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Old 05-10-2016, 08:59 AM   #33
Geoffrey Chaney
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by willowhaus View Post
I'm starting a thread for links to outside resources for the complete newbie. We've encountered a few true beginners to the craft lately, and it seems apparent that some folks that end up here need to start at Square One. This is the place to point them there.

We've all been there before - but sometimes, as we get further down the road, we forget how complicated it seems from the outside. Let's help the new people to take advantage of the vast resources of the WWW! Post your favorite tutorials here!

To get things started: Here is a link to a getting-started tutorial that starts with general instructions, then goes on to list specific ones with Audacity, Krystal, and (wha?!?) Reaper.

If I have two vocal recordings each recorded at different time (both singing the same song) and I put them both into Reaper on separate tracks, is there a way I can synchronize them so they sound like they were singing their songs together. I have a fair know knowledge Reaper but this is somehow getting past me. Thank you.
Geoffrey Chaney
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