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Old 04-30-2017, 12:27 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 33
Default Getting started with WDL in 2017

Hi guys. I'm having trouble getting off the ground.

I need a bit of help getting this all straight, and understanding what old stuff to ignore.

My current understanding is this:
* Iplug is a cuckos framework for plugins & audio sockets/streams.
* WDL is a variety of useful stuff - and includes Iplug.
* WDL no longer includes iplug - a fork of WDL, WDL-OL proved more maintained.

This has really thrown me off. I accidentally downloaded WDL-OL, went through the procedure to install it, only to find the example Visual Studio projects are ancient and don't compile in Visual Studio 2015.

To be up to date and new, should I download Cuckos WDL, but then download the Iplug from WDL-OL?

Furthermore - how do I even get started making an audio plugin with WDL? Do I need to use WDL? Or just iplug?

Am I plagued to install Visual Studio 2003? Does everyone else do that?

I have Visual Studio Community 2015 and anticipate others will use even more recent Visual Studios in the future.

Whats the approach I should be taking? Are there any baby-toys examples for me to follow? Can someone perhaps show me their workflow? I'm dying to get started, but there's a bit too much forking and binary rot going on thats confusing me no end.

Heeelp <3
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