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Old 07-21-2011, 09:12 AM   #1
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Default REAPER on OSX Lion, 3.76 crash workaround and fix

OSX Lion 10.7 appears to come with an improper installation of Python 2.7. Because of this, REAPER will crash immediately when opening the Actions window. (Or if REAPER was saved with the Actions window open, it will crash immediately on startup.)

We will release REAPER version 3.77 soon that disallows Python 2.7 on OSX and falls back to 2.6 (which is also shipped with OSX Lion), and REAPER 4.0beta16 will have the fix as well. We will also add a user preference to prevent REAPER from even looking for Python/Perl.

In the meantime, the workaround is inconvenient but will prevent the crash.

1. Open the file /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/REAPER/reaper.ini. Clicking the file should open it in TextEdit.

Annoying note! OSX Lion makes it much harder to access <username>/Library. By default, that folder will not appear in the Finder. The "official" way is to open the Finder, open the Go menu, then hold down the Option key. Alternatively, open Applications/Utilities/Terminal and type "chflags nohidden ~/Library". This Lion behavior will cause all sorts of inconvenience for advanced REAPER users who are familiar with the REAPER inifiles.

2. In the reaper.ini file, locate the line that contains just the word "[REAPER]". Immediately below that line, insert the line "pythonlib=libpython.2.6.dylib".

When you restart REAPER, it should not crash.


Technical details:

As far as we can tell, the problem is simply a faulty installation of Python 2.7. The Python dylib loads fine and gives out function pointers, but on the very first call to Py_Initialize() it crashes within Python giving "IOError: invalid Python installation". Hopefully Apple will fix this in a future Lion update.

For expert users, if the Python 2.7 installation gives you other problems that are not related to REAPER, you can open a terminal and run "sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libpython.2.6.dylib /usr/lib/libpython.dylib" to make 2.6 the default Python install on your machine. But please don't do this unless you have a good understanding of what it means.
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