Old 07-27-2021, 08:39 AM   #1
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Default Create Env Points at Razor Edges

I've tried and failed at this seemingly-simple task.

Can anyone lend a hand? Simply want an action that creates 2 envelope points - one at each edgepoint of the razor edit.

Thank you !
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Old 07-28-2021, 10:51 PM   #2
Human being with feelings
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function GetEnvelopePointsInRange(envelopeTrack, areaStart, areaEnd)
    local envelopePoints = {}

    for i = 1, reaper.CountEnvelopePoints(envelopeTrack) do
        local retval, time, value, shape, tension, selected = reaper.GetEnvelopePoint(envelopeTrack, i - 1)

        if time >= areaStart and time <= areaEnd then --point is in range
            envelopePoints[#envelopePoints + 1] = {
                id = i-1 ,
                time = time,
                value = value,
                shape = shape,
                tension = tension,
                selected = selected

    return envelopePoints

function GetItemsInRange(track, areaStart, areaEnd)
    local items = {}
    local itemCount = reaper.CountTrackMediaItems(track)
    for k = 0, itemCount - 1 do 
        local item = reaper.GetTrackMediaItem(track, k)
        local pos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
        local length = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")
        local itemEndPos = pos+length

        --check if item is in area bounds
        if (itemEndPos > areaStart and itemEndPos <= areaEnd) or
            (pos >= areaStart and pos < areaEnd) or
            (pos <= areaStart and itemEndPos >= areaEnd) then

    return items

function GetRazorEdits()
    local trackCount = reaper.CountTracks(0)
    local areaMap = {}
    for i = 0, trackCount - 1 do
        local track = reaper.GetTrack(0, i)
        local ret, area = reaper.GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, 'P_RAZOREDITS', '', false)
        if area ~= '' then
            --PARSE STRING
            local str = {}
            for j in string.gmatch(area, "%S+") do
                table.insert(str, j)
            --FILL AREA DATA
            local j = 1
            while j <= #str do
                --area data
                local areaStart = tonumber(str[j])
                local areaEnd = tonumber(str[j+1])
                local GUID = str[j+2]
                local isEnvelope = GUID ~= '""'

                --get item/envelope data
                local items = {}
                local envelopeName, envelope
                local envelopePoints
                if not isEnvelope then
                    items = GetItemsInRange(track, areaStart, areaEnd)
                    envelope = reaper.GetTrackEnvelopeByChunkName(track, GUID:sub(2, -2))
                    local ret, envName = reaper.GetEnvelopeName(envelope)

                    envelopeName = envName
                    envelopePoints = GetEnvelopePointsInRange(envelope, areaStart, areaEnd)

                local areaData = {
                    areaStart = areaStart,
                    areaEnd = areaEnd,
                    track = track,
                    items = items,
                    --envelope data
                    isEnvelope = isEnvelope,
                    envelope = envelope,
                    envelopeName = envelopeName,
                    envelopePoints = envelopePoints,
                    GUID = GUID:sub(2, -2)

                table.insert(areaMap, areaData)

                j = j + 3

    return areaMap

function print(arg)

function AddPoint(env, time)
    local samplerate = reaper.GetSetProjectInfo( 0, 'PROJECT_SRATE', 0, false )
    local retval, value, dVdS, ddVdS, dddVdS = reaper.Envelope_Evaluate( env, time, samplerate, 1 )
    -- TODO here it should check if there is already a point at time if there is delete
    reaper.InsertEnvelopePoint(env, time, value, 0, 0, false, false)

local re_table = GetRazorEdits()
for k,re in pairs(re_table) do
    if re.isEnvelope == true then
        AddPoint(re.envelope ,re.areaStart)
        AddPoint(re.envelope ,re.areaEnd)
using BirdBird functions https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=241604

PS: I leaved a todo for you in the code, inside the AddPoint function it should check if there is a point at the time before inserting and if there is delete or not insert. Currently it is putting point over point. So probably you want to correct that. Shouldn't be hard try using reaper.GetEnvelopePointByTime( envelope, time ) EDIT: I did here just a reminder: GetEnvelopePointByTime() will always return the index of the point in time. OR the previous point if there is not a point there. So always check the answer against the time you want to add the point

Last edited by daniellumertz; 07-28-2021 at 10:58 PM.
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