Thread: API features
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Old 08-03-2016, 04:21 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by woodslanding View Post
Is there a command to load a particular VST into a particular slot?
The closest you'll get is:

integer reaper.TrackFX_AddByName(MediaTrack track, string fxname, boolean recFX, integer instantiate)

Reaper doesn't think in terms of slots the way Pro Tools does - you can't put all your EQs in the third slot, for example, because new plugins are just added to whatever's there.

Some people have used empty JS plugins to fill up their tracks' FX chains and then be able to work as if there were slots, so that's an option for you.

Is there a command to load a particular FXP or FXB to a particular slot?
Not that I can see.

Is there a command to get the complete list of preset names from a VST?
I imagine it's just giving you the first one, since most people are only going to have one synthesizer per track. If it helps, there's also:

string reaper.HasTrackMIDIPrograms(integer track)

to give you the name of the plugin those programs are for.
I'm no longer using Reaper or working on scripts for it. Sorry. :(
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