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Old 01-16-2015, 09:19 AM   #49
Human being with feelings
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Posts: 417

Originally Posted by FnA View Post
I don't really want content moving when adjusting the barlines. Seems like it's working like that now(edit-in pre 5c). I can venture that some might wish to use time sigs to create rhythmic effects, but other than possibly maxdis' post a few back, I haven't really seen anyone asking for that.
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing, but I feel that adding and removing spaces is exactly as it should work; if I change a measure from 4/4 to 6/4 in a given musical piece, I'm expecting that all the content after that will shift later by 2/4. This is not a rhythmic effect, but a basic music rhythm behaviour. If you take a notation editor software, and change a measure tim sig from 4/4 to 6/4, the software will add a 2/4 rest before the end of that measure.
Of course the new space should add perfectly to the misure new lenght: in Justin example, it seems to work perfectly on the 4/4 to 9/8 change, because a 1/8 space is added, but in the other ones the space added is way too much...

Anyway, if people prefer to have no space added/removed on time changes, at least let's make it optional for those of us who prefer to have it working in the way notation software does.
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