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Old 04-07-2020, 12:44 PM   #826
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Paris / France
Posts: 301

Hi all,

I have two questions, probably for Christian. I have a jsfx (MIDI CC Mapper X) which is in the ReaTeam official repository, that I'm currently extending through some data files located in the <REAPER_RESOURCE>/Data/<JSFX_NAME> directory. These files are potentially editable/creatable/readable by a user, so they are written/generated in a custom ascii format.

1) When called from a jsfx, file_open has two modes, binary or text, that will change the behaviour of file_* functions ; but this mode cannot be chosen through the api. It's detected by reaper from the file extension (as I unterstand it, *.txt triggers the text mode, all other extensions trigger the binary mode, but I can't be totally sure about this). Anyway : since my file format is an ascii format, I need those files to be opened in text mode for parsing, thus, their extension is .txt . The problem is that the txt extension is registered by reapack as "MIDI Notes Names", so as I understand, to avoid a clash during indexation and to avoid those files to be indexed as main packages, they need to be tagged with @noindex (the uploader gave me a hint about this). Just for confirmation : should my parser be aware of potential reapack tags for my own txt file format (my understanding is "yes", and I've potentially resolved this by considering that any line beginning with @ is a comment)?

2) There will be a large number of those files (100+), they're kind of a library. Using the uploader is not very convenient for that precise case (otherwise, it's an awesome tool!). So, I was thinking about a git fork + PR instead of using the uploader. Also, that would potentially allow me to run reapack-index on my own fork and test it before creating an official pull request that could be broken (one never knows, the probability to make a mistake is higher with so many files). I could also make use of the wildcard feature of the @provides functionnality, which is not possible through the uploader. So what's the policy of not using the uploader for the official repositories ? Is it ok, discouraged, not accepted ?

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