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Old 11-04-2012, 06:43 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Tom Drinkwater View Post
* have the lookahead respond only to the lookahead signal, not the current signal as well, or, make the behaviour switchable between the current behaviour and lookahead only.

I don't yet understand exactly when reacomp responds to the current signal and when it uses the future signal, I'll have to think some more about that. Does it always use whichever would result in greater compression?
If compression (call it Comp-A) is in process, regardless if from current or Pre-Comp conditions, it will continue until it reaches a release condition at which point its release begins. As soon as it hits that release point, it also begins to check the current signal as well as the look-ahead signal for a new compression trigger. When it finds one, it starts the compression envelope from whatever state it's at. And if it finds one at the first sample of the release (e.g., Pre-Comp says release, but current conditions says compress), compression takes precedence and it continues Comp-A.

What's interesting about the example is the bump on the latter part of the mid-section. The leading edge of the bump is the start of the compression envelope due to the CURRENT conditions. It is a compressor going from a lower level to a higher level, hence the "inverted envelope".

Regarding your suggestions, the second one would absolutely have to be switchable with the current design as the default. With your change, there would be many situations like Section D of the example in the Summary where compression is needed because of current conditions but would not be applied if checked only by the Pre-Comp conditions.
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