03-24-2020, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
I can't seem to make that happen again. Any thought? I remember documenting this in another forum and even so I can't make it happen again.
Reaticulate now supports multiple MIDI buses natively, so you shouldn't need to go through any hacks:
03-25-2020, 05:23 AM
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Multiple Banks on same track
I'm trying to achieve multiple banks on the same track but I'm confused as how to setup the source and destination channels.
I'm sending this track to VEPro 7 that has multiple Play 6 plugins assigned to different ports within a single VEPro instance.
It works within a single Reaticulate bank using @1.* and that's already great.
What I would like is to have some of them on separate smaller banks instead of a massive bank.
In VEPro, I could then set up to 16 plugins on different ports each hosting 16 articulations on different midi channels, all in a single VEPro instance. I could then add and mix different banks in Reaticulate.
Right now I'm getting "Error rogram numbers on the same source channel conflicts with *"
How can I set this up?
03-25-2020, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
It works within a single Reaticulate bank using @1.* and that's already great
Right now I'm getting "Error: program numbers on the same source channel conflicts with *"
Are you using the literal string "*" for the bus number? That's not a valid bus, so I'm not sure how Reaticulate would react to that.
Based on what I understand of your use-case, you probably shouldn't include any bus information in the bank definition itself (i.e. just use @<channel> syntax with no .<bus> at all) and then assign the bank to a bus when you map it on the track in Reaticulate's GUI.
This same advice would apply to the MIDI channel too if you're using a single multi-articulation patch that works on a single channel. If the bank is describing a single patch that lives on one channel, as with the advice above for buses, there's no need to hard-code the channel in the patch and you can instead assign it dynamically when you add it to the track.
However if the Play instruments are multis that have different articulations on different channels, you can't avoid hard-coding the channel in the bank definition. But I still don't see any need to hard-code the bus number.
That's the best general advice I can offer without actually seeing the banks. Good luck!
03-25-2020, 06:39 AM
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Another thing to think about, suppose you have the same bank mapped onto the track twice:
1. Omni -> Source on Bus 1
2. Omni -> Source on Bus 2
(I'm not sure if this is what you're doing, but in case it is...)
Reaticulate will complain about there being a conflict in this case. All of the articulations defined in the bank conflict, because if you have a program change in your MIDI item (regardless of the source channel), how can Reaticulate know whether to route it to bus 1 or to bus 2?
The only way to avoid that conflict is either to use different banks with different program numbers or, better, assign them to different source channels and use different channels in your MIDI item to disambiguate.
1. Channel 1 -> Source on bus 1
2. Channel 2 -> Source on bus 2
03-25-2020, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Tagirijus
First I thought: "damn, he bought the expensive strings only to test it?" and now I see that recently they published a "violins only" version.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have pulled the trigger with a 400€ sticker price. But 80€, I can impulse-buy that.
Originally Posted by Tagirijus
Either at least with a tiny donation amount or any other option: is there a way to say "thank you" without only words to you?
It's ok, words are quite good enough for me.
Originally Posted by Tagirijus
If I should support you with such a support ticket at SM, pleae tell me. Luckily the support is quite fast.
I spend a couple hours on it over the weekend trying to work around it and came up short.
One real confounding factor here is that Reaper is forging and injecting note-off events when the transport is started, presumably as part of anti-note-hanging logic, but it seems to do this in a way the JSFX can't intercept and prevent.
So we end up with this problematic sequence of events:
1. First time: transport play
2. Reaper chases program change event
3. Reaticulate intercepts program change and sends note-off + note-on for the note-hold articulation
4. Transport stop
5. Transport play again
6. Reaper remembers that there was a hanging note in step 4, and injects a forged note-off event that the JSFX isn't able to intercept
7. Reaper chases program change event
8. As with step 3, Reaticulate sends note-off + note-on for note-hold articulation
So Kontakt ends up receiving note-off, note-off, note-on. The last event is note-on, so this should be fine. But Kontakt and/or the SM patch doesn't handle this sanely.
By "not sanely" I mean of course what we witness with the SM patch, but even if I just pull up a piano patch, the Kontakt GUI shows the note as off, but the piano patch plays the note as sustained. The schizophrenic behavior is causing a lot of grief.
I've got a couple more ideas to try, but unfortunately they're difficult to implement (and may not even work). Stay tuned.
03-25-2020, 07:02 AM
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No the * symbolizes whatever bus.
Using the routing within Reaticulate, I can't seem to go from one bus to another.
I've switched back to no bus info but still can't make this go the way I want.
First bank :
//! g="EWQL" n="HS Violons 1"
Bank 01 1 EWQL - HS Violons 1
//! g="EWQL" n="HS Violons 1"
Bank 01 1 EWQL - HS Violons 1
//! c=#0000FF i=note-whole o=@1
01 01-Sustain 1
"Bank/Program Select"
Second Bank :
//! g="Symphony Series" n="SS Violins"
Bank 101 101 Symphony Series - SS Violins
//! c=#0000FF i=note-whole o=@1
01 01-Sustain 1
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#0000FF i=note-whole o=@2
02 02-AccentSus
"Bank/Program Select"
In VEPro, each bank is in the same VEPro instance but in separate plugins, one in Play 6, the other in Kontact. Each on different ports (bus)
Then in Reaticulate, I tried using different bus destination but it will not work properly.
Channel 1 to Source bus 1
Channel 2 to Source bus 2
Does not work
What am I missing?
03-25-2020, 07:03 AM
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Thanks for the update and again: for the much effort you put into this already. I stay tuned, thank you!
System: Win 10 64 bit / i9 9900K (8x 3.6 GHz) / 16 GB DDR4-3200 RAM / 1TB M.2 SSD + 2x 500 GB SSD / RME Babyface / Reaper
03-25-2020, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by tack
Yes I edited my post this is great!
03-25-2020, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
What am I missing?
I think maybe there are some unstated details or assumptions. It's always hard to do these things in writing as invariably there's missing information. So I did a video doing a quick test of what I understand your example is. If I've not properly captured your use-case, can you clarify where I went wrong?
03-25-2020, 08:34 AM
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Thanks for the video.
Unfortunately, it didn't solve my issue. I wish I could make a quick video like you. What are you using? Perhaps we could skype and I'd share my screen to you. I could send you my skype id on a private msg.
03-25-2020, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Here a video explaining my issue.
Sorry François, been tied up with work very late today. Hope to dig into this tomorrow evening. Apologies for the wait.
03-26-2020, 03:36 AM
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Originally Posted by tack
Sorry François, been tied up with work very late today. Hope to dig into this tomorrow evening. Apologies for the wait.
No worries, thanks for the help.
03-26-2020, 05:57 AM
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Midi Channel + CC
I've got a few more questions that I can't seem to find the answers in both the videos and web sites.
First question
Using Berlin Woodwinds,
I've setup a bunch of articulations that I'm switching with midi channels but I'd like to add buttons in reaticulate so that I can switch from vibrato modes. They are liked to CC22.
I can't make it work. Here's what my logique want's to do :
On top, I've got the command selecting the articulation and on the bottom, the Vibrato
//! g="OT" n="Berlin Flute 1"
Bank 109 109 OT Berlin - Flute 1
//! c=#808000 i=note-whole o=@1
01 01-Double Tongue
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=note-whole o=@2
02 02-Triple Tongue
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=legato o=@3
03 03-Legato
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=legato o=cc:22,1/@3
04 ----------Normal Vibr.
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=legato o=cc:22,43/@3
05 ----------Without Vibr.
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=portato o=@4
06 04-Portato Long
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=portato o=@5
07 05-Portato Short
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=sfz o=@6
08 06-Sfz
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=staccato o=@7
09 07-Staccato
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=staccato o=@8
10 08-Staccatissimo
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=note-whole o=@9
11 09-Sus
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=trill o=@10
12 10-1x Trills
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=trill o=@11
13 11-Sfz Trills
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=trill o=@12
14 12-Trils HT-WT 4th
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=run o=@13
15 13-Octave Scale Runs
"Bank/Program Select"
//! c=#808000 i=run o=@14
16 14-Run Transitions
"Bank/Program Select"
Right now the commands for vibrato are still sending in channel 1.
03-27-2020, 06:12 AM
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Posts: 405
Another thing I can't get a grasp of is combining output commands.
On a single bank. I want to use multiple ports and that works fine using o=@1, o=@1.2, o=@1.3 etc...
But when I add "o=1.2/note:24", it does not work properly. Both ports are receiving the signal on VEPro's end.
03-27-2020, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
//! c=#808000 i=legato o=cc:22,1/@3
What this says is:
1. Send CC 22 value 1 to the destination channel for the bank in the track configuration within Reaticulate's GUI, and send future events to this channel
2. Also route to channel 3, in addition to the destination channel above
If you actually want the CC event to go to channel 3, you need:
Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
But when I add "o=1.2/note:24", it does not work properly. Both ports are receiving the signal on VEPro's end.
o=1.2 isn't valid. You'd need o=@1.2 to just setup routing to channel 1 bus 2 without sending any keyswitch event. But if you actually just want to send note 24 to channel 1 bus 2 then, like above, you need:
I intend to dig into your other issue later today. Sorry about the long delay. I've just been very busy with work but thought I could quickly answer these questions between conference calls.
03-27-2020, 07:52 AM
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Posts: 405
Thanks this already helps a lot! Both codes work great!
Last edited by fbeauvaisc; 03-27-2020 at 09:43 AM.
03-28-2020, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Thanks this already helps a lot! Both codes work great!
Great! Just to double check, is the issue you captured in your video still relevant?
03-28-2020, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by tack
Great! Just to double check, is the issue you captured in your video still relevant?
Yes it is. I still would like to mix multiple banks on a single track connecting to a single instance of VEPro on multiple midi channels and ports.
As of now, I've only managed to make it work with a single reaticulate bank at a time.
Another small thing I can't do is spacers and padding. I'm not sure I understand the code correctly.
Besides that, I've mapped a bunch of libraries and I love it. Just a few use cases to solve.
Thanks for all the help!
03-28-2020, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Yes it is. I still would like to mix multiple banks on a single track connecting to a single instance of VEPro on multiple midi channels and ports.
As of now, I've only managed to make it work with a single reaticulate bank at a time.
Ok, I finally watched the video. Sorry again for the delay. Fortunately these things are always so much easier to diagnose with screen captures.
We appear to have two problems here:
- Reaticulate, at last at the moment, doesn't work the way you're hoping.
- There's a bug.
Let's take these in order ...
Reaticulate triggers articulation changes based on the combination of program number and source MIDI channel. The JSFX itself doesn't actually know there are different banks assigned to a track, it's just programmed to take some action on receipt of a program change on some MIDI channel.
When you have two banks with conflicting program numbers, as you do, the way you can resolve this conflict in Reaticulate is to assign them to different source channels. This means the JSFX on the track can distinguish between program 1 on channel 1 and program 1 on channel 2.
So having the SS Violins Test bank assigned to source channel 2 means that when you insert articulations from that bank, it should insert the program change on channel 2. (In contrast, if you picked Omni, it uses the channel of the selected notes, or the default channel that's highlighted in Reaticulate's GUI if no notes are selected. But with an explicit assignment to source channel 2, program changes are channel 2.)
Reaticulate's routing works by directing all MIDI data on the same channel the program change arrived on to the destination channel dictated by the articulation. The 4 notes following the program change on channel 2 are still on channel 1, so this means they will route according to the previous program change on channel 1.
The reason for this design (programs on source channel N control routing for future events on channel N) is that allows using the same bank on multiple channels (loading separate instances of the patch in your instrument on different channels) for layering purposes, say a divisi line.
But now here's the bug: when you selected the second set of 4 notes at 1:39 and right-clicked to insert the articulation, the bug is that Reaticulate used the source channel of the selected notes -- which is fine when the bank is mapped into the track as source=omni -- and not channel 2 as it should have, which the bank was explicitly assigned to.
This meant the program change 1 was received on channel 1, which applied to the HS Violins patch instead.
So I'll fix the insertion bug, but that doesn't actually help your use case.
Within the context of Reaticulate's current behavior, there are two solutions (once I fix the bug):
- Assign the second set of 4 notes to channel 2. In fact, I may consider doing that automatically when you select the notes and insert the articulation assigned to a specific source channel. (This may be a bit too magical though. I'm on the fence.)
- Choose program numbers that don't overlap between HS Violins and SS Violins. Then you can assign the banks both to channel 1 (or just Omni) and things will work the way you expected. The obvious problem here is that you kind of need to know ahead of time which patches you're likely to double up on the same track, so as to avoid any program number collisions between them. This makes option 1 the more robust choice, even if it's a little less convenient.
I'll think about whether or not I can feasibly fix this design so that the JSFX understands program 1 on channel 1 from bank X is actually different than program 1 on channel 1 from bank Y. I appreciate the current behavior violates the Principle of Least Astonishment (as evidenced by your confusion) but there are actually good reasons for the design. The constraints that fed into that design may be a bit different now, so I'll have another think about it. Meanwhile, options 1 or 2 above are the way to go with the current version.
Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Another small thing I can't do is spacers and padding. I'm not sure I understand the code correctly.
Can you elaborate a bit on the trouble? Adding spacer=1 to an articulation's attributes (on the line that starts with //!) will add some spacing just above it.
03-28-2020, 09:59 AM
Human being with feelings
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Location: Montreal
Posts: 405
Thanks for all the explanation, I'll try different things. It works fine if I include the mixed libraries on the same bank but it's just less flexible.
The spacer=1 works fine. I see you've edited the procedure on your website. It's a lot clearer like this.
Are you still developing a bank creation gui? I'm trying to convince a few coworkers to use REAPER instead of Cubase but I know for a fact using code to build banks will not please them.
Thanks again for great support!
03-28-2020, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Thanks for all the explanation, I'll try different things. It works fine if I include the mixed libraries on the same bank but it's just less flexible.
You can have them in separate banks, they just need to use a different set of program numbers.
Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
The spacer=1 works fine. I see you've edited the procedure on your website. It's a lot clearer like this.
Yeah, there was some formatting error in the documentation that caused the doc tooling to slip some HTML garbage into the output.
Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Are you still developing a bank creation gui? I'm trying to convince a few coworkers to use REAPER instead of Cubase but I know for a fact using code to build banks will not please them.
I am, for sure, it's just that I have some internal work I need to finish which is taking longer than I expected (in no small part because of unrelated life business).
This post has a bit of a roadmap. You can see the dates are already out to lunch. But these are my plans.
03-28-2020, 10:29 AM
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Posts: 405
Originally Posted by tack
You can have them in separate banks, they just need to use a different set of program numbers.
Yes that's your option 2 and it works well. That's the one I'm going with. I already know that I'm not going to mix strings with percs or brass for exemple. The goal is to have all my string libraries on the same track. I can then choose what library or libraries I want to use on that track per project and that's great.
All I have to do is make sure program numbers are different for each articulation within an instrument category.
As for a map editor, that's great news that you're still working on it!
Keep up the great work and thanks again for all the support!
03-31-2020, 05:50 AM
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Is there any way to dock Reaticulate in the midi editor? If now, what do you suggest?
03-31-2020, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by fbeauvaisc
Is there any way to dock Reaticulate in the midi editor? If now, what do you suggest?
The floating MIDI editor in Reaper doesn't seem to have anchor points for dockers like the main window does.
In my case, when my MIDI editor docked to the main window, it's obviously not a problem. When I detach it and have it floating for better visibility, what I do is basically just resize it so Reaticulate docked to the main window is still accessible.
03-31-2020, 11:05 AM
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Btw Jason, are there any news on the articulation editor?
04-01-2020, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by _Stevie_
Btw Jason, are there any news on the articulation editor?
No new news, I'm afraid. Haven't had much time to work on Reaticulate the past couple months.
I'm working from home full time now, physical distancing and what not, and that's paradoxically causing me to work quite a lot more than before. But worse than that, whereas before I'd have a few productive hours left in me after coming home and eating dinner, now when the clock strikes 8pm I'm a complete zombie. (Though it is legitimately hectic at work so it's probably all related.)
Hoping to settle into a new groove in a week or two where I can turn my attention back to Reaticulate.
04-02-2020, 04:58 AM
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Oh goodness, don't ovrwork yourself in these times, definitely take enough breaks!
Whenever you will resume the work on Reaticulate, I'm here 😎
04-08-2020, 03:20 AM
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Posts: 155
Preset management
Hi there,
Is there a way to manage the preset Track Bank list? When I select a preset I get the long list starting with Albion 1 - Brass Hi. Is it possible to organize those into folders so I can easily get to my own user presets? I do press the 'U' key to get to it right way but still it's annoying.
Also, is there a way to confirm with version of ReArticulate I am using? I have been doing the Reapack updates but I'm not certain of any update.
04-10-2020, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by composerguy78
Is it possible to organize those into folders so I can easily get to my own user presets? I do press the 'U' key to get to it right way but still it's annoying.
Sorry, this capability doesn't exist. The menu folder structure is currently hardcoded in the bank definition.
I'm going to be moving away from this model and make it easier to find and select banks. For now I'm afraid you'll have to keep fighting with the finicky menu for a while longer.
Originally Posted by composerguy78
Also, is there a way to confirm with version of ReArticulate I am using? I have been doing the Reapack updates but I'm not certain of any update.
I should probably show that information on the Settings page, at least. I'll add that to the next release.
But ReaPack will tell the version too. Open ReaPack | Browse Packages, search for Reaticulate, and it'll show the version in the version column.
04-10-2020, 09:50 AM
Human being with feelings
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Posts: 155
No worries! Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for creating this for Reaper! It's indispensable!
04-11-2020, 09:56 AM
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JFYI: the articulation display is broken again in the latest devs.
Can't say where it started but I tried with 409, 406 and 320 and they are all broken. Worked again with 0118.
04-11-2020, 12:42 PM
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Fixed in v6.08+dev0411!
04-12-2020, 07:18 AM
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Btw, when you find the time, could you add a toggle state for the script?
So that we can see from the toolbar if the script is running (sometimes I hide it on my touch screen and always wonder if it's running anyway).
Cheers and Happy Easter!
04-28-2020, 10:01 AM
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Posts: 43
Hey there - i'am new to this awesome script. I have it successfully installed.
The VSL Stuff is great, currently i trying to create a standard Reabank for the EW Hollywood Orchestra and the EW Solo Instruments. I use only one Instrument per PLAY and safe every Setup as FX Chains and Reaticulate works with this, but my own setup Reabank wouldn't work ??
I need by the way about 30 Minutes for each the Articulation to search them out of the Manual and edit one Reabank line.....
On one YT-Video there is a small Factory Preset for the EW Series? Can you publish this for looking how it is setup for the PLAY instance?
And an other question: Which Editor has this Reabank Syntax highlighted - i have Notepad which has >50 Syntax Events++?
05-01-2020, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Roland-Music
The VSL Stuff is great, currently i trying to create a standard Reabank for the EW Hollywood Orchestra and the EW Solo Instruments. I use only one Instrument per PLAY and safe every Setup as FX Chains and Reaticulate works with this, but my own setup Reabank wouldn't work ??
Reaticulate itself is pretty agnostic to how your instruments are laid out in your project. I don't have any PLAY instruments myself, but you might be able to draw some inspiration from the user-contributed EW banks:
The users who created those banks may arrange their instruments differently than yours, but you might be able to lift the keyswitch notes from them.
Originally Posted by Roland-Music
And an other question: Which Editor has this Reabank Syntax highlighted - i have Notepad which has >50 Syntax Events++?
In the video I used Visual Studio Code and set the syntax highlight to C#. An amusing hack, but it worked ok.
05-04-2020, 08:00 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Germany
Posts: 43
Okay thanks. C## works also in Notepad++ , yes the bank can change.
Ps: What Setup Color has your MIDI Editor - that looks good (Theme imperial hasn't it)?
05-09-2020, 02:50 PM
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Posts: 22
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to have the articulations move with the notes? When I use the "CCs follows note selection" toggle, the CC moves but not the bank changes.
Thank you!
05-09-2020, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by MajorLeo
is there a way to have the articulations move with the notes? When I use the "CCs follows note selection" toggle, the CC moves but not the bank changes.
With that option enabled, you also need to enable "Options: Bank/program change events follow note selection when CC selection follows note selection".
Then program changes will move along with notes as well (provided the program change is properly underneath the note of course).
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