02-18-2019, 08:40 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 321
Strange thing
Guys what am i doing wrong? JS_Window_ListAllChild return empty string.
Last version JS API installed and Reaper also last version.
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
main_wnd = reaper.GetMainHwnd()
local retval, list = reaper.JS_Window_ListAllChild(main_wnd)
02-18-2019, 12:14 PM
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I don't have much help to offer but can only say your code is working here.
No idea what could be going wrong, sorry.
02-18-2019, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Edgemeal
@ juliansader
Any plans to add support for ComboBox list like you did for ListView?
Communication with ComboBoxes are through standard window messages, using JS_WindowMessage_Send. The ComboBox message names, such as "CB_GETCOUNT" aren't automatically recognized by the current version of the extension, but I can easily add these to the next update.
In the meantime, you can use message numbers such as "0x0146" instead of "CB_GETCOUNT", for example, when accessing ComboBoxes.
02-18-2019, 03:03 PM
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Posts: 321
nofish, thank you man! I thought I was going crazy) On the new reinstalled reaper everything is ok.
02-18-2019, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by juliansader
Communication with ComboBoxes are through standard window messages, using JS_WindowMessage_Send. The ComboBox message names, such as "CB_GETCOUNT" aren't automatically recognized by the current version of the extension, but I can easily add these to the next update.
In the meantime, you can use message numbers such as "0x0146" instead of "CB_GETCOUNT", for example, when accessing ComboBoxes.
I tried but not sure how to get the text, the last API call says param #4 should be a number but pretty sure Win32 API expects a string buffer. What am I doing wrong?
function msg(str)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(str) .. '\n')
CB_GETCOUNT = "0x0146"
CB_GETLBTEXT = "0x0148"
local title = reaper.JS_Localize("VST: ReaEQ", "common") --< Floating FX window
local hwnd = reaper.JS_Window_Find(title, false)
if not hwnd then return end
-- get presets combobox
local container = reaper.JS_Window_FindChildByID(hwnd, 0)
local presets = reaper.JS_Window_FindChildByID(container, 1000)
local itemCount = reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_GETCOUNT, 0,0,0,0)
for i = 0, itemCount-1 do
local itemLength = reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, i, 0,0,0)
local buffer = string.rep(" ", itemLength)
reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_GETLBTEXT, i, buffer, 0,0)
Last edited by Edgemeal; 02-18-2019 at 04:28 PM.
02-19-2019, 11:30 PM
Human being with feelings
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Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by Edgemeal
I tried but not sure how to get the text, the last API call says param #4 should be a number but pretty sure Win32 API expects a string buffer. What am I doing wrong?
That window message requires the address of a buffer into which it can write a string, and it should be passed to the API function as a Lua number. Pointers can be converted to address numbers by JS_Window_AddressFromHandle (or a simple tostring on the handle).
Lua strings are fixed, so aren't editable buffers into which functions can write new strings. I am not aware of any Lua function in REAPER that allocates such memory, except new_array(). Perhaps I should add some functions for allocating memory buffers to the extension?
I haven't been able to get CB_GETLBTEXT and CB_GETLBTEXTLEN to work either, even with properly allocated buffers. CB_GETLBTEXTLEN returns wildly exaggerated values, and CB_GETLBTEXT just returns an error code.
For most of REAPER's comboboxes, this shouldn't be a problem, since their contents are known and fixed: as long as CB_GETCURSEL (or even JS_Window_GetTitle) and CB_SETCURSEL work, you can get and set combobox selection.
For comboboxes with variable contents, such as the ReaEQ presets, I don't have a good solution yet, unfortunately. Perhaps you can activate each preset one-by-one and use GetTitle to get the name?
Last edited by juliansader; 02-19-2019 at 11:55 PM.
02-20-2019, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by juliansader
Perhaps you can activate each preset one-by-one and use GetTitle to get the name?
I didn't expect CB_SETCURSEL to work better then REAPER's API.
If I try doing this same thing with REAPER API (example, see MPL's reabank script) on say 'Guitar Rig 5' I don't get any preset text and REAPER gets really slow and will crash if I don't stop the script right away.
Some plugins don't like when the presets are changed really fast and crash, But this works!
Testing: Windows 7 / js_ReaScriptAPI v0.963 / REAPER v5.965
-- TEST: Create Reabank file for 'Guitar Rig 5' --
fx_name = 'Guitar Rig 5' -- floating FX window
function Main()
local CB_GETCOUNT = "0x0146"
local CB_GETCURSEL = "0x0147"
local CB_SETCURSEL = "0x014E"
-- Find VST floating FX window
local title = reaper.JS_Localize("VST: ".. fx_name, "common")
local hwnd = reaper.JS_Window_Find(title, false)
if not hwnd then return end
-- get presets combobox
local container = reaper.JS_Window_FindChildByID(hwnd, 0)
local presets = reaper.JS_Window_FindChildByID(container, 1000)
local itemCount = reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_GETCOUNT, 0,0,0,0)
-- save current index
local cur_index = reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_GETCURSEL, 0,0,0,0)
local listStart = 3
-- build reabank
local str =
// .reabank bank/program (patch) information
// A bank entry lists the MSB, LSB, and bank name
// for all the patches that follow, until the next bank entry.
]]..'\n'..'Bank 0 0 '.. fx_name ..' 001-'..tostring(itemCount-listStart)..'\n'
-- get preset names
for i = listStart, itemCount-1 do
reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0,0,0)
str = str..'\n'..(i-listStart)..' '..reaper.JS_Window_GetTitle(presets,"")
-- restore index
reaper.JS_WindowMessage_Send(presets, CB_SETCURSEL, cur_index, 0,0,0)
-- get file path from user for reabank file
local initialFolder = reaper.GetResourcePath()..[[\Data]]
local initialFile = fx_name .. ".reabank"
local extensionList = "ReaBank files (*.reabank)\0*.reabank\0\0"
local ret, filename = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForSaveFile("Save As Reabank", initialFolder, initialFile, extensionList)
if ret == 0 then return end
-- write data to file
file = io.open(filename, "w")
-- begin
if not reaper.APIExists("JS_Localize") then
reaper.MB("js_ReaScriptAPI extension is required for this script.", "Missing API", 0)
-- end
reaper.defer(function () end)
Last edited by Edgemeal; 02-22-2019 at 01:28 PM.
Reason: Add OS and API ver.
02-21-2019, 04:52 PM
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Basically I'm trying to append a folder name to reaper.GetResourcePath(), I've read on the forum to use a forward-slash ("/") because it works on MAC and Windows, but (here on Win7) when I use "/" for the initialFolder param the JS_API open and save dialogs don't open to the expected folder, but do work as expected if I use a backslash '/'. What am I doing wrong this time? Confused as usual.
Testing: Windows 7 / js_ReaScriptAPI v0.963 / REAPER v5.965
-- Make Reabank file from FX preset file
function GetFileNameOnly(path)
local p = path:reverse():find('[%/%\\]') -- file path end
local e = path:reverse():find('[%.]') -- ext length
return path:sub(-p + 1, string.len(path)-e)
function Main()
-- select one preset file
local initialFolder = reaper.GetResourcePath()..[[\presets]] -- ..'/presets' doesn't work!
local initialFile = '*.ini'
local extensionList = "Preset files (*.ini)\0*.ini\0\0"
local ret, filename = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForOpenFiles("Select Preset File", initialFolder, initialFile, extensionList, false)
if ret == 0 then return end
-- get fx name from file name
local fx_name = GetFileNameOnly(filename)
-- read selected preset file
local index = 0
local t = {}
local file = io.open(filename, "r")
local data = file:read("*all") -- read the whole file.
for line in data:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
if string.find(line,'Name=') then
line = tostring(index) ..' ' .. string.gsub(line,'Name=','')
index = index +1
t[index]= line
-- build reabank data
local str =
// .reabank bank/program (patch) information
// A bank entry lists the MSB, LSB, and bank name
// for all the patches that follow, until the next bank entry.
]]..'\n'..'Bank 0 0 ' .. fx_name .. ' 001-' .. tostring(#t) .. '\n'
for i=1, #t do -- add preset names
str = str..'\n'..(t[i])
-- get file path from user for reabank file
initialFolder = reaper.GetResourcePath()..[[\Data]] -- ..'/Data' doesn't work!
initialFile = fx_name .. ".reabank"
extensionList = "ReaBank files (*.reabank)\0*.reabank\0\0"
ret, filename = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForSaveFile("Save As Reabank", initialFolder, initialFile, extensionList)
if ret == 0 then return end
-- write data to file
file = io.open(filename, "w")
end -- function
-- begin
if not reaper.APIExists("JS_Localize") then
reaper.MB("js_ReaScriptAPI extension is required for this script.", "Missing API", 0)
-- end
reaper.defer(function () end)
Last edited by Edgemeal; 02-22-2019 at 01:28 PM.
Reason: Add OS and API ver.
02-22-2019, 12:31 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
I Googled the problem, and found that it is a known bug in Windows' file dialogs: unlike most other Windows functions, the file open and save dialogs do not understand forward slashes.
I will add a patch to the next update.
Another idiosyncrasy that bothers me when multiple files are selected, is that Windows doesn't include the backslash at the end of the folder string, whereas Linux does, and macOS just leaves the folder substring blank -- even though, according to documentation, all three are supposed to format their return strings exactly the same.
I will try to make these more consistent.
02-22-2019, 01:14 PM
Human being with feelings
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Thanks, thought I was going crazy.
02-24-2019, 06:31 AM
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Need a little help, what is equivalent for OSX?
track_window = reaper.JS_Window_Find("trackview", true) -- GET TRACK VIEW
OSX users are experiencing error when calling
track_window_dc = reaper.JS_GDI_GetWindowDC(track_window)
02-24-2019, 08:10 AM
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Posts: 3,714
Child window titles are not valid cross-platform (nor are class names), but window IDs seem to be reliable.
You can use JS_Window_GetLongPtr(hwnd, "ID") to get the child window's ID on Windows, if you already have its hwnd.
Thereafter, in your public scripts, use that ID (converted to a number) and JS_Window_FindChildByID to get the window on any platform.
In the case of trackview, its ID seems to be 0x3E8, so the equivalent would be:
track_view = reaper.JS_Window_FindChildByID(reaper.GetMainHwnd(), 0x3E8)
02-25-2019, 10:58 AM
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I'm just working on that function myself. If I can make this working, it will be part of the next iteration of the Ultraschall-API.
Tha lack of a title and classname on MacOS(and probably Linux) makes that stuff quite hard to code...
02-25-2019, 10:56 PM
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Posts: 3,714
v0.970 uploaded:
* BrowseForOpenFiles: On Windows, returns folder with terminal backslash.
* All file dialogs: On Windows, accept forward slashes in initial folder.
* IsWindow function: Improved on Linux and macOS.
* New functions: Memory allocation and access.
* Deprecated function: StrToPtr.
* WindowMessage functions: Recognize ComboBox message names such as "CB_GETCURSEL".
02-26-2019, 12:40 AM
Human being with feelings
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Originally Posted by juliansader
v0.970 uploaded:
REAPER 5.97 (on Win7_x64) is closing on me without any error now when running the script in post #252, it might run on first try then fail, or gets to where the save dialog should open but REAPER closes, changing backslash to forward slash made no difference, the open/save file dialogs seem to have a problem. I reverted back to 0.963 for now, opened and saved 7 preset files in a row no problem.
Last edited by Edgemeal; 02-26-2019 at 02:23 AM.
02-26-2019, 02:09 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Drat, there was indeed a memory access bug. v0.971 uploaded, which should fix it. Thanks for testing so quickly!
02-26-2019, 02:39 AM
Human being with feelings
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0.971 looking good!
02-26-2019, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Sexan
Need a little help, what is equivalent for OSX?
track_window = reaper.JS_Window_Find("trackview", true) -- GET TRACK VIEW
OSX users are experiencing error when calling
track_window_dc = reaper.JS_GDI_GetWindowDC(track_window)
This is, what I came up with and will be part of the next Ultraschall-API-version. It is cross-platform.
It returns the HWND for the arrangeview(trackview) and the hwnd for the timeline.
You need to replace the line
local Count, Individual_values = ultraschall.CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray(list)
with something, that splits the returned list into an array with the individual adresses and a count of the number of adresses in list
The rest should work right away.
function GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine()
-- fantastic arrangeview- and timeline-hwnds and where to find them...
-- by "J.K."Mespotine ;)
-- preparation of variables
local ARHWND, TLHWND, temphwnd
-- if we haven't stored the adress of the arrangeviewhwnd yet, let's go find them.
if reaper.GetExtState("ultraschall", "arrangehwnd")=="" then
-- prepare some values we need
local Start,Stop = reaper.BR_GetArrangeView(0)
local Projectlength=reaper.GetProjectLength()
-- get mainhwnd of Reaper and all of it's childhwnds
local HWND=reaper.GetMainHwnd()
local retval, list = reaper.JS_Window_ListAllChild(HWND)
--Now, the magic happens
-- [ Getting Arrangeview HWND] --
-- split the hwnd-adresses into individual adresses
local Count, Individual_values = ultraschall.CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray(list)
-- get current scroll-state of all hwnds
local ScrollState={}
for i=1, Count do
local temphwnd=reaper.JS_Window_HandleFromAddress(Individual_values[i])
ScrollState[i]["retval"], ScrollState[i]["position"], ScrollState[i]["pageSize"], ScrollState[i]["min"], ScrollState[i]["max"], ScrollState[i]["trackPos"] = reaper.JS_Window_GetScrollInfo(temphwnd,"h")
retval, ScrollState[i]["left"], ScrollState[i]["top"], ScrollState[i]["right"], ScrollState[i]["bottom"] = reaper.JS_Window_GetRect(temphwnd)
-- alter scrollstate
-- check scrollstate of all hwnds for the one, whose scrollstate changed, as this is the arrange-view-hwnd
for i=1, Count do
local retval, position, pageSize, min, max, trackPos = reaper.JS_Window_GetScrollInfo(temphwnd,"h")
if position~=ScrollState[i]["position"] or
pageSize~=ScrollState[i]["pageSize"] or
min~=ScrollState[i]["min"] or
max~=ScrollState[i]["max"] or
trackPos~=ScrollState[i]["trackPos"] then
--[[print2(reaper.JS_Window_GetTitle(temphwnd), position, ScrollState[i]["position"],
pageSize, ScrollState[i]["pageSize"],
min, ScrollState[i]["min"],
max, ScrollState[i]["max"],
trackPos, ScrollState[i]["trackPos"]
-- in the unlikely case that I can't find a hwnd, return this error-message
if ARHWND==nil then ultraschall.AddErrorMessage("GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine", "",
[[Couldn't find Arrangeview for some reason. Please report this to me as a bug and what you did to make this error happen!
Please include in the bugreport your OS, the Reaper-version and the following information:
]]..Projectlength..", "..Start..", "..Stop..", "..reaper.GetHZoomLevel(), -1) return nil end
-- reset arrangeview-scrolling to it's original state
-- [ Getting Timeline HWND] --
-- let's get the dimensions of the arrangeview-hwnd, as top, left and right-positions can be used
-- to determine bottom, left, right of the timeline-hwnd
local retval, left, top, right, bottom = reaper.JS_Window_GetRect(ARHWND)
-- check all hwnds to find the one, that has right=right, left=left, bottom_timeline=top_arrangeview
for i=1, Count do
local temphwnd=reaper.JS_Window_HandleFromAddress(Individual_values[i])
if ScrollState[i]["left"]==left and ScrollState[i]["right"]==right and ScrollState[i]["bottom"]==top then
-- store the adresses of the found HWNDs of Arrangeview and Timeline into an extstate for further use, to prevent useless
-- scroll-state-altering of the Arrangeview(which could cause stuck Arrangeviews, when done permanently)
reaper.SetExtState("ultraschall", "arrangehwnd", reaper.JS_Window_AddressFromHandle(ARHWND), false)
reaper.SetExtState("ultraschall", "timelinehwnd", reaper.JS_Window_AddressFromHandle(TLHWND), false)
-- if the extstate already has stored the arrangeview-hwnd-address, just convert the one for arrangeview and timeline
-- it into their handles and return them
ARHWND=reaper.JS_Window_HandleFromAddress(reaper.GetExtState("ultraschall", "arrangehwnd"))
TLHWND=reaper.JS_Window_HandleFromAddress(reaper.GetExtState("ultraschall", "timelinehwnd"))
02-28-2019, 04:12 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: China
Posts: 60
These scripts are soooooooo creative and useful, thanks a lot!
@Edgemeal wrote a script to locate "Search" box in Media Explorer and said I should thank(donate) you, haha
So I'm wondering how can I donate your - since I didn't found a donation link yet.
Could you please post your Paypal, maybe?
Oh by the way, I'm curious about the way how you made the gifs in https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=176878
The keystroke display is interesting
02-28-2019, 06:23 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by Moy
So I'm wondering how can I donate your - since I didn't found a donation link yet. Could you please post your Paypal, maybe?
Thanks a lot! It's http://www.paypal.me/juliansader.
Originally Posted by Moy
This was recorded on Linux with the Key-mon status monitor. (I've not been able to find any Windows app that is as good as Key-mon.)
03-01-2019, 01:39 AM
Human being with feelings
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Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by mespotine
This is, what I came up with and will be part of the next Ultraschall-API-version. It is cross-platform.
It returns the HWND for the arrangeview(trackview) and the hwnd for the timeline.
Fortunately, I don't think such intricate code will be necessary. HWNDs of child windows such as trackview can be found with FindChildByID, and Justin recently confirmed that IDs are cross-platform reliable.
03-02-2019, 07:43 PM
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Shouldn't the File dialogs check the entered or selected filenames?
For example, If user enters a filename that doesn't exist for Open file the return should be zero.
And if entered filename already exists for Save dialog it should pop up an Overwrite Yes/No dialog, so that if user selects 'No' then return is zero.
Or maybe thats just the default in VS vb.net and I'm spoiled?
03-04-2019, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by juliansader
Fortunately, I don't think such intricate code will be necessary. HWNDs of child windows such as trackview can be found with FindChildByID, and Justin recently confirmed that IDs are cross-platform reliable.
Hmm..the question is now, how do you store the ID crossplatform.
Because, currently, I would need to get the ID using JS_Window_GetLongPtr which needs a HWND to work.
The ID is a userdata-object in Lua, so I can't store it in a string-variable or something like that, afaik.
But this would be needed to use JS_Window_FindChildByID...
03-04-2019, 05:11 AM
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Location: France
Posts: 10,086
There is reaper.file_exists function to file path checking :P
How would you get media file section in media explorer peaks ? (MEPeaks is the ID but I don't know how to get the section ?) I would be interested in a new script for Inserting media file section in last touch track at mouse (or edit cursor if mouse is outside) position :P
03-04-2019, 05:45 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by Edgemeal
Shouldn't the File dialogs check the entered or selected filenames?
For example, If user enters a filename that doesn't exist for Open file the return should be zero.
And if entered filename already exists for Save dialog it should pop up an Overwrite Yes/No dialog, so that if user selects 'No' then return is zero.
I will add this in the next update. (It will also make the Windows dialog more consistent with the Linux one.)
03-04-2019, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by juliansader
I will add this in the next update. (It will also make the Windows dialog more consistent with the Linux one.)
I would prefer this to be optional. I want to be able to do the checks in the background, if necessary for things in my API.
A simple boolean with default setting of check_for_existing_file=true would be sufficient, I guess.
03-04-2019, 06:01 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by mespotine
Because, currently, I would need to get the ID using JS_Window_GetLongPtr which needs a HWND to work.
The ID is actually a number, even though the function returns pointers. The pointer can be converted to a number using JS_Window_AddressFromHandle, or tonumber(tostring(ptr):match("%S+$"), 16).
I realize that it is awkward to return the ID as a pointer, but since the function can also return pointers (when asked for "WNDPROC" or "DLGPROC"), I'm not sure which return format would be better.
EDIT: Hmmm... perhaps the function should return *two* values, one a pointer, and the other the integer version. And I should also update the API help to make clear that the function can return pointers as well as integers.
Last edited by juliansader; 03-04-2019 at 06:12 AM.
03-04-2019, 06:45 AM
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Location: Leipzig
Posts: 6,707
Originally Posted by juliansader
The ID is actually a number, even though the function returns pointers. The pointer can be converted to a number using JS_Window_AddressFromHandle, or tonumber(tostring(ptr):match("%S+$"), 16).
I realize that it is awkward to return the ID as a pointer, but since the function can also return pointers (when asked for "WNDPROC" or "DLGPROC"), I'm not sure which return format would be better.
EDIT: Hmmm... perhaps the function should return *two* values, one a pointer, and the other the integer version. And I should also update the API help to make clear that the function can return pointers as well as integers.
Nice, that would solve all such issues with HWNDs
03-04-2019, 07:04 AM
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Location: ASU`ogacihC
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Originally Posted by juliansader
I will add this in the next update. (It will also make the Windows dialog more consistent with the Linux one.)
Was just looking at file dialogs in vb.net I see flags are set to true by default, .CheckFileExists, .CheckPathExists, .OverwritePrompt.
Like I said, I'm just spoiled!
A couple more flags that wold come in handy.
.FilterIndex, get/set which file extension is used from the extension list.
.AddExtension, automatically add file extension if user omits it.
Last edited by Edgemeal; 03-04-2019 at 07:15 AM.
03-04-2019, 09:21 AM
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Location: ASU`ogacihC
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Originally Posted by X-Raym
There is reaper.file_exists function to file path checking :P
Yes, but its more elegant when file dialog does it for you.
How would you get media file section in media explorer peaks ? (MEPeaks is the ID but I don't know how to get the section ?) I would be interested in a new script for Inserting media file section in last touch track at mouse (or edit cursor if mouse is outside) position :P
Can't we already do that?, You make an area selection over the item in the MEpeaks area, right click and select Insert selected portion into project. Only drawback I see is it adds it to first selected track at edit cursor.
03-04-2019, 09:27 AM
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Location: France
Posts: 10,086
Only drawback I see is it adds it to first selected track at edit cursor.
And it requires Right click and navigating into menu :P Weird that this is avaible as keyboard shortcut.
Maybe it would be better to open a Feature request.
03-04-2019, 09:33 AM
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Location: France
Posts: 10,086
You make me close deeper and thx to reapaccessibility.com I found that if I set Options: Default action inserts media in Media Explorer Action context, then pressing enter WILL import the item section at edit cur pos on first selected track...
I can go with it for now (but I wonder if there was a simpler way to do that).
03-04-2019, 11:13 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by X-Raym
How would you get media file section in media explorer peaks ? (MEPeaks is the ID but I don't know how to get the section ?)
I do not quite understand what you mean by "media file section" and "media explorer peaks" -- could perhaps upload a screenshot?
03-04-2019, 03:53 PM
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Posts: 10,086
The problem is mostly solved with the Enter key, I can go with that :P But the idea was:
03-06-2019, 02:08 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 4,178
Hi Julian,
I'm trying to use the JS_Dialog_BrowseForSaveFile function - and it has been working fine on my 2 laptops.
But when I transferred my script over to my studio PC - it returns -1 without opening the dialog.
I've checked and double-checked the default folder path being passed - and that's fine (I have even tried substituting any / with \ (am on Win10 on all my machines)).
Really odd - do you have any idea what may be causing this. Save as dialogs work elsewhere on my system.
Do you know what dll the call you are using resides in so I can check that? EDIT - sorry - you're probably using the lib file not the dll.
the code I'm using is :
local retval, fileName = reaper.JS_Dialog_BrowseForSaveFile('Save Strip Set As...', path, '', "stripset files (.stripset)\0*.stripset\0\0")
Like I said - this works fine on my 2 laptops - just not my main studio computer.
Thanks for any help.
Ok - I got it working for 5 seconds before it crashed and took out Reaper by adding parameters 5 and 6 - 5 I passed as empty string (not big pointer - probably the reason of the crash) - and 6 I set as 33000
So - does that shed any light on why it's not working properly on my system.
Is there a way to set up a big pointer to pass in (off to research now)...?
Think I got it sorted - used 32000 doesn't seem to crash reaper - (not 33000)
Any ideas why it doesn't work without me adding these 2 extra parameters?
Spoke too soon - still freezing/crashing reaper. :/
So adding parameters 5+6 (as "", 32000) does get the dialog open - but it kills reaper once I close the dialog.
Any ideas at all what to do?
Last edited by lb0; 03-06-2019 at 02:45 PM.
03-06-2019, 03:26 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Originally Posted by lb0
Like I said - this works fine on my 2 laptops - just not my main studio computer.
Strange... Are you using different versions of REAPER on the three computers?
Think I got it sorted - used 32000 doesn't seem to crash reaper - (not 33000)...Spoke too soon - still freezing/crashing reaper. :/
By default in Lua, NeedBig strings are supposed to provide 32768 bytes of memory, so the line "if (fileNameOutNeedBig_sz < 32000) return -1;" is intended to check that a script didn't decrease this memory space, if the optional parameters 5 and 6 are explicitly provided.
I wonder if something changed in a recent version of REAPER, causing NeedBig strings to provide smaller strings by default, and also to limit parameter 6?
But no worries -- if anything changed under the hood in REAPER, it will be easy to fix the function.
Last edited by juliansader; 03-06-2019 at 03:31 PM.
03-06-2019, 03:57 PM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 4,178
Originally Posted by juliansader
Strange... Are you using different versions of REAPER on the three computers?
By default in Lua, NeedBig strings are supposed to provide 32768 bytes of memory, so the line "if (fileNameOutNeedBig_sz < 32000) return -1;" is intended to check that a script didn't decrease this memory space, if the optional parameters 5 and 6 are explicitly provided.
I wonder if something changed in a recent version of REAPER, causing NeedBig strings to provide smaller strings by default, and also to limit parameter 6?
But no worries -- if anything changed under the hood in REAPER, it will be easy to fix the function.
Thanks for the quick reply
It's entirely possible I'm running slightly different versions of Reaper.
I'm running 5.962dev1117 on this laptop.
I'll check soon on the studio machine and try maybe updating/downgrading the studio machine to see if it makes a difference.
I tried out your Load dialog and that one works fine on the studio pc.
I guess I'm just puzzled why I'm needing to pass (the hidden) parameters 5 & 6 from Lua - when this is not needed on the laptops.
Will check my versions and report back.
Thanks again,
Ok - sorry - my fault. Seems I was running an older dev release (5.961dev1103 or similar) on my studio PC.
Updated to dev1117 and it all works fine Mas well update and try the latest now...
Thanks again for your help - didn't cross my mind to look at Reaper version!! Noted for the future!
Last edited by lb0; 03-06-2019 at 04:06 PM.
03-08-2019, 06:28 AM
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: Leipzig
Posts: 6,707
Would it be possible for you to expose the following C-only-functions to ReaScript as well?
Currently, previewing an audiofile is only possible, if it's part of the current project(using SWS-actions), though the API-supports previewing audiofiles not in the project as well, if I understood it correctly.
And I would love to have a function, that returns the attributes of a file, like creation-time, last change time, size, etc. The stuff, you could get using ls on Linux or dir on Windows, but without having to go through the console, as this is too slow.
I have tons of scripts(mostly reverse-engineering stuff to document Reaper-things), that need to reread a file for display or checks, but I would love to do that only, if the file has changed, without having to read it in full to check for differences. Especially with large-files this would be a performance-saver.
03-08-2019, 10:00 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 4,178
Another quick Q from me
I've been playing around with the GDI stuff drawing directly to a window.
This is working great. But using FillRect - I can set the fill colour using JS_GDI_CreateFillBrush and JS_GDI_SelectObject - but can't work out how to change the border colour (which is always black).
Is this possible? Thanks,
03-08-2019, 10:54 AM
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
IIRC, the selected GDI "pen" is used for the border.
Warning: I haven't been able to get GDI to work properly in Linux, even though it is supposed to have been implemented.
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