Problems with Reaper's Side chain system
I'm working on a track and I have found a bug in the Reaper side chain system mostly when using Plugin Alliance/Brainworx plugins.
Reaper doesn't have distinct mono tracks and these plugins, especially the console emulations require this to be able to load their plugins in mono but some time ago, I noticed that some of the bx plugins in my projects would just somehow, load a mono version. It baffled me for a while but I couldn't figure out why. Some of these plugins include the bx_2098EQ and all the bx console emulations.
Yesterday,I was working on a mix using the bx_console Amek 9099 across the entire mix and wanted to do a side chain on one of the tracks seeing as this particular plugin allows for external sidechain. However, as soon as I did the routing as usual, I opened the bx_console Amek 9099 plugin on the track and the plugin had converted and now loaded up in mono and not just that, but the sidechain wasn't working.
I tried to figure out why and found that when a track in reaper has more than 2 Track Channels, it causes these plugins to load in mono instead of stereo. Till now, I haven't been able to figure out a way to make it work.
To reproduce this error, follow the steps below...
1. Create a track in Reaper.
2. Insert any of the bx_console plugins or the bx_2098EQ plugin.
3. Open the track routing and change "Track Channels" to 4.
4. Open the plugin again and you will find that it has converted to a mono plugin.
If like in my case you used the bx_comsole AMEK 9099 plugin for this test, try routing another track to the track, sending to the Aux channels 3-4. Doing this, you will quickly find that the sidechain function cannot work. I have tested extensively and haven't been able to find a workaround.
Please fix this issue.