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Old 12-21-2017, 05:22 PM   #65
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by ashcat_lt View Post
Well, I expect that you'll move the VCA fader and it will change the level of the the mix going into the compressor, which will make the compressor respond differently, and then you'll have to adjust something somewhere to compensate, so you're not saving much in time or convenience.
Your right, and I think Andy and I discussed this somewhere in this thread. That would primarily be a compressor, or any FX that reacts to the input.

I don't think I've ever put a compressor on a folder or a buss track. Actually as I think about it, I do put one on a bus occasionally, but that's mainly when I'm recording vocals or something like that, to even out the level in the ear phones.

I mean, I skimmed the rest of the thread, and didn't see where that part was mentioned. It was kind of the whole point of the thread where I originally conceived the idea, and I think it's an important point. Like at least half the reason that I ever bus things together is because I want to squash them as a mix. In fact, for my workflow it's much more important that the level going into the bus stay the same than anything to do with sends.
Yeah, I use busses completely differently, nearly all the busses will be in the MCP where most of my mixing takes place. All my automation, audio, and midi tracks will be in the TCP.

The most important thing is to keep all the sends and destinations of the various tracks set up so they are summed in the right place/buss.

The thing about busses is that, since I start mixing as soon as I've just got a few tracks done or started, I add busses as I need them. Most will survive to the final mix but some are likely not.

For me with busses, I can accommodate any situation that comes up, and that's the beauty of Reaper's routing.
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