Originally Posted by random_id
Wow, this looks great. I can't wait to take a look at the code.
Thanks! I will post the code here as soon as I implement some things.
It will be better to explain better how this will work..
So first of all, you are seeing bitmap background and bitmap knob. As you can see resizing works perfectly and it doesn't show graphical glitches when moving knob.
My goal with this new resizing method is to enable bitmap and vector resizing, and to make it as simple as possible.
The basic idea is to include high resolution images in your plugin binary, then to load that images, resize it, store in new created memory and release old high resolution bitmap so that you don't waste RAM. In that way we could have plugin that uses only bitmaps and that have really nice graphics on all sizes. Also, in this way we don't waste any CPU cycles as rescalling is happening only once at control construction.