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Old 11-24-2020, 10:56 AM   #26
Geoff Waddington
Human being with feelings
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
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Originally Posted by WaveTrans View Post
Many thanks, Geoff!

That works for FX.
I set up the surfaces as 1/0/0 and 8/8/8 and when I open an FX menu, a selected FX maps to the surface

Please allow two more questions.

1) How to set up sends? So that they are mapped when the sends menu is opened?

I tried "OnTrackSelection MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets" but then the 8 channels stay in sends mode.

2) Reaper crashes when I select certain FX.zones like the one below, crashes occur in all project environments.

EDIT: Iīm not so shure anymore, if this is limited to certain FX.zones. Sometimes switching between a couple of FX letīs reaper crash, rarely it works all normal and selecting the next track and the fxmenu on it will crash reaper.

crashes initiated by selecting ReaComp, ReaVerb and ReaVerbate and some more vst plugins

This is independent of the setup 1/0/0 or 1/1/1 8/8/8 of the surfaces

Also happens with the build from 2020/11/17 and all previous builds of CSI1.0

Zone "VST: ReaComp (Cockos)" "ReaComp"
	DisplayUpper1	FXParamNameDisplay "0" "Thresh"
	DisplayLower1 	FXParamNameDisplay "16" "AutoRelease"
	Fader1 	     	FXParam            "0" "Thresh"
	Rotary1         FXParam 	   "0" "Thresh"     [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush1     FXParam             "16" "AutoRelease" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper2	FXParamNameDisplay "2" "Attack"
	Fader2 	        FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" 
	Rotary2         FXParam 	   "2" "Attack" [ 0.0>1.0 ] 
	RotaryPush2     FXParam            "2" "Attack" [ 0.0 0.003 0.006  ]

	DisplayUpper3	FXParamNameDisplay  "3" "Release"
        Fader3 	        FXParam 	   "3" "Release"
	Rotary3         FXParam 	    "3" "Release" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush3     FXParam             "3" "Release" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02  ]
	DisplayUpper4	FXParamNameDisplay "1" 	"Ratio"
	DisplayLower4 	FXParamValueDisplay "1" "Ratio"
	Fader4 	        FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary4         FXParam 	    "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush4 	FXParam             "1" "Ratio" [ 0.0 0.01 0.02 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper5	FXParamNameDisplay "11" "Wet/Dry"
	DisplayLower5 	FXParamNameDisplay "19" "Bypass"
	Fader5       	FXParam 	   "11" "Wet"    [ 0.0>1.5 ]
	Rotary5         FXParam            "10" "Dry"    [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush5     FXParam            "19" "Bypass" [ 0.0 1.0 ]
 	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "4" "PreComp"
	DisplayLower6 	FXParamNameDisplay "15" "AutoMkUp"
	Fader6          FXParam             "4" "Pre-comp" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	Rotary6         NoAction
	RotaryPush6     FXParam            "15" "AutoMkUp"[ 0.0 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper7	FXParamNameDisplay "13" "RMS"
	DisplayLower7 	FXParamNameDisplay "6" "LoP"
	Fader7          FXParam            "13" "RMS size"
	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush7     FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 ]
	DisplayUpper8	FXParamNameDisplay "14" "Knee"
	DisplayLower8 	FXParamNameDisplay "7" "HiP"
	Fader8          FxParam            "14" "Knee"
	Rotary8         FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]
	RotaryPush8     FXParam            "7" "Hipass" [ 0.0 0.00175 0.002 0.005 0.0075 ]
	RotaryPush1 NoAction
	RotaryPush5 NoAction
	RotaryPush6 NoAction

You can just use a button to map the Sends:

someButton MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
Then just GoZone "Home" to get back to normal.

You don't need the / characters at the beginning of empty lines.

As far as the crashes, replace:

	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass" [ 0.0>1.0 ]

	Rotary7         FXParam            "6" "Lowpass"
and see if it stops crashing.
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