Originally Posted by MonkeyBars
p331-2 "17.4 Pin Connectors and Channel Mapping"
This section omits a basic description of the plugin pin matrix, including the meaning of the words and arrows to the left and right and above the matrix. Considering the plugin pin matrix is a major pain point for users, may I request adding a couple sentences toward the top of this section that actually describes what each box's "intersection" actually applies to (in various contexts, if needed).
In fact, I'm currently at a loss as to what "inputs" and "outputs" are being referred to and why the arrow directions are as they are. (Anyone feel free to point me to a forum post that goes into this...)
OK, you might care to look at this then.
Please keep in mind that many people - including most definitely myself - have difficulty in understanding theoretical concepts and only ever really get to grasp them after some hands-on experimentation.
Understanding concepts to the extent of being able to apply them isn't always quick and easy. It took me several false starts before being able to use this with confidence. That's just the nature of the learning experience sometimes. More complex issues take longer to learn!
My approach here, as elsewhere, is to give people enough to get started ... after that it's up to you.