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Old 11-30-2018, 05:19 PM   #1746
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 358
Default More midi editing without opening the midi editor.

Here is the list of things I used to do and miss after moving to Reaper from Cubase.

"Set fixed velocity for all notes inside a midi item to __"
I had programmed the logical editor to do this at the set values of 21, 31, 41 etc as I listed in the previous post on this thread. I have these buttons and they work in the midi editor but why do I have to open the midi editor?

"Compress and expand midi velocities"
again it works if I open the midi editor but if I know I need to do it why do I have to open the midi editor?

"Quantize to grid" I am using the Steve script sr_quantize to grid now and it works but I have to zoom in because the grid is only relative so if I hit Q when I am zoomed out I get whole notes or bigger. I wish it just would quantize to the grid. I use Shift Q for the human 50% quantize and these things together work great except for the fact I have to zoom in.

Does anyone have these or are you able to make them? If so I will sponsor them. Please let me sponsor them... This will save me about a day or two every year.
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