Originally Posted by bjohn
The "vertical" approach is to have the takes lined up vertically so they all start at the beginning of the timeline, which makes it easier to find the same passage across alternative takes: you just look down instead of hunting to the right and left across horizontal takes that can stretch on for hours (but are separated by markers for easy navigation). The vertical takes obviously won't line up perfectly due to differences in tempo across takes, but this comes a little closer, at least in terms of visual alignment, to the comping workflow typically used when music is recorded to a click track.
That makes a lot of sense, and explains why hiding the child tracks (of a multitrack project) will be vital to keeping it visually manageable. What Reaper won’t do (and Pyramix apparently can) is to line up the take beginning’s automatically….I don’t know if this is done via audio or visual comparison AI means ? I hardly think that’s a fatal flaw however….and can easily imagine a variety of scenarios where either the vertical or horizontal approach might be used differentially….so it’s great to have the choice. Watching BethHarmon run through typical workflows and setups will tie it up very effectively, and open the door for users to suggest alternatives or additions