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Old 02-27-2018, 12:21 AM   #3
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by Philbo King View Post
One possibilty is to create one track with all the desred receives, set up the way you want, then use Duplicate Track. I'm not saying it'll work, but it's worth a try.
Thanks Philbo for taking the time to post your suggestion.

I actually do use that technique sometimes and it is helpful. It works if I want to create things like extra headphone mixes, more FX busses or additional decoding tracks but it has limits.
The most limiting factor there is that I usually create most of my busses early in the mix. Then, as the mix gets more complex, I still have to add a send from each new track to the busses and manually select each one and change them from sending only the first two channels to sending all 16 channels.

I guess the best option would be to have the ability to tell REAPER to always create sends with the full channel count of the track.

In simpler terms, if I drag a send from a 16 channel track to another 16 channel track, I want that send to be 16 channels, not just the first 2 channels.
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