture to export and import settings and affect the notation editor as well.

This would be pretty ambitious. but allow for some extraordinary things, amongst which would be the capability to include both percussion and articulation in it.
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