Hi there Dear schwa!
Im sorry to bother you, with a lot of messages.
I hope all of us here just to appreciate amazing job Reaper Team is doing with each new version.
And our suggestions and workflow experience combined could bring the best expirience for every user.
So i don't want to overload current requests, but one thing dont let me go.
I was not using Edit Lanes at all, discussed earlier in this topic, so i googled. And found some forum topic about edits in comp lane and syncing it into source lanes (obviously loosing original source)
And there was post from schwa
"If you're talking about an editing mode where edits in the comping lane flow backwards to the source lanes, that could get messy fast. For example if you had a long take in the source lane with multiple comp areas, and you slip-edit one of those areas on the comping lane, all of the other comp areas that depend on that source item would also be affected. So your edit in the comping lane would affect the item you are editing, the source item, and potentially other items in the comping lane that you can't even see."
OMG, thats exactly what i am talking about several times, but with MIDI
Im totally lost and cant understand - why MIDI in comping lane is POOLED by default, and i cant find any setting to disable it?
All i want - is to comp my midi and edit it to my taste - timing, velocity, deleting notes, fixing and adding notes. WIthout ruining my source.
Reaper 7.17 and still same problem.
ALso i just tested this once again, and i feel totally confused - why MIDI editor shows me ALL lanes at once, when i click MIDI item only at one Lane.
ESPECIALLY if only one LANE is active?
In fact - MIDI in lanes doesent represent as separate tracks. And thats confusing.
1) Lasso select absolutely doesent work in this scenario, as it selects both active Take/Comping notes, and original Lane notes.
2) I have no button to make visible the Whole comping lane. In my small example i have 3 midi comping areas, and thats 3 separate MIDI lines in my List.
Yeah they have C1 index, but i cant see the way to keep visible all of C1 midi at once. If it's 85 comping areas, thats gonna be 85 lines i need to click manually to keep em visible and hide all other lanes and items?
1) I think we need to have SUBFOLDERS according to Fixed LANES
And instead of this mess of all MIDI items
Have smth like this
2) My User logic tells me - if i click MIDI item on any track or lane - i would like to see ONLY this lane with all MIDI content
So if i click ITEM on Lane 1 - i would like to see only midi in Lane 1, and all other Lanes invisible by default.
I understabd some users could use Lanes to keep separate midi parts (Kick and snare for example)
In this scenario clicking MIDI item in ACTIVE lane - makes Visuall in MIDI EDITOR - all Active lanes
Lane Status
1 - Active (Yellow Circle)
3 - Active (Yellow Circle)
Clicking C1 lane MIDI item: opens MIDI editor with only C1 subfolder visible with all midi items in this lane
Clicking 1 lane MIDI item: opens MIDI editoe with 1 AND 3 midi subfolders visible
Clicking 2 lane MIDI item: opens MIDI editor with only 2 subfolder visible with all midi items in this lane
Clicking 3 lane MIDI item: opens MIDI editoe with 1 AND 3 midi subfolders visible
This way if i need to look closer or edit any specific Line - i am not messed with ALL midi items in ALL lanes killing Lasso usability.
Just imagine what a hell is on the screen if i have 10-15 midi drums Lanes
If user MANUALLY activate several Lanes - ok, you want to see all ACTIVE lanes at once.
In every other case - Looking at one Lane at a time is much more suitable for default.
3) And finishing MIDI Fixed Lanes
I recorded 12 midi drum takes.
Comp them in C1
UNPOOLED all Midi in C1
Edit final midi take time and velocity
Now i have - One final Active playing take
I export MIDI to my clients. And they get MIDI file with every kick hitting 12 times almost same hit.
What MIDI export will user expect from this situation?
OF COurse like with AUDIO comping - only Active Take notes.
Exactly like Reaper is playing. I have my final Performance. I have my original Takes in the Closet just in case.
Imagine exporting Vocal track with comping and hearing Choir from 15 takes?
But in case with MIDI we have this as export result.
My clients mixing engeneer was mad having every drum HIT 15 times
And i looked as totall unprofessional
Iam totally sure MIDI export should contain only active Lanes to sound exactly like in Reaper before export
If in some scenario user wants ALL lanes to be exported in one MIDI - he could activate all Lanes and export.
But now if i need export my final active MIDI - i need to copy Comping lane in new track.
I am sorry for big post, but i think it's real important. I spend a lot of time and effort to give best representation of every case.
Hope to hear your thoughts on all 3 MIDI topics.
im extremly sorry if i miss some obvious workarounds in my scenarios.
Pls let me know if there is already answers or options to solve this issues
Thanks a lot!