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Old 03-14-2018, 09:41 AM   #10
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by schwa View Post
Relative mode is a DBAP implementation. In DBAP you always have signal going to all speakers, unless you are directly on top of one speaker. You can make the individual speaker influence zones smaller, or we can make the rolloff sharper (or configurable), to distribute more signal to closer speakers and less to distant speakers. But the only way to pan from left rear to right front without any signal in other speakers is to solo left rear and right front.
I won't be hard-lined about the left-rear to front right example. It was just an example how I don't think the "Absolute Grid" mode would fix what we need, while leaving "Relative" as it is.

RobinGShore has laid out the issues with Relative mode that, while drastically closer than the former absolute only mode, is still not quite what our project delivery requirements will accept.


Basically the expected behavior for everything is as follows:

-Regardless of front/back position, if the puck is positioned 100% left or right there should be nothing coming through the center channel

-Regardless of front/back position, if the puck is positioned between left and center, there should be nothing coming through the front right, and vice versa

-Regardless of front/back position, if the puck is positioned dead center between left and right, there should be nothing coming out the front left or front right.
The solution is beyond my skill set. I don't know about the formulas and all that. I don't know what the Pro Tools panner is doing (and other similar panners), but its still the result we/I need one way or the other. mrlimbic has been reverse engineering it so I'm curious to give that a try too.
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