03-05-2023, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Ears
Sorry, perhaps I misunderstood something.
I'm able to CTRL+ALT drag from the same track like this
I thought this is what daeavelwyn was trying to do (but it looked like they were using SHIFT drag).
Wow, thats cool. I`m using API drop support in usual way, but it doesn`t work for me, so I`m surprised it works. What do you have in mouse modifiers? It doesn`t work on my machine with any modifiers I tried.
03-05-2023, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by mpl
Wow, thats cool. I`m using API drop support in usual way, but it doesn`t work for me, so I`m surprised it works. What do you have in mouse modifiers? It doesn`t work on my machine with any modifiers I tried.
I just thought this is how you'd programmed it to work.
I'm fairly new to reaper so I'm not sure which modifier it would fall under, but here's a few of my left drag ctrl+alt modifiers that might be relevant:
Media item - Render item to new file
Track - Draw a copy of the selected media item, pooling MIDI source data
Project region - Copy project region but not contents
If there's anything else it could be let me know, and i'll get back to you.
REAPER v6.77 - working on all versions since Jan 23rd (this is when i first installed rs5k manager).
RS5K manager V3.16
03-05-2023, 03:55 PM
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Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Ears
It looks like you're using Shift drag in the illustration, and not CTRL+ALT drag.
OMG ! That's the point I missed !!! Thank you so much !!!
It works with RS5K manager 3.18 too
03-09-2023, 09:02 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 640
Hello MPL,
So I'm now making experiments with your DrumRack and wonder if it's possible to get inside or outside of the drumrack, an Euclidean rhythm generator. Some stuff inspired from a Max for Live extension as you can find here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzjojiwfzYw
03-09-2023, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by daeavelwyn
Hello MPL,
So I'm now making experiments with your DrumRack and wonder if it's possible to get inside or outside of the drumrack, an Euclidean rhythm generator. Some stuff inspired from a Max for Live extension as you can find here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzjojiwfzYw
This is already heavy script for stuff like that. You can take a look here: https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=94325
03-09-2023, 02:22 PM
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Posts: 640
Originally Posted by mpl
Ok,ok, I totaly understand this is an huge piece of code. In my opinion this is even a totaly game changer in RS5K workflow and usability, thanks a lot for that !
I had already seen the link you pointed to but I need to dig more those plugins.
03-15-2023, 05:04 PM
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Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Ears
Sorry, perhaps I misunderstood something.
I'm able to CTRL+ALT drag from the same track like this:
I thought this is what daeavelwyn was trying to do (but it looked like they were using SHIFT drag).
Just 2 small clarifications/limitations on this subject for those interested:
1- you cannot drag multiple files using this shortcut (i.e. ctrl+alt drag left) even if you have multiple items selected, it will only copy the one you drag/drop under your mouse.
2- using this shortcut to send files from arrange view to media explorer does not copy them, it renders them to a new rendered file and appends "_rendered_001" at the end of the files (as mentioned here : https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=277012)
So you can also use the "Batch file/ item converter" to acheive your exports.
I apologize because this is not directly related to DrumRack but I thought people finding this thread would be happy to have those informations.
03-17-2023, 08:04 AM
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Posts: 797
Originally Posted by mpl
It seems I broke this feature when cleared up external functions, update to 3.15 and it should works fine (simple drag - change layers note, ctrl+drag = copy attached layers to new note)
"import selected items to pads" is for scenario like
- select audio ITEMS (in the arrange)
- import thir audio sources into pads sequentally starting pad you just right clicked
Thanks for this great update to a fantastic app!
I'm still having some newbie issues getting this to work as I expect (and it may well be my expectation that are wrong rather than the software!)
Using the above action I keep just getting the first selected item.
If I drag a drum loop in to the arrange and split it up and then use the 'import audio sources' action in RS5K manager all the pads are assigned the same sample (even though they're all selected on the timeline).
If I use MK Slicer and the 'MIDI' option it puts all the slices in RS5K instances and creates the midi, but then RS5K Manager can't 'see' those instances of RS5K (and similar if I use the RS5K 'Export ... (Drum mode)' action the action does what I expect to the track but I can't see the samplers in the manager).
I was kind of imagining that between MK Slicer and RS5K Manager it would be super easy to drop something in the timeline, slice it up and then dump the slices to pads in RS5K Manager - but I just seem to be missing some special sauce here, please can you advise how to make this work (or if I've got my expectations wrong)?
03-18-2023, 01:47 AM
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Posts: 796
I've had a go on this version, but i prefer V2.x.
Will you be ensuring compatibility with future Reaper updates for the 2.x version going forward?
03-28-2023, 09:28 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 359
Thanks for this script. I would like to use this for playing acoustic drum sample sounds and would like 2 or 3 samples per velocity on especially the snare to avoid machine gunning during fills and for overall realism.
Is there a way to do this:
hit 1 at velocity 120-127 = sample A
hit 2 at velocity 120-127 = sample B
hit 3 at velocity 120-127 = sample C
I don't specify actual velocity, just a range of what I'd consider full intensity hits which will of course vary a bit when played by a live drummer on a real kit with triggers. I have several samples of hits at various velocities in my collection for realism and to avoid the machine gun effect.
So my question is basically, round robins... is it possible to do this?
04-03-2023, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by dna598
I've had a go on this version, but i prefer V2.x.
Will you be ensuring compatibility with future Reaper updates for the 2.x version going forward?
Originally Posted by 777funk
So my question is basically, round robins... is it possible to do this?
With the way you described I don`t think my script is good idea for such task, sorry.
Originally Posted by rothchild
I was kind of imagining that between MK Slicer and RS5K Manager it would be super easy to drop something in the timeline, slice it up and then dump the slices to pads in RS5K Manager - but I just seem to be missing some special sauce here, please can you advise how to make this work (or if I've got my expectations wrong)?
Ah I see. "Import selected items to pads, starting this pad" should be fixed for 3.19 (it did actually import audio into RS5k instances, but didn`t handle start/end offsets per instance correctly).
04-04-2023, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by mpl
I'll try 3 again.
Edit: Ok, i'm in. Thanks!
Last edited by dna598; 04-04-2023 at 04:16 AM.
04-04-2023, 01:24 PM
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Posts: 797
Originally Posted by mpl
Ah I see. "Import selected items to pads, starting this pad" should be fixed for 3.19 (it did actually import audio into RS5k instances, but didn`t handle start/end offsets per instance correctly).
Thanks for getting back to me on this MPL, I've just refreshed Reapack and can confirm that the 'Import Selected Items to Pads' action is now working as expected in 3.19. I've had a bit of funky behaviour from it when I try to select multiple pads (once I get past a few it unselects the first set) and I also managed to make it crash when I tried to change the pitch across multiple selected pads, but the core import function now seems to work.
I am still having trouble with the other scripts though, (export selected items to RS5k instances) which work in that they create RS5K instances correctly but the manager tool won't show the samplers (I can play them using the play button on the drum rack pads but I can't edit the samplers - Am I misunderstanding something about how the script is supposed to function?
04-08-2023, 03:28 AM
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Originally Posted by rothchild
a bit of funky behaviour from it when I try to select multiple pads
Pad selection was broken at some point. If you still use this piece of code, let me know if it works with 3.20.
I also managed to make it crash when I tried to change the pitch across multiple selected pads
fixed that also, but if error appears again, let me know the number of line error shows
I am still having trouble with the other scripts though, (export selected items to RS5k instances) which work in that they create RS5K instances correctly but the manager tool won't show the samplers (I can play them using the play button on the drum rack pads but I can't edit the samplers - Am I misunderstanding something about how the script is supposed to function?[/QUOTE]
These scripts are not linked with RS5k manager in any way.
RS5k manager specifically write specific data to parent track and childrens for further handling data. If you need some of these scripts working inside RS5k manager, let me know.
04-08-2023, 08:41 AM
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when I export with "Export selected items to RS5k instances on selected track (use original source)", nothing appears on the PADs of RS5K manager. This would probably be fine.
I think the person before was talking about it.
I don't know if this is possible.
EDIT : It would be nice to improve the colors of the window of RS5k manager because we do not see much. there is not enough contrast I think.
French LangPack - Langpack Reaper en français - Traduction de Reaper en français
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04-10-2023, 01:15 PM
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Posts: 797
Originally Posted by mpl
These scripts are not linked with RS5k manager in any way.
RS5k manager specifically write specific data to parent track and childrens for further handling data. If you need some of these scripts working inside RS5k manager, let me know.
Apologies, I hadn't realised those scripts weren't part of RS5K Manager, it would be awesome if they did work with it.
It would be even more amazing if there could be a deeper linking between MK Slicer and RS5K Manager, so that the 'sampler' button had a 'RS5K Manager' mode (along with 'sampler' and 'MIDI') that dumped the slices straight in to RS5K Manager
(I appreciate this may be a request for Cool, in MK Slicer, rather than you though).
04-11-2023, 02:56 PM
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it seems that the action 'Export selected items to single RS5k instance on selected track' does not work correctly. I am not sure.
1 - a track with already an RS5K instance containing a sample 1.
2 - On this sample 1, we decide to move the small right and left sliders to reduce to a part of sample 1 that we are interested in.
3 - I now want to change the sample in this same RS5K instance
4 - I select a sample 2 in my arrangement window.
5 - Export selected items to single RS5k instance on selected track
6 - The RS5K instance is not deleted which is good. There is not a second one created.
7 - Sample 2 now appears in the RS5K instance
8 - But the selection portion of the previous sample 1 is kept.
9 - So I don't have the whole sample 2 automatically. The selection distance of a portion of sample 1 has not been reset when importing sample 2.
Is this normal please?
10 - on the other hand, the other action 'Export selected items to single RS5k instance on selected track (use original source)' behaves differently.
11 - This action does select sample 2, but creates a new RS5K instance.
Is all this normal ?
French LangPack - Langpack Reaper en français - Traduction de Reaper en français
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06-30-2023, 02:41 AM
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Posts: 16
hey, tried using this a couple of times, but it tanks the daw, lags and is basically unusable... any known reasons it lags so hard? any trouble shooting steps I could take?
07-03-2023, 09:43 PM
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Posts: 53
Originally Posted by mpl
Ah I see. "Import selected items to pads, starting this pad" should be fixed for 3.19 (it did actually import audio into RS5k instances, but didn`t handle start/end offsets per instance correctly).
Are you saying it is possible to import multiple selected items directly to the pads? If so may i ask how???? Thank you! Really want to develop a workflow with this as drum rack is a huge part of my process.
07-04-2023, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Hael.an
Are you saying it is possible to import multiple selected items directly to the pads? If so may i ask how???? Thank you! Really want to develop a workflow with this as drum rack is a huge part of my process.
In drumrack module:
rightclick pad > "Import selected items to pads, starting this pad"
07-04-2023, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by krismelderis
hey, tried using this a couple of times, but it tanks the daw, lags and is basically unusable... any known reasons it lags so hard? any trouble shooting steps I could take?
sorry this is bad side of reascript, I have to waste too much resources for UI and even more with various optimizations it is still lags, other piece of CPU wasted on periodically checking parameter changes which make lags even bigger.
Bad design and core from my side. I would be very glad if someone can improve my work or better - build really easy to use, lightweight and at the same time very advanced and expandable sampler in plugin format.
Last edited by mpl; 07-04-2023 at 09:19 PM.
07-04-2023, 02:35 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 53
Wow! Thank you for that clarification MPL.
Is there a way to enable mouse wheel for changing parameters?
Also is there midi note select where it is possible to hit a midi note and have it switch to the correct pad such as in ableton? Thank you!
May i also ask for help setting up midi control of the macros? I click on the macro, move a knob on my keyboard and then press learn. I see it loaded the correct CC but the knob is not moving the macro dial and seems to have no effect.
Thank you so much for your work on this. I too hope for a lightweight and optimized native drum rack/sampler plugin for reaper. This one is so close to perfection!
Last edited by Hael.an; 07-04-2023 at 08:35 PM.
07-05-2023, 06:34 AM
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Posts: 3,718
Originally Posted by krismelderis
hey, tried using this a couple of times, but it tanks the daw, lags and is basically unusable... any known reasons it lags so hard? any trouble shooting steps I could take?
sorry this is bad side of reascript, I have to waste too much resources for UI and even more with various optimizations it is still lags, other piece of CPU wasted on periodically checking parameter changes which make lags even bigger.
so i've been using MPL rs5k manager in "headless" mode with the UI disabled for several years now and i strongly recommend it. MPL has a number of "additional" scripts that allow you to manipulate rs5k instances via keyboard/midi/osc, so you can use your controllers to directly edit the samples ala MPC and other hardware samplers.
i use the below script to watch a track called "inq" with a "midi examine" js plugin on it. it references the last-hit drum note and opens the FX panel of the rs5k instance assigned to that note, which can then be edited using the "additional" scripts described above.
this has been a very smooth way to get deep, frictionless, mouseless rs5k control, but will likely take a bit of tailoring to suit your needs.
for i = 1, reaper.CountTracks(0) do
track = reaper.GetTrack(0,i-1)
_, tr_name = reaper.GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String( track, 'P_NAME', '', 0 )
if tr_name:lower():find("inq") then
loopval = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 2, 0) -- get loop val
noteoffval = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 2, 1) -- get loop val
val = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 1, 2) -- check note examine js for last struck note
for j = 1, reaper.CountTracks(0) do
tr = reaper.GetTrack(0,j-1)
local _, chunk = reaper.GetTrackStateChunk( tr, '', false )
for line in chunk:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
if line:find('reasamplomatic.dll') then
local _, name = reaper.GetTrackName(tr, "")
for count = 0, reaper.TrackFX_GetCount(tr)-1 do
local _, param = reaper.TrackFX_GetParamName(tr, count, 3, "")
if param == "Note range start" then
nstart = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 3)
nstart = math.floor(nstart*128) if nstart == 128 then nstart = nstart-1 end
--reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("[nstart] - ")
if val == nstart then
reaper.SetOnlyTrackSelected( tr, true )
reaper.TrackFX_Show(tr, count, 1)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(reaper.NamedCommandLookup("_SWSTL_SHOWMCPEX"), 0)
loopstate = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 12)
obeystate = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 11)
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 0 , -1 )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 0 , loopstate )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 1 , -1 )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 1 , obeystate )
07-05-2023, 06:36 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 3,718
Is there a way to enable mouse wheel for changing parameters?
it would be trivial to edit MPL's "additional" scripts to work with the mousewheel, but you'd quickly run out of modifiers without a more complex mouse modifier-modifier system (which is apparently possible, but i've not looked into it much).
07-05-2023, 07:25 AM
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Posts: 53
Originally Posted by mccrabney
so i've been using MPL rs5k manager in "headless" mode with the UI disabled for several years now and i strongly recommend it. MPL has a number of "additional" scripts that allow you to manipulate rs5k instances via keyboard/midi/osc, so you can use your controllers to directly edit the samples ala MPC and other hardware samplers.
i use the below script to watch a track called "inq" with a "midi examine" js plugin on it. it references the last-hit drum note and opens the FX panel of the rs5k instance assigned to that note, which can then be edited using the "additional" scripts described above.
this has been a very smooth way to get deep, frictionless, mouseless rs5k control, but will likely take a bit of tailoring to suit your needs.
for i = 1, reaper.CountTracks(0) do
track = reaper.GetTrack(0,i-1)
_, tr_name = reaper.GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String( track, 'P_NAME', '', 0 )
if tr_name:lower():find("inq") then
loopval = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 2, 0) -- get loop val
noteoffval = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 2, 1) -- get loop val
val = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(track, 1, 2) -- check note examine js for last struck note
for j = 1, reaper.CountTracks(0) do
tr = reaper.GetTrack(0,j-1)
local _, chunk = reaper.GetTrackStateChunk( tr, '', false )
for line in chunk:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
if line:find('reasamplomatic.dll') then
local _, name = reaper.GetTrackName(tr, "")
for count = 0, reaper.TrackFX_GetCount(tr)-1 do
local _, param = reaper.TrackFX_GetParamName(tr, count, 3, "")
if param == "Note range start" then
nstart = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 3)
nstart = math.floor(nstart*128) if nstart == 128 then nstart = nstart-1 end
--reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("[nstart] - ")
if val == nstart then
reaper.SetOnlyTrackSelected( tr, true )
reaper.TrackFX_Show(tr, count, 1)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(reaper.NamedCommandLookup("_SWSTL_SHOWMCPEX"), 0)
loopstate = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 12)
obeystate = reaper.TrackFX_GetParam(tr, count, 11)
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 0 , -1 )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 0 , loopstate )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 1 , -1 )
reaper.TrackFX_SetParam(track, 2, 1 , obeystate )
Thanks for your reply McCrabney. That sounds amazing! I am a noob when it comes to scripting and do not know yet how to implement the addition you provided. Is this something that could made to be downloaded in Reapack?
And for the mouse wheel edits. I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing. I able to use my track pad scroll on other parameters in Reaper but am not able to in RS5K manager so was wondering if there is a way to enable that.
Anyways would love to try this headless version you speak of! Thank you!
08-09-2023, 10:27 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 80
Hey mpl loving the script. Is there a way to prevent new rs5k samples from changing the track names and perhaps assigning pad names to track names. For instance I had to add empty wav files to each rs5k instance appropriately matching the name of the pad. When I go to new kit, the name changes render my auto naming useless. I'd like to be able to keep each pad assigned yo a track without the track name changing. Sorry if my explanation is long.
Also is there a way to add maybe icons or pics to the pads. Similar to waveform free drum sampler. Maybe use toolbar icons? Idk as always your work is amazing. Thank you.
08-11-2023, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by mequaz
I'd like to be able to keep each pad assigned yo a track without the track name changing.
There is a check at Settings / On sample add / Rename track, but this worked only when adding sample at fre pad. Starting 3.21 this setting also used for replacing samples at used pads.
Originally Posted by mequaz
Also is there a way to add maybe icons or pics to the pads. Similar to waveform free drum sampler. Maybe use toolbar icons?
Sorry, this is possible (for example I did in VisualMixer), but the interface is already very laggy, additional png rendering can make it even more unusable than now.
08-15-2023, 04:05 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 72
Hey MPL! I'm a great fan of your work!
Can I ask for a feature regarding RS5K manager?
Could you make it so that if I select one of the tracks that correspond to the individual samples I could then play that sample STRETCHED (pitched) all over the keyboard?
That way I'll have "drum mode" to play all samples at once if I select the main track, and a keyboard wide spread of a single sample when I select it's track.
Thank you!
08-19-2023, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Oren Sela
Hey MPL! I'm a great fan of your work!
Can I ask for a feature regarding RS5K manager?
Could you make it so that if I select one of the tracks that correspond to the individual samples I could then play that sample STRETCHED (pitched) all over the keyboard?
That way I'll have "drum mode" to play all samples at once if I select the main track, and a keyboard wide spread of a single sample when I select it's track.
Thank you!
Sorry I don`t think it fits the RS5k manager flow, or it will be very hard to implement. What a reason to play pitched sample?
09-01-2023, 06:37 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 80
Originally Posted by mpl
Sorry I don`t think it fits the RS5k manager flow, or it will be very hard to implement. What a reason to play pitched sample?
For instance I have one pad dedicated to 808s sometimes triggering it is what I need. Sometimes I may want to play a melody. Not just 808s also allows us to chromaticlly pick a kick, snare, up and down the keyboard for diff pitch variations per hit. Aka mpc 16 levels mode.
Last edited by mequaz; 09-01-2023 at 07:03 AM.
09-03-2023, 05:59 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 275
Hi, I can't get the choke function to work. The JSFX is in the MIDI Bus track, and I assign hi hats to group 1 but no choke. I tried different settings in the ADSR and obey note-offs to no avail. Any specific way that it needs to be set up?
Also, would it be possible to add a Resonance knob to the filter area? Would be cool.
Thanks for the script!
09-17-2023, 12:50 PM
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Location: Karlsruhe
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Thanks for developing. This thing rocks!
09-18-2023, 01:18 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 4
Thanks for the RS5K manager, MPL
It really speeds up setup
I tried searching the thread and I can't find documentation, so I have a question: Is there a way to tweak a parameter across all instances? For example: to change the "Attack" value for everything
If there's not currently a function, I'd like to request that in a future update.
Not a dealbreaker, but it might also be nice to see more than 16 samplers in the "drum rack" view to speed up manually dragging in samples
Thanks again for your work
09-20-2023, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by TheNewFlesh
Thanks for the RS5K manager, MPL
It really speeds up setup
I tried searching the thread and I can't find documentation, so I have a question: Is there a way to tweak a parameter across all instances? For example: to change the "Attack" value for everything
If there's not currently a function, I'd like to request that in a future update.
Not a dealbreaker, but it might also be nice to see more than 16 samplers in the "drum rack" view to speed up manually dragging in samples
Thanks again for your work
- In macro tab select macro knob
- Go to "Actions", there are actions to link all rack samplers gain or pitch to this macro.
3.22 (today): added Attack to this list
10-16-2023, 09:01 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 796
I have a project template with a load of RS5k tracks with samples already loaded in, but the manager doesn't show them up in the pad view when selecting tracks. But it shows the sample name only, with no sampler or pad view occupied.
If i drag a sample onto a new track in RS5k Manager, it loads up and shows the sampler in the manager, and adds another midi bus track.
Is there a way to scan and refresh what's already there?
10-16-2023, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by dna598
I have a project template with a load of RS5k tracks with samples already loaded in, but the manager doesn't show them up in the pad view when selecting tracks. But it shows the sample name only, with no sampler or pad view occupied.
If i drag a sample onto a new track in RS5k Manager, it loads up and shows the sampler in the manager, and adds another midi bus track.
Is there a way to scan and refresh what's already there?
it is complex because there are lot of possible ways to use Rs5k in the project (different tracks, all in single track, mapped to note or not etc)
10-16-2023, 12:57 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by mpl
it is complex because there are lot of possible ways to use Rs5k in the project (different tracks, all in single track, mapped to note or not etc)
ah ok. So how can i force it see these samplers? Anything i can do with the manager?
10-21-2023, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by dna598
ah ok. So how can i force it see these samplers? Anything i can do with the manager?
Sorry, that would be hard to catch all possible variations of RS5k instance placement and setup.
10-30-2023, 12:31 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 4
Thanks for developing, the script is great!
3 feature requests
1) add a control for "sensitivity" -- the Min Vol. knob in rs5k. A toggle to always play at full volume (set Min Vol. to 0db) would also be nice.
2) ability to change note placement in the grid (and save to Database Map.) I have an electronic drumset and would like to rearrange its note outputs to all fit in one 4x4 grid on the manager.
3) ability to set the manager to obey the actual MIDI input the bus track receives when highlighting notes. If I remap the notes from a MIDI device into REAPER, i can find no way to get rs5k_manager to reflect these changes (whether the mapping changes are from the bus track's Input FX chain or from a MIDI send feeding the bus track) - it always highlights by the direct input.
Perhaps we could add an optional JSFX that sends the MIDI it receives to rs5k_manager? Probably a big headache to develop, I understand.
Last edited by rjbunge99; 10-30-2023 at 12:45 PM.
10-30-2023, 12:56 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 4
Also, crash report (I think it's new to REAPER 7)
MIDI Osc Map > "Learn", I get this message:
mpl_RS5k manager (background).lua:909: attempt to perform bitwise operation on a string value (local 'learn_midi1')
Script won't reopen in that project until I delete the folder that was selected when I first received that error message.
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