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Old 05-28-2020, 01:20 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
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Default Video thumbnail scripts

REAPER doesn't currently have the option to display video thumbnails in video items, so I uploaded two scripts that offer a (somewhat hackish) workaround:

* js_Video - Extract thumbnails of video items to empty, MIDI or video processor items

This script extracts thumbnail images from selected video items, and adds the thumbnails to selected empty items, MIDI items or dedicated video processor.

These empty/MIDI/processor items can be added manually at hitpoints, or alternatively, empty items can be added by the script "mrlimbic_ffprobe scene detect.lua", which creates empty items at scene (or camera/line) cuts.

(NOTE: For creating a zoom-responsive "thumbnail track", the "Create thumbnail items" script below is much faster than the "Extract thumbnails" script.)

On Linux, ffmpeg needs to be installed, and on WindowsOS and macOS, an ffmpeg executable is required.

* js_Video - Automatically adjust size of thumbnail items when zooming

If thumbnails are extracted and displayed in static empty items, zooming in will result in messy tiling when the items' pixel widths become longer than the width of the thumbnails, while zooming out will result in tiny, barely visible images when the item widths become shorter.

This script offers a workaround: It runs in the background, and automatically adjusts the width of items containing thumbnail images to the approximate width of the images.

All calculations are performed when zooming, not when scrolling, so the script doesn't interfere with playback or recording.

Although this script is mainly intended to create a zoom-responsive "video thumbnail track", it is also useful for preserving the on-screen aspect ratios of other empty items, such as text items or marker items.

EDIT: Third script:
* js_Video - Create thumbnail items in selected track for selected video items

This script creates thumbnail items at regular spacing along the entire lengths of selected video items, and is much faster than the first script, which adds images to pre-existing, irregularly spaced empty items.

Last edited by juliansader; 05-30-2020 at 12:16 PM.
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