v7.17 - June 26 2024
+ Actions: add actions to clear or delete takes on selected tracks based on up-ranked/down-ranked state
+ Actions: add actions to up-rank or down-rank take under mouse
+ Actions: add actions to split media items at take markers (all takes)
+ Actions: improve description of actions to change crossfade-on-split options
+ Actions: improve description of actions to move loop points to time selection, move time selection to loop points
+ Actions: improve performance of imploding fixed lanes to takes
+ Actions: move/copy contents of time selection to edit cursor now obeys edit cursor/time selection preference for new cursor position
+ Actions: update description of MIDI editor save action
+ Actions: update Preferences/Project/Item Fade Defaults after running actions that change options
+ Actions: fix actions to crossfade media items when using free item positioning or fixed lanes
+ Appearance: lower default value for 'hide buttons when take height is less than X pixels' preference
+ API: track previews report project position in absolute_time_s
+ AU: provide track name context info for plugins that request it
+ Automation: add option in Preferences/Buffering to control whether anticipative FX is used on tracks in automation write modes
+ Automation: add options in Preferences/Editing Behavior/Automation to unselect all envelope points in response to various clicks
+ Color theme: add separate take marker color for selected items
+ Color theme: un-deprecate theme elements for unselected marker and region text
+ Color theme: use previous default values as fallbacks for new marker/region theme elements if the theme does not define them
+ Default theme: fix margins on transport selection revealed when text very large
+ Default theme: fix theme transport background color when pure black
+ Default theme: prevent TCP track numbers clipping
+ Default theme: add new Default 7.0 Theme Adjuster
+ Editing: fix auto-crossfading media items when trim behind edits is enabled
+ Glue: preserve color, if all glued items have the same custom color
+ Glue: preserve up-ranked/down-ranked status, if all glued items have the same status
+ Glue: preserve take markers when gluing
+ JSFX: fix load of certain preset/state for various JSFX including IX/MIDI_ and Guitar/Amp Modeler
+ JSFX: fix UTF-8 support for parameter combo boxes on Windows
+ Lanes: add explicit 'Do not add lanes' menu item to Options/'New recording that overlaps existing media item' submenu
+ Lanes: copy source media take name to comping lane
+ Lanes: fix recording into lanes when multiple files are created due to file size limit preference
+ Lanes: ignore setting to automatically remove empty lanes when displaying only one lane
+ Lanes: optimize drawing performance when zoomed in to a track with many lanes
+ Linux: improve knob appearance when using dark mode libSwell.colortheme
+ Localization: support localizing modifier key names
+ macOS: fix quirks with 'show last undo point in title bar' option
+ Marker/region manager: extend existing option to display only take markers in active takes that are within the visible part of the media item
+ Media: fix potential performance/stability issue when replacing media via drag/drop and project bay
+ Media import: properly handle user canceling import via multiple-item or tempo-match prompts
+ Media import: do not prompt to tempo-match video, image, or tempo-less MIDI files
+ Media import: do not prompt to adjust tempo if tempo is guessed and file is more than 8 measures long
+ Media import: when dragging in media from media explorer with suggested tempo and user asks to adjust media, do so
+ Media import: add preference to prompt to adjust media or project bpm if media tempo is guessed from file length
+ Media items: add action to delete all takes that are not up-ranked
+ Media items: add action to import media cues as take markers
+ Media items: don't show locked item button when items are too small
+ MIDI editor: add action to set measure grid
+ MIDI editor: add action to toggle snap to key signature
+ MIDI editor: filter out events with invalid timestamps when loading
+ MIDI editor: fix adding/editing of Port events in list editor
+ MIDI editor: fix displaying length for multiple selected notes with mixed time signatures
+ MIDI editor: fix latent response of actions to move CC events by pixel/grid
+ Mouse modifiers: add media item left-click modifiers to split items with crossfade left/right/center
+ Mouse modifiers: add media item mouse modifiers to split item ignoring snap
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifiers to split razor edits with crossfade to inside, outside, or center
+ Mouse modifiers: fix media item left-click actions being ignored when clicking on bottom half of item
+ Peaks: display loudness peaks/tooltips correctly when a media item consists of a subset of channels of a multichannel file
+ Peaks: use new loudness peaks file format which supports per-channel loudness, previously-calculated loudness peaks may be automatically recalculated
+ Pin connector/channel mapping control: support mousewheel vertical scroll if the mouse is anywhere in the grid
+ Preferences: create new General/Undo tab for undo-related settings
+ Preferences: create new Appearance/Ruler/Grid tab for ruler/grid-related settings
+ Quantize items: fix potential crash when running action to quantize items to grid
+ Razor edits: default actions/behaviors that split at razor edit edges crossfade to the inside by default, rather than to the right
+ ReaScript: support rendering multichannel media using RenderFileSection()
+ ReaVerb: improve list scrollbar behavior
+ Recording: add global option for whether to record into an existing fixed lane if there is space available
+ Recording: all tracks, including fixed lane tracks by default, obey project overlapping recording behavior
+ Recording: fixed lane tracks can override project overlapping recording behavior
+ Recording: recording into a fixed lane track with overlapping recording behavior set to 'do not add lanes' will record into an existing lane only
+ Recording: respect project settings for how to handle overlapping recording when in item auto-punch record mode
+ Recording: fix potential rounding error when gaplessly switching files during recording
+ Region/marker manager: display length for take markers
+ Region/marker manager: improve display when marker color has been manually set to the default color
+ Render: support multichannel media when drag/drop rendering item
+ Render: add render setting to preserve source media sample rate if possible
+ Render: update some render dialog controls when output file name changes
+ Render: when rendering multiple files at once, support writing render statistics HTML per file or combined
+ Retroactive MIDI recording: fix potential incorrect behavior when as multiple takes during playback
+ Sends: fix multichannel downmix when receiving track has fewer channels than source send
+ Split: add global preference to crossfade left/right/center when splitting
+ Split: add actions to change crossfade left/right/center preference, cycle through preferences
+ Split: legacy actions to split (select left, force crossfade left) will ignore new global preference
+ Split: hide legacy actions to split (select left, force crossfade left) in actions list; existing custom actions and scripts will still work
+ Split: respect crossfade-left, crossfade-center, crossfade-right preference when splitting at grid, markers, or cues
+ Split: deselect unaffected media items after actions to split at mouse
+ Split: fix behavior when crossfade would extend beyond item start/end
+ Split: add actions to split items at time selection or razor edit, crossfading to inside, outside, or center
+ Split: all actions to split at time selection (crossfading to inside, outside, or center) will split on razor edits, if any exist
+ Take markers: add actions to create or delete take marker within time selection
+ Take markers: avoid possible crash when editing or deleting take markers on currently-recording items
+ Take markers: sync comping and source lanes after deleting take marker
+ Take markers: sync source edits to take markers from source lane to comping lane
+ Take markers: reverse-sync edits to take markers from comping lane back to source lane
+ Take markers: support copying take markers via ctrl/cmd-drag
+ Take markers: support editing take marker position in take marker dialog
+ Take markers: support length parameter for take markers
+ Take markers: add preference for 1-5 up-rank levels (default=3), 0-1 down-rank levels (default=1)
+ Take markers: when adding take markers to media items in the comping lane, update the associated media items in the source lane, as well as any other comping lane items that are synced with that source item
+ Takes: add 'at mouse' versions of actions to delete takes based on up-rank/down-rank marks
+ Takes: actions to delete takes based on take ranking markers only consider visible take markers
+ Takes: add actions to add up-ranked/down-ranked take markers at 1 second or 2 seconds before play position, if playing back
+ Takes: add actions to clear up-rank/down-rank take markers
+ Takes: add actions to cycle through up-rank/down-rank levels
+ Takes: add actions to split at take markers
+ Takes: add actions to up-rank/down-rank take or clear rankings within time selection
+ Takes: add context menu for take up-rank/down-rank markers
+ Takes: add default arrange_takemarker cursor
+ Takes: move take markers context submenu, now adjacent to stretch markers context submenu
+ Track spacers: fix removing track spacers from mixer
+ Undo: add option in preferences to control whether MIDI event selection creates undo points
+ VST3: support IPluginFactory3::setHostContext with IRunLoop support on Linux
+ Wildcards: support lower-casing all letters of the substitution (see wildcard help)
+ Windows: improve behavior when unable to overwrite file with UTF-8 characters