Yes, it is spelled with a "u" in third world countries.
Curtis, stop being a turd. We get that you're lazy, but insisting that Britain, Australia and Canada are third-world countries is ignorance.
You are one of the few exceptions to this amazing community. You don't have to continue that way.
You'll find that people here are more helpful than pretty much any other software forum. None of these people are paid to help you, they do it from the goodness of their hearts. Showing some gratitude goes a long way and it costs you nothing. Even people from third-world countries can afford manners.
Great suggestions there! v1.1 is going in that direction (more browser customization & per-package documentation).
For "Link to the script author's webpage", there is already the repositories' about dialogs which often have links (right click on a package > About XYZ).
As for rating, this is harder for now since ReaPack does not have a centralized location to store them...
@David Else
Very nice! I've added a link to your article on
You can send scripts using GitHub's web interface on the ReaTeam script repository at after adding a bit of metadata at the top like in this video:
EDIT: If you wish to dig deeper the packaging documentation is here.
I just attempted to create a pull request on the ReaTeam pack, but I'm not sure I did it right. I did follow the video, but shouldn't it be that you /either/ create a fork, or create a pull request directly on the repository? I seem to have created a pull-request on /my/ fork.
There is often some documentation at the top of the code and there's always the forum threads. I'm working on per-package documentation capability in ReaPack for v1.1.
There is often some documentation at the top of the code and there's always the forum threads. I'm working on per-package documentation capability in ReaPack for v1.1.
That would be the single most important update in my opinion. thanks!
All network access is done through reaper.exe so only that need permission from the firewall. Is HTTPS allowed?
A "SSL connect error" sometime happens when the OS fails to validate the authenticity of the server's ssl certificate (I get the same error when I use a proxy that filters https traffic).
There will be an option to workaround this in the next ReaPack version, hopefully it will be ready for public testing soon... (EDIT:out now) However the best solution would be to find out why Windows doesn't accept GitHub's certificate on your end.
All network access is done through reaper.exe so only that need permission from the firewall. Is HTTPS allowed?
A "SSL connect error" sometime happens when the OS fails to validate the authenticity of the server's ssl certificate (I get the same error when I use a proxy that filters https traffic).
There will be an option to workaround this in the next ReaPack version, hopefully it will be ready for public testing soon... However the best solution would be to find out why Windows doesn't accept GitHub's certificate on your end.
Just a note of thanks for this cool tool. Been using (and loving) Reaper for a few years, but have never gotten into scripts or extensions - feel like this just opened the door for me.
Having a weird problem. Reakpack installed just fine, and I was able to download all the scripts I wanted. I confirmed that the scripts are now sitting in a "Scripts" folder in my REAPER Resource folder, but they are not in my action list, and I don't know how to get them there. I read through the user guide on the Reapack website but it doesn't look like I missed a step. BTW this is a portable Windows install, if that matters.
Forgot to mention, I have REAPER 5.22 installed. The portable install is actually in my OneDrive folder so I can use it on multiple computers with the same settings everywhere. I'm confident this isn't a OneDrive sync problem though, because the script files are there, they just aren't importing to REAPER's action list.
I tried with a REAPER 5.22/ReaPack 1.0 portable installation in a OneDrive folder and it worked here. Some things you could try:
Open reaper-kb.ini in a text editor after closing REAPER to see if the scripts are listed there
Try with a new portable installation without OneDrive
Now, this is a wild guess but you do mention "all the scripts I wanted": could they be all MIDI Editor scripts?
If so, you'll find them in the MIDI Editor section of the Action List (menu at the upper right) instead of in the Main section.
Ok, so after about half and hour of trying different things I finally got it figured out (good thing REAPER installs so fast, because I had to reinstall several times, and this would have taken hours with other DAWs). Cfillion, you got me started on the right track.
First I copied my REAPER install out of OneDrive and onto my desktop, then launched REAPER. Unsurprisingly, this didn't work.
Then I created a fresh portable install on my desktop, and immediately installed SWS and Reapack. Everything worked perfectly, I was able to downloaded all 560 packages from the 5 default repositories and they appeared in the action list. Then I imported my configurations from the old install to the new one, and suddenly the scripts were gone from the action list. Then I finally realized that by importing my configurations, I must have overwritten some settings file and caused REAPER to "forget" about the downloaded scrips, if that's the right term to use.
So I tried a third time. Installed REAPER, then imported my configs, THEN installed SWS and Reapack. Voila, everything where it should be!
I can't get Reapack to run atm, updated SWS to, put Reapack64 dll in User plugins [resource app/roaming etc] Reapack dialog box shows up ok in extensions menu but when trying to use it there's error message "Reapack could not download [eg] Rea Team Script's index"
[Error description: Couldn't resolve host name]
Communication breakdown. I read some instructions that said put this file in User plugins, make sure you've got sws 2.8.3, open the reapack extension, choose one of the repositories or whatever and you're in business. No mention of net connectivity required. I've been through the hoops but my DAW rig, like so many others, is not net connected, does that mean I can't activate Reapack? [Please keep in mind that an idiot is someone who doesn't know something you learned yesterday]
In that dialog it says where the reapack dll is currently located and where it should be (along with expected file name). Move/rename it to the expected location.
(If it's already there, can you send me a screenshot of the full dialog?)