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Old 11-07-2017, 08:38 AM   #2
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Leicester, Eng
Posts: 55
Default Grayscale Spectral Editing

I've been looking into this a little bit, concerning spectral editing in grayscale and was reminded of it again last night watching "The Farthest", the documentary on the Voyager space program.
Grayscale imaging is used when finer detail becomes necessary. When the scientists were getting images ready for the public, they took them through a lot of filters to make the overall view "prettier" and show the public that there ARE differences to be found. But when actually working with the images, they went back to grayscale in order to focus on differences and analyze the information better.

I've also run into a couple of studies and demos on the subject and found some confirmation via NASA (again) and Edward Tufte's books on data visualization.

We've been using AudioSculpt since somewhere around 1997 and I've never seen anyone working in the color palettes unless they were doing screenshots for printing.

So... I'll leave it there. Hope that helps.

Also, and I don't know why, but spectral editing seems to be easier in grayscale. When we teach Audiosculpt the first thing we do after we have the students get a good look at the color choices, is have them all switch to grayscale for the assignments. It does make things quicker and easier to see.

Thanks again,


Last edited by rick; 11-07-2017 at 08:47 AM.
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