10-30-2022, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by DenisDangerous
Before update Feedback send rColor/ gColor /bColor, now it sends Color in hex.
Very destructive update for me(((
Are you using TouchOSC?
I came up with a method to convert your current layout to hex pretty quickly. You have to export your layout as xml and search/replace. I can find my post with the instructions if you need or I could even do it for for you if you send me your layout.
10-30-2022, 05:37 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Puck
Are you using TouchOSC?
I came up with a method to convert your current layout to hex pretty quickly. You have to export your layout as xml and search/replace. I can find my post with the instructions if you need or I could even do it for for you if you send me your layout.
Yes. I use touchOSC as display for Novation Launchkey.
10-30-2022, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by DenisDangerous
Also last update broke led feedback...
I use:
Widget PadTop1
AnyPress 90 60 7f
FB_MFT_RGB 90 60 7f
PadTop| TrackSolo { 0 0 0 90 255 0 }
It worked fine for my Novation Launchkey 61 MK1 until the october update
So are you sending the colors via TouchOSC only or are you also sending the colors to the hardware LaunchKey's pads? What happens if you send:
PadTop| TrackSolo { 0 0 1 90 255 0 }
I'm trying to figure out if the changeover to Hex broke something (which would be the case in TouchOSC) or if the recent MFT color changes broke something. In my case, the MFT changes did indeed break my setup when sending { 0 0 0 } or nothing at all, which gets interpreted as "buttons off" now, and in the past, were just ignored so the lights remained on.
10-30-2022, 09:28 AM
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Funkybot
So are you sending the colors via TouchOSC only or are you also sending the colors to the hardware LaunchKey's pads? What happens if you send:
PadTop| TrackSolo { 0 0 1 90 255 0 }
I'm trying to figure out if the changeover to Hex broke something (which would be the case in TouchOSC) or if the recent MFT color changes broke something. In my case, the MFT changes did indeed break my setup when sending { 0 0 0 } or nothing at all, which gets interpreted as "buttons off" now, and in the past, were just ignored so the lights remained on.
Here my output FB_MFT_RGB with old and new CSI versions
TrackSolo { 0 0 0 0 255 0 }
new old
OUT->Launchkey 61 90 60 2b OUT->Launchkey 61 90 60 2b
OUT->Launchkey 61 91 60 2f
new old
OUT->Launchkey 61 91 60 11 OUT->Launchkey 61 90 60 00
TrackRecordArm { 0 0 0 0 75 255 }
new old
OUT->Launchkey 61 90 70 07 OUT->Launchkey 61 90 70 07
OUT->Launchkey 61 91 70 2f
new old
OUT->Launchkey 61 91 70 11 OUT->Launchkey 61 90 70 00
10-30-2022, 09:40 AM
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I'm a bit surprised that the FB_MFT_RGB widget ever worked with the Launchkey. It wasn't designed for that purpose. There was some "very specific to the MFT device" code in there from what the little I know.
Geoff or Diesel may need to way in as I'm a bit out of my depth here. Maybe even might want to rollback those last MFTwister changes since they may have broken a few setups, my own included.
In the meantime, have you tried messing around with different values in the colors to see what happens? Does any change in color occur on the hardware? Hex values? The SendMIDIMessage action? Different feedback processors? Some experimentation may be warranted. I'd also try to find a MIDI implementation chart for the device for clues (maybe the manual). I like using MIDI-OX to send arbitrary MIDI messages to my MFTwister when I'm trying to figure out what does what.
10-30-2022, 09:48 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Funkybot
I'm a bit surprised that the FB_MFT_RGB widget ever worked with the Launchkey. It wasn't designed for that purpose. There was some "very specific to the MFT device" code in there from what the little I know.
Geoff or Diesel may need to way in as I'm a bit out of my depth here. Maybe even might want to rollback those last MFTwister changes since they may have broken a few setups, my own included.
In the meantime, have you tried messing around with different values in the colors to see what happens? Does any change in color occur on the hardware? Hex values? The SendMIDIMessage action? Different feedback processors? Some experimentation may be warranted. I'd also try to find a MIDI implementation chart for the device for clues (maybe the manual). I like using MIDI-OX to send arbitrary MIDI messages to my MFTwister when I'm trying to figure out what does what.
There is no tech manuals for MK1. Let me make a color table with midi values and Jeff will implement it. FB_LAUNCHKEY_MK1)) I think it also will works with launchpad mk1 and other novation controllers with RG leds
10-30-2022, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by DenisDangerous
In manual only this:
OnInitialization Broadcast Home SelectedTrackFXMenu SelectedTrackSend SelectedTrackReceive SendButtons
Maybe Geoff should add something like:
OnInitialization Broadcast SubZone "SubZoneName"
Something like that would be great to take advantage of Surfaces with Extenders when mapping complex plug-ins, like Synths, for example.
10-30-2022, 08:09 PM
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Puck
Thanks, but I use my own and already fix it))
function onReceiveOSC(message, connections)
local path = message[1]
local arguments = message[2]
local trackid = path:match "(track[1-8])"
local trackmst = path:match "(master)"
local modecolor = path:match "(Color)"
if (modecolor) then
trackcol = arguments[1].value:match "#([0-9a-f]+)"
if(trackid and modecolor) then
self.children[trackid].children.name.color = trackcol
self.children[trackid].children.tracknum.color = trackcol
self.children[trackid].children.fader.color = trackcol
self.children[trackid].children.pan.color = trackcol
self.children[trackid].children.fadervalue.color = trackcol
self.children[trackid].children.panname.color = trackcol
if(trackmst and modecolor) then
self.children[trackmst].children.name.color = trackcol
self.children[trackmst].children.fader.color = trackcol
self.children[trackmst].children.fadervalue.color = trackcol
10-30-2022, 08:23 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 30
Geoff, Funkybot
Maybe add something RAW feedback support?
For example:
BottomPad| TrackSendPrePost [ 1 2 3 ] { SendMIDIMessage"90 60 2b" SendMIDIMessage"90 60 05" SendMIDIMessage"90 60 1d" }
BottomPad| TrackSendPrePost [ 1 2 3 ] { SendOSCMessage"/sendmodecolor, #ff0000ff" SendOSCMessage"/sendmodecolor, #00ff00ff" SendOSCMessage"/sendmodecolor, 0000ffff" }
And one more... Is it possible to add slot number display for sends\receives\fxes just for indicate slot number. Also please add channels display for send\receive...
Last edited by DenisDangerous; 10-30-2022 at 11:02 PM.
10-31-2022, 12:49 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 30
GoTrackReceive doesn`t work
GoTrackReceive doesn`t work. Please somebody check in last Exp CSI version.
FXBypassDisplay also does not work. In last stable too...
FXMenuNameDisplay shows only no map.
Last edited by DenisDangerous; 10-31-2022 at 01:32 AM.
10-31-2022, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by DenisDangerous
FXMenuNameDisplay shows only no map.
As far as I know, it will show "No Map" as long as you don't have a .zon file for that particular FX in your FX Zones folder. The file doesn't have to be complete, but, at minimum, it has to have FX name in it. More information here.
10-31-2022, 09:29 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 30
Launchkey MK1 LedFeedback
I test midi values and leds colors.
There are four states of red and green.
0 - no light
1 - low light
2 - mid light
3 - high light
G - green led
R - red led
R0G0 - 00 04 08 0c 40 44 48 4c
R1G0 - 01 05 09 0d 41 45 49 4d
R2G0 - 02 06 0a 0e 42 46 4a 4e
R3G0 - 03 07 0b 0f 43 47 4b 4f
R0G1 - 10 14 18 1c 50 54 58 5c
R1G1 - 11 15 19 1d 51 55 59 5d
R2G1 - 12 16 1a 1e 52 56 5a 5e
R3G1 - 13 17 1b 1f 53 57 5b 5f
R0G2 - 20 24 28 2c 60 64 68 6c
R1G2 - 21 25 29 2d 61 65 69 6d
R2G2 - 22 26 2a 2e 62 66 6a 6e
R3G2 - 23 27 2b 2f 63 67 6b 6f
R0G3 - 30 34 38 3c 70 74 78 7c
R1G3 - 31 35 39 3d 71 75 79 7d
R2G3 - 32 36 3a 3e 72 76 7a 7e
R3G3 - 33 37 3b 3f 73 77 7b 7f
16 led variants with 8 midi values for every
1st values 90 and 91 at begining has same effect
2nd values 60-67 Top Pads, 70-77 Bottom Pads
3rd values from matrix above
I think best of all will be this variant:
Widget TopPad1
FB_Launchkey_MK1 90 60 7f
Widget BottomPad8
FB_Launchkey_MK1 90 77 7f
TopPad| TrackSolo { R0G0 R2G3 }
For TopPad1 sends midi 90 60 00 on soloOff and 90 60 32 on soloOn
BottomPad| TrackMute { R0G0 R3G0 }
For BottomPad2 sends midi 90 71 00 on muteOff and 90 71 03 on muteOn
And also please add "user friendly equivalent" for OnInitialization SendMIDIMessage "90 0C 7F"
Something like: OnInitialization LaunchkeyMK1ExtModeOn
10-31-2022, 07:49 PM
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Posts: 309
Originally Posted by andyp24
Something going wrong for me... I've downloaded the latest Support files (from the Reaper Stash, which I think are the Stable Release ones, is there a different one for the Exp?) and can see the RotaryWidgetClass definitions at the top.
Have restarted Reaper, but it still takes 8 ticks of the XTouch encoder to move the channel pan from <C> to <1>. Even if I change the value of the RotaryWidgetClass tick size to 0.5 it's still taking the same number of ticks from C to 1.
What can I be doing wrong?
Hi Andy, I just got an X-Touch today and followed the wiki instructions to install (using files I downloaded a few hours ago). I'm getting the same thing you did, got a vague idea of what the VST and ZON files do, then found your comments on this thread. Did you find a resolution?
11-01-2022, 01:27 AM
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No, unfortunately I was busy with work for a bit, then away on holiday, so haven't had a chance to come back to it yet.
Now I'm laid up in bed with Covid, so it'll probably be a few more days before I get a chance to investigate further.
I think you do need to be using the Exp builds (not the stable release version) in order for the surface acceleration thing to work, so if you've not done so, that would be the first thing to change.
However, I did install the Exp version and it still wasn't working properly for me.
Hopefully Geoff, Funkybot, MixMonkey or one of the other CSI genuiuses here can help out if they see this?
11-01-2022, 07:04 AM
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Posts: 309
Originally Posted by andyp24
No, unfortunately I was busy with work for a bit, then away on holiday, so haven't had a chance to come back to it yet.
Now I'm laid up in bed with Covid, so it'll probably be a few more days before I get a chance to investigate further.
I think you do need to be using the Exp builds (not the stable release version) in order for the surface acceleration thing to work, so if you've not done so, that would be the first thing to change.
However, I did install the Exp version and it still wasn't working properly for me.
Hopefully Geoff, Funkybot, MixMonkey or one of the other CSI genuiuses here can help out if they see this?
Thanks and feel better.
11-01-2022, 07:11 AM
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Andy, definitely feel better!
MikeMcK, can you post one of your fx.zon files?
11-01-2022, 07:44 AM
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Location: New Joisey
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Originally Posted by andyp24
I think you do need to be using the Exp builds (not the stable release version) in order for the surface acceleration thing to work, so if you've not done so, that would be the first thing to change.
However, I did install the Exp version and it still wasn't working properly for me.
Hopefully Geoff, Funkybot, MixMonkey or one of the other CSI genuiuses here can help out if they see this?
Andy/MikeMcK, make sure you're using the latest version of the X-Touch.mst in the CSI support files that includes this...
RotaryWidgetClass 0.003
JogWheelWidgetClass 0.003
RotaryWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
RotaryWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.0006 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.04 0.08
JogWheelWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
JogWheelWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
JogWheelWidgetClass Val 0.0006 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.04 0.08
And the rotaries that look like this...
EWidget Rotary1 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 10 7f
FB_Encoder b0 10 7f
EWidget Rotary2 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 11 7f
FB_Encoder b0 11 7f
EWidget Rotary3 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 12 7f
FB_Encoder b0 12 7f
EWidget Rotary4 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 13 7f
FB_Encoder b0 13 7f
EWidget Rotary5 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 14 7f
FB_Encoder b0 14 7f
EWidget Rotary6 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 15 7f
FB_Encoder b0 15 7f
EWidget Rotary7 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 16 7f
FB_Encoder b0 16 7f
EWidget Rotary8 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 17 7f
FB_Encoder b0 17 7f
...when combined with the latest EXP that should "just work" with the rotary acceleration regardless of what type of zone you're in.
Now...if that doesn't work it's possible it's a bug with the "EWidget" type. In my own personal X-TouchOne.mst I still have the old standard widget types and it works. So replace EWidget with Widget and try again as shown here...
Widget Rotary1 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 10 7f
FB_Encoder b0 10 7f
Widget Rotary2 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 11 7f
FB_Encoder b0 11 7f
Widget Rotary3 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 12 7f
FB_Encoder b0 12 7f
Widget Rotary4 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 13 7f
FB_Encoder b0 13 7f
Widget Rotary5 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 14 7f
FB_Encoder b0 14 7f
Widget Rotary6 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 15 7f
FB_Encoder b0 15 7f
Widget Rotary7 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 16 7f
FB_Encoder b0 16 7f
Widget Rotary8 RotaryWidgetClass
Encoder b0 17 7f
FB_Encoder b0 17 7f
11-01-2022, 08:42 AM
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Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Andy, definitely feel better!
MikeMcK, can you post one of your fx.zon files?
OK, I had to look that up (just FYI, I am the newest of noobs here; my X-Touch was delivered yesterday afternoon, and I first installed CSI last night).
Tried to follow the instructions you wrote a couple years back, but it said, "Go to your Reaper\CSI\Zones\RawFXZones folder". I don't seem to have that folder. I do have '\REAPER\CSI\Zones\ZoneRawFXFiles', but there are no files in it after running the action.
However, if it helps I did copy the console contents:
Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)"
FXParam 0 "Freq-Low Shelf"
FXParam 1 "Gain-Low Shelf"
FXParam 2 "Q-Low Shelf"
FXParam 3 "Freq-Band 2"
FXParam 4 "Gain-Band 2"
FXParam 5 "Q-Band 2"
FXParam 6 "Freq-Band 3"
FXParam 7 "Gain-Band 3"
FXParam 8 "Q-Band 3"
FXParam 9 "Freq-High Shelf"
FXParam 10 "Gain-High Shelf"
FXParam 11 "Q-High Shelf"
FXParam 12 "Global Gain"
FXParam 13 "Bypass"
FXParam 14 "Wet"
FXParam 15 "Delta"
Also, I probably should have done this before installing the EXP .dll, but didn't see it until after.
11-01-2022, 08:46 AM
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Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Andy/MikeMcK, make sure you're using the latest version of the X-Touch.mst in the CSI support files that includes this...
Hi, yes my .mst looks like that. This is all my first SCI installation (downloaded last night), so there wouldn't have been any other version around.
I did install the EXP .dll and tried again, same result. I'll try the "EWIDGET -> WIDGET" thing tonight.
Don't know if this is at all useful, but I did notice that each click of the X-Touch rotary seems to move the Pan value by 0.1% according to the GUI.
11-01-2022, 08:50 AM
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Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
OK, I had to look that up (just FYI, I am the newest of noobs here; my X-Touch was delivered yesterday afternoon, and I first installed CSI last night).
Tried to follow the instructions you wrote a couple years back, but it said, "Go to your Reaper\CSI\Zones\RawFXZones folder". I don't seem to have that folder. I do have '\REAPER\CSI\Zones\ZoneRawFXFiles', but there are no files in it after running the action.
However, if it helps I did copy the console contents:
Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)"
FXParam 0 "Freq-Low Shelf"
FXParam 1 "Gain-Low Shelf"
FXParam 2 "Q-Low Shelf"
FXParam 3 "Freq-Band 2"
FXParam 4 "Gain-Band 2"
FXParam 5 "Q-Band 2"
FXParam 6 "Freq-Band 3"
FXParam 7 "Gain-Band 3"
FXParam 8 "Q-Band 3"
FXParam 9 "Freq-High Shelf"
FXParam 10 "Gain-High Shelf"
FXParam 11 "Q-High Shelf"
FXParam 12 "Global Gain"
FXParam 13 "Bypass"
FXParam 14 "Wet"
FXParam 15 "Delta"
Also, I probably should have done this before installing the EXP .dll, but didn't see it until after.
You really want to try to stick to the Wiki (link in my signature) for up to date instructions.
These 3 pages in particular are key:
...it's a lot to take in at first but go slow.
If you want a bit of a shortcut, copy and paste the below text into a text editor and name the file "ReaEQ.zon". Place it in your CSI\Zones\XTouch\FXZones\ folder.
Then restart Reaper or run the action to reset all control surfaces. Now, insert ReaEQ on a track and activate the FXMenu. You should see "ReaEQ" on the surface display and pressing RotaryPush should activate that FX Map.
Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)" "ReaEQ"
DisplayUpper1 FXParamNameDisplay 0 "Frq_1"
DisplayLower1 FXParamValueDisplay 0
Toggle+DisplayUpper1 FXParamNameDisplay 2 "Q_1"
Toggle+DisplayLower1 FXParamValueDisplay 2
Rotary1 FXParam 0 [ (0.0003,0.0006,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
Toggle+Rotary1 FXParam 2
RotaryPush1 ToggleChannel
Record1 NoAction
Solo1 NoAction
Mute1 FXParam 13 [ 0.0 1.0 ]
Select1 NoAction
Fader1 NoAction
DisplayUpper2 FXParamNameDisplay 1 "Gain_1"
DisplayLower2 FXParamValueDisplay 1
Rotary2 FXParam 1 [ (0.003,0.006,0.01,0.02,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
RotaryPush2 FXParam 1 [ 0.25 ]
Record2 NoAction
Solo2 NoAction
Mute2 NoAction
Select2 NoAction
Fader2 NoAction
DisplayUpper3 FXParamNameDisplay 3 "Frq_2"
DisplayLower3 FXParamValueDisplay 3
Toggle+DisplayUpper3 FXParamNameDisplay 5 "Q_2"
Toggle+DisplayLower3 FXParamValueDisplay 5
Rotary3 FXParam 3 [ (0.0003,0.0006,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
Toggle+Rotary3 FXParam 5
RotaryPush3 ToggleChannel
Record3 NoAction
Solo3 NoAction
Mute3 NoAction
Select3 NoAction
Fader3 NoAction
DisplayUpper4 FXParamNameDisplay 4 "Gain_2"
DisplayLower4 FXParamValueDisplay 4
Rotary4 FXParam 4 [ (0.003,0.006,0.01,0.02,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
RotaryPush4 FXParam 4 [ 0.25 ]
Record4 NoAction
Solo4 NoAction
Mute4 NoAction
Select4 NoAction
Fader4 NoAction
DisplayUpper5 FXParamNameDisplay 6 "Frq_3"
DisplayLower5 FXParamValueDisplay 6
Toggle+DisplayUpper5 FXParamNameDisplay 8 "Q_3"
Toggle+DisplayLower5 FXParamValueDisplay 8
Rotary5 FXParam 6 [ (0.0003,0.0006,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
Toggle+Rotary5 FXParam 8
RotaryPush5 ToggleChannel
Record5 NoAction
Solo5 NoAction
Mute5 NoAction
Select5 NoAction
Fader5 NoAction
DisplayUpper6 FXParamNameDisplay 7 "Gain_3"
DisplayLower6 FXParamValueDisplay 7
Rotary6 FXParam 7 [ (0.003,0.006,0.01,0.02,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
RotaryPush6 FXParam 7 [ 0.25 ]
Record6 NoAction
Solo6 NoAction
Mute6 NoAction
Select6 NoAction
Fader6 NoAction
DisplayUpper7 FXParamNameDisplay 9 "Frq_4"
DisplayLower7 FXParamValueDisplay 9
Toggle+DisplayUpper7 FXParamNameDisplay 11 "Q_4"
Toggle+DisplayLower7 FXParamValueDisplay 11
Rotary7 FXParam 9 [ (0.0003,0.0006,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
Toggle+Rotary7 FXParam 11
RotaryPush7 ToggleChannel
Record7 NoAction
Solo7 NoAction
Mute7 NoAction
Select7 NoAction
Fader7 NoAction
DisplayUpper8 FXParamNameDisplay 10 "Gain_4"
DisplayLower8 FXParamValueDisplay 10
Rotary8 FXParam 10 [ (0.003,0.006,0.01,0.02,0.003,0.008,0.04) ]
RotaryPush8 FXParam 10 [ 0.25 ]
Record8 NoAction
Solo8 NoAction
Mute8 NoAction
Select8 NoAction
Fader8 NoAction
/Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)"
/ FXParam 0 "Freq-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 1 "Gain-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 2 "Q-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 3 "Freq-Band 2"
/ FXParam 4 "Gain-Band 2"
/ FXParam 5 "Q-Band 2"
/ FXParam 6 "Freq-Band 3"
/ FXParam 7 "Gain-Band 3"
/ FXParam 8 "Q-Band 3"
/ FXParam 9 "Freq-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 10 "Gain-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 11 "Q-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 12 "Global Gain"
/ FXParam 13 "Bypass"
/ FXParam 14 "Wet"
/ FXParam 15 "Delta"
11-01-2022, 08:53 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
I did install the EXP .dll and tried again, same result. I'll try the "EWIDGET -> WIDGET" thing tonight.
Yeah, I really suspect it's this. That's the only obvious difference between my XTouchOne.mst (where pan works with acceleration) and the XTouch.mst (where it apparently doesn't).
11-01-2022, 10:45 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Posts: 11,569
New build is up.
CSI Exp.zip
Tweaked OSC_IntFeedbackProcessor::ForceValue.
Added support for X32 scribble strip colours.
To install you need the CSI Software and Support Files
For installation instructions and documentation see the Wiki
Donate -- via PayPal to waddingtongeoff@gmail.com
11-01-2022, 10:46 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Posts: 11,569
New build is up.
CSI v2_0.zip
Updated it to latest Exp level.
To install you need the CSI Software and Support Files
For installation instructions and documentation see the Wiki
Donate -- via PayPal to waddingtongeoff@gmail.com
11-01-2022, 10:48 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Posts: 11,569
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Yeah, I really suspect it's this. That's the only obvious difference between my XTouchOne.mst (where pan works with acceleration) and the XTouch.mst (where it apparently doesn't).
Acceleration works here on my X-Touch using EWidgets in the .mst
It could use a bit of tuning perhaps, but if I whip the Pan Rotary, I can get from hard left to hard right in about 4-5 quick turns.
To install you need the CSI Software and Support Files
For installation instructions and documentation see the Wiki
Donate -- via PayPal to waddingtongeoff@gmail.com
11-01-2022, 11:00 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
You really want to try to stick to the Wiki (link in my signature) for up to date instructions.
These 3 pages in particular are key:
...it's a lot to take in at first but go slow.
If you want a bit of a shortcut, copy and paste the below text into a text editor and name the file "ReaEQ.zon". Place it in your CSI\Zones\XTouch\FXZones\ folder.
Then restart Reaper or run the action to reset all control surfaces. Now, insert ReaEQ on a track and activate the FXMenu. You should see "ReaEQ" on the surface display and pressing RotaryPush should activate that FX Map.
Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)" "ReaEQ"
DisplayUpper1 FXParamNameDisplay 0 "Frq_1"
DisplayLower1 FXParamValueDisplay 0
OK, my folder structure was not exactly what was written here, so what I did was:
- the original ReaEQ.zon folder was \REAPER\CSI\Zones\X-Touch\FX\Cockos
- it had a ReaEQ.zon file already, so I renamed that one to ReaEQ.zon.ORIG for now
- copy/pasted your file as ReaEQ.zon into that folder
- added ReaEq to a track
- restarted REAPER, added a track and added ReaEQ to it
- channel displays for the 1st two channels on the surface lit up. The first is obviously the frequency ("Frq_1", then "100"). The second is Gain: "Gain_1", "0.0")
- pressing the first rotary pushbutton makes it adjust Q ("Q_1", "2.0"). Pushing the 2nd one doesn't change anything.
The rotaries are still taking small steps... each click on the "gain" control adjusts by 0.1 dB. The frequency control is even finer: it takes 16 "clicks" to move 4.3 Hz
EDIT: I also had a chance to try replacing "EWidget" with "Widget" in the .mst. Seems to be the same behavior.
Last edited by MikeMcK; 11-01-2022 at 12:24 PM.
11-01-2022, 12:55 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
OK, my folder structure was not exactly what was written here, so what I did was:
- the original ReaEQ.zon folder was \REAPER\CSI\Zones\X-Touch\FX\Cockos
- it had a ReaEQ.zon file already, so I renamed that one to ReaEQ.zon.ORIG for now
- copy/pasted your file as ReaEQ.zon into that folder
- added ReaEq to a track
- restarted REAPER, added a track and added ReaEQ to it
- channel displays for the 1st two channels on the surface lit up. The first is obviously the frequency ("Frq_1", then "100"). The second is Gain: "Gain_1", "0.0")
- pressing the first rotary pushbutton makes it adjust Q ("Q_1", "2.0"). Pushing the 2nd one doesn't change anything.
The rotaries are still taking small steps... each click on the "gain" control adjusts by 0.1 dB. The frequency control is even finer: it takes 16 "clicks" to move 4.3 Hz
EDIT: I also had a chance to try replacing "EWidget" with "Widget" in the .mst. Seems to be the same behavior.
Are you on the latest firmware for the X-Touch? If not, update. If yes...
1. Open Reaper
2. Open the action list
3. Run the action "CSI Toggle Show Raw Input from Surfaces"
4. Turn Rotary 1 clockwise, slow first, then faster and faster
You should see something like this:
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 05
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 06
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 04
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 04
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 04
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 04
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 03
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 02
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 01
In the opposite direction it should look like this...
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 41
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 42
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 42
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 43
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 44
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 44
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 44
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 44
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 41
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 46
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 45
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 45
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 45
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 45
IN <- XTouchOne b0 10 45
Does that look right? CCW values of B0 10 41 thru B0 10 46 and CW values of B0 10 01 thru B0 10 06? If yes, jump to my next post. If you're seeing something different, definitely let us know.
11-01-2022, 12:56 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Now what happens if you try this in your ReaEQ.zon
Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)" "ReaEQ"
DisplayUpper1 FXParamNameDisplay 0 "Frq_1"
DisplayLower1 FXParamValueDisplay 0
Toggle+DisplayUpper1 FXParamNameDisplay 2 "Q_1"
Toggle+DisplayLower1 FXParamValueDisplay 2
Rotary1 FXParam 0
Toggle+Rotary1 FXParam 2
RotaryPush1 ToggleChannel
Record1 NoAction
Solo1 NoAction
Mute1 FXParam 13 [ 0.0 1.0 ]
Select1 NoAction
Fader1 NoAction
DisplayUpper2 FXParamNameDisplay 1 "Gain_1"
DisplayLower2 FXParamValueDisplay 1
Rotary2 FXParam 1
RotaryPush2 FXParam 1 [ 0.25 ]
Record2 NoAction
Solo2 NoAction
Mute2 NoAction
Select2 NoAction
Fader2 NoAction
DisplayUpper3 FXParamNameDisplay 3 "Frq_2"
DisplayLower3 FXParamValueDisplay 3
Toggle+DisplayUpper3 FXParamNameDisplay 5 "Q_2"
Toggle+DisplayLower3 FXParamValueDisplay 5
Rotary3 FXParam 3
Toggle+Rotary3 FXParam 5
RotaryPush3 ToggleChannel
Record3 NoAction
Solo3 NoAction
Mute3 NoAction
Select3 NoAction
Fader3 NoAction
DisplayUpper4 FXParamNameDisplay 4 "Gain_2"
DisplayLower4 FXParamValueDisplay 4
Rotary4 FXParam 4
RotaryPush4 FXParam 4 [ 0.25 ]
Record4 NoAction
Solo4 NoAction
Mute4 NoAction
Select4 NoAction
Fader4 NoAction
DisplayUpper5 FXParamNameDisplay 6 "Frq_3"
DisplayLower5 FXParamValueDisplay 6
Toggle+DisplayUpper5 FXParamNameDisplay 8 "Q_3"
Toggle+DisplayLower5 FXParamValueDisplay 8
Rotary5 FXParam 6
Toggle+Rotary5 FXParam 8
RotaryPush5 ToggleChannel
Record5 NoAction
Solo5 NoAction
Mute5 NoAction
Select5 NoAction
Fader5 NoAction
DisplayUpper6 FXParamNameDisplay 7 "Gain_3"
DisplayLower6 FXParamValueDisplay 7
Rotary6 FXParam 7
RotaryPush6 FXParam 7 [ 0.25 ]
Record6 NoAction
Solo6 NoAction
Mute6 NoAction
Select6 NoAction
Fader6 NoAction
DisplayUpper7 FXParamNameDisplay 9 "Frq_4"
DisplayLower7 FXParamValueDisplay 9
Toggle+DisplayUpper7 FXParamNameDisplay 11 "Q_4"
Toggle+DisplayLower7 FXParamValueDisplay 11
Rotary7 FXParam 9
Toggle+Rotary7 FXParam 11
RotaryPush7 ToggleChannel
Record7 NoAction
Solo7 NoAction
Mute7 NoAction
Select7 NoAction
Fader7 NoAction
DisplayUpper8 FXParamNameDisplay 10 "Gain_4"
DisplayLower8 FXParamValueDisplay 10
Rotary8 FXParam 10
RotaryPush8 FXParam 10 [ 0.25 ]
Record8 NoAction
Solo8 NoAction
Mute8 NoAction
Select8 NoAction
Fader8 NoAction
/Zone "VST: ReaEQ (Cockos)"
/ FXParam 0 "Freq-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 1 "Gain-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 2 "Q-Low Shelf"
/ FXParam 3 "Freq-Band 2"
/ FXParam 4 "Gain-Band 2"
/ FXParam 5 "Q-Band 2"
/ FXParam 6 "Freq-Band 3"
/ FXParam 7 "Gain-Band 3"
/ FXParam 8 "Q-Band 3"
/ FXParam 9 "Freq-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 10 "Gain-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 11 "Q-High Shelf"
/ FXParam 12 "Global Gain"
/ FXParam 13 "Bypass"
/ FXParam 14 "Wet"
/ FXParam 15 "Delta"
11-01-2022, 02:10 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Now what happens if you try this in your ReaEQ.zon
OK, so I:
- upgraded f/w from 1.21 to 1.22
- output the surface data, looked pretty much like yours
- shut down REAPER
- replaced ReaEQ.zon with the one in your post
It is a little better when I load ReaEQ and use the knob to adjust frequency (the second strip didn't light up to try adjusting Gain).
Before, I had to turn 16 clicks to move the frequency from 100 to 104.3. Now 16 clicks gets from 100 to 108.3, so about twice as far per detent.
11-01-2022, 02:20 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
OK, so I:
- upgraded f/w from 1.21 to 1.22
- output the surface data, looked pretty much like yours
- shut down REAPER
- replaced ReaEQ.zon with the one in your post
It is a little better when I load ReaEQ and use the knob to adjust frequency (the second strip didn't light up to try adjusting Gain).
Before, I had to turn 16 clicks to move the frequency from 100 to 104.3. Now 16 clicks gets from 100 to 108.3, so about twice as far per detent.
Hmmm....what happens if you replace the relevant section in your .mst with this?
RotaryWidgetClass 0.003
JogWheelWidgetClass 0.003
RotaryWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
RotaryWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
JogWheelWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
JogWheelWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
JogWheelWidgetClass Val 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
After making the update, either restart Reaper or refresh control surfaces.
11-01-2022, 02:43 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Hmmm....what happens if you replace the relevant section in your .mst with this?
RotaryWidgetClass 0.003
JogWheelWidgetClass 0.003
RotaryWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
RotaryWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
JogWheelWidgetClass Dec 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
JogWheelWidgetClass Inc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
JogWheelWidgetClass Val 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
After making the update, either restart Reaper or refresh control surfaces.
Pan control is great, exactly right for me! On a hunch I went and checked ReaEQ, and now it's very grainy... like 4.3 Hz per detent. So next I'll try the last version of ReaEQ.zon.
That may be enough for me to get going... thanks very much!
UPDATE: After going back to the original ReaEQ.zon, rotaries seem to work fine.
Another question, maybe for another day, but even though I don't really get yet what the .zon file does, having read it makes it seem like ReaEQ.zon should have displayed and enabled more than just the first two fader strips, no?
In any case, this lets me get some things done tonight, so thanks very much again!
Last edited by MikeMcK; 11-01-2022 at 02:59 PM.
11-01-2022, 04:28 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
Pan control is great, exactly right for me! On a hunch I went and checked ReaEQ, and now it's very grainy... like 4.3 Hz per detent. So next I'll try the last version of ReaEQ.zon.
That may be enough for me to get going... thanks very much!
UPDATE: After going back to the original ReaEQ.zon, rotaries seem to work fine.
Another question, maybe for another day, but even though I don't really get yet what the .zon file does, having read it makes it seem like ReaEQ.zon should have displayed and enabled more than just the first two fader strips, no?
In any case, this lets me get some things done tonight, so thanks very much again!
Looking at the .zon file I posted (I don't own an X-Touch, only the X-Touch One), it looks like that particular ReaEQ setup was for a 4-band EQ, and those 4 bands were mapped across the 8 rotaries.
FX Zone files are the mapping files. You have to create them in advance for your surface by learning the syntax, but they're what tell CSI how to map and activate the FXParams to your surface. Again, check out the 3 wiki pages regarding FX mapping as you get deeper into this.
One bit of important warning: the Reaper plugins generally suck when it comes to hardware mapping. So it's hard to tell how much of the wonky response is due to the Reaper parameter scaling versus CSI's acceleration.
I recommend checking out the free TDR plugins and using the included .zon files for those to learn FX mapping. Plus, they're excellent plugins. If you have additional questions on FX mapping or anything, hop on over to the CSI Device Setup thread.
Glad you're up and running! BTW, I'm in North Jersey right between Newark and Jersey City. Nice to see another local on here!
11-01-2022, 04:33 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Jersey shore
Posts: 309
Originally Posted by Funkybot
Looking at the .zon file I posted (I don't own an X-Touch, only the X-Touch One), it looks like that particular ReaEQ setup was for a 4-band EQ, and those 4 bands were mapped across the 8 rotaries.
FX Zone files are the mapping files. You have to create them in advance for your surface by learning the syntax, but they're what tell CSI how to map and activate the FXParams to your surface. Again, check out the 3 wiki pages regarding FX mapping as you get deeper into this.
One bit of important warning: the Reaper plugins generally suck when it comes to hardware mapping. So it's hard to tell how much of the wonky response is due to the Reaper parameter scaling versus CSI's acceleration.
I recommend checking out the free TDR plugins and using the included .zon files for those to learn FX mapping. Plus, they're excellent plugins. If you have additional questions on FX mapping or anything, hop on over to the CSI Device Setup thread.
Glad you're up and running! BTW, I'm in North Jersey right between Newark and Jersey City. Nice to see another local on here!
Nice and thanks again. Next time you get to the shore (I'm a mile from Asbury) drink's on me.
11-01-2022, 04:40 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: New Joisey
Posts: 6,143
Originally Posted by MikeMcK
Nice and thanks again. Next time you get to the shore (I'm a mile from Asbury) drink's on me.
I love Asbury. Amazing how much that's come around. Used to take the dog to the 8th street beach a few times a year (dog's too old and arthritic for that now) then go to either Wunderbar or the Asbury Hotel for drinks. Might just take you up on that some day!
11-04-2022, 03:46 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Birmingham, GB
Posts: 19
This is a first
I don't think I've ever seen this thread go so long without a post. Alien abduction theory coming.
11-04-2022, 05:58 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2022
Location: Australia
Posts: 29
Originally Posted by andrewrynhard
Before I go too far I'd like to ask if iCON Platform Nano is supported. Are there known issues with it? I am seeing some strange behavior using it with CSI.
Hi Andrew,
I have a platform nano and a midi fighter twister. I am currently concentrating on the MFT but I will get on to customisation for the nano after that as time permits.
I currently use the MFT through CSI and my nano through the normal mackie protocol in REAPER.
Theoretically though you can use the nano in custom midi mode or even MCP and it should work.
11-04-2022, 07:31 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 665
Hi Geoff,
Just a small cosmetic issue
class TrackFolderParentDisplay : public Action
virtual string GetName() override { return "TrackAutoModeDisplay"; }
Should be this:
class TrackFolderParentDisplay : public Action
virtual string GetName() override { return "TrackFolderParentDisplay "; }
AKA: Roy Wallingford
11-04-2022, 11:02 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 665
Thinking of making an X-Touch "SysEx" MIDI Message document.
I did the below tonight to understand X-Touch MIDI scribble strips - colors and text.
If anyone has link to a site that documents the X-Touch Sysex Midi protocol please let me know.
//---- Preface: All MIDI values are shown as HEX ----//
//---- Chapter 1: SysEX messages ----//
//---- Scribble Strip Colors ----//
//---- Scribble Strip Text ----//
//---- PRE-AMBLE: ----//
Byte 0 - F0 // SysEx - START Indicator
Byte 1,2,3 - 00 00 66 // MCU ID
Byte 4 - 14 // Behringer X-Touch Model ID
Byte 5 - 72 // Command: SET DISPLAY COLORS
Byte 6 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 1 Color
Byte 7 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 2 Color
Byte 8 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 3 Color
Byte 9 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 4 Color
Byte 10 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 5 Color
Byte 11 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 6 Color
Byte 12 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 7 Color
Byte 13 - "See ColorMap" // Scribble 8 Color
| "ColorMap" |
Black - 0
Red - 1
Green - 2
Yellow - 3
Blue - 4
Magenta - 5
Cyan - 6
White - 7
//---- SCRIBBLE STRIP TEXT: ----//
Byte 5 - 12 // Command: SET DISPLAY TEXT
Byte 6 - "See TextOffset" // Scribble text Offset
Byte 7 - .. // Character 1 Left-most
Byte 8 - .. // Character 2
Byte 9 - .. // Character 3
Byte 10 - .. // Character 4
Byte 11 - .. // Character 5
Byte 12 - .. // Character 6
Byte 13 - .. // Character 7 Right-most
| TextOffset | |
Upper 1 - 00 // Strip 1 Upper
Upper 2 - 07 // Strip 2 Upper
Upper 3 - 0e // Strip 3 Upper
Upper 4 - 15 // Strip 4 Upper
Upper 5 - 1c // Strip 5 Upper
Upper 6 - 23 // Strip 6 Upper
Upper 7 - 2a // Strip 7 Upper
Upper 8 - 31 // Strip 8 Upper
Lower 1 - 38 // Strip 1 Lower
Lower 2 - 3f // Strip 2 Lower
Lower 3 - 46 // Strip 3 Lower
Lower 4 - 4d // Strip 4 Lower
Lower 5 - 54 // Strip 5 Lower
Lower 6 - 5b // Strip 6 Lower
Lower 7 - 62 // Strip 7 Lower
Lower 8 - 69 // Strip 8 Lower
//---- POST-AMBLE ----//
Byte 14 - F0 // SysEx - END Indicator
Edit: I think I found a useful one at: https://images.thomann.de/pics/prod/151261_manual.pdf
AKA: Roy Wallingford
Last edited by jacksoonbrowne; 11-05-2022 at 12:20 AM.
11-05-2022, 12:19 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Posts: 11,569
Originally Posted by jacksoonbrowne
Hi Geoff,
Just a small cosmetic issue
class TrackFolderParentDisplay : public Action
virtual string GetName() override { return "TrackAutoModeDisplay"; }
Should be this:
class TrackFolderParentDisplay : public Action
virtual string GetName() override { return "TrackFolderParentDisplay "; }
Thanks, now fixed.
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