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Old 12-07-2019, 01:47 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by deeb View Post
Thanks Vagelis! , but could you make a licecap doing what i am doing with a loop in this licecap but in Bitwig ? Would be much more easier to understand and easier perception then by reading

Adjusting the start of the loop in ableton, is similar with the adjust start modifier in Reaper when you drag the left edge of the item with the only difference that in reaper the item length is changing. That’s not possible in bitwig I think..
Adjusting the end of the loop in ableton is similar with the adjust end modifier in Reaper when you drag the right edge of the item, with the same difference that the item’s length is changing. Which is great and something new.
In Bitwig you can do the same by dragging the line-separator on the item, just as with midi items in Reaper, without changing item’s length.

Dragging the loop in ableton (both start,end), to select a new portion of the sample is similar with the ”adjust loop source start/end by dragging media item contents” modifier in Reaper. In bitwig is possible also as it is shown in the gif when the contents are sliding.

What you did by dragging the cursor (start marker) and sliding the contents, is similar to move item contents modifier in Reaper and is not possible in bitwig because when the items are looped, it treats them like they ‘re pooled. So sliding contents in bitwig works just as our new modifier adjust by dragging contents when the item is looping.
Something that i ‘ve noticed in ableton is that sliding the contents moves the line separators also.

*EDIT: i made another test to check better the start marker in ableton, if you move it after or before the start of the loop and then move the start of the loop, it offsets the start of the whole looping section, meaning that the first separator offsets to the right, as all the others after it. This is useful to shift the whole looped section and start to loop e.g from the middle of the item to the end of it . Which means that the first half of the item doesn’t loop.
That would be a nice addition for Reaper.

*All I think that we need is another adjust start/end, or just adjust end modifier, that will change the loop length on the item, without changing its length.

Last edited by Vagelis; 12-08-2019 at 01:23 PM.
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