12-29-2024, 10:05 AM | #1 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
req: script for MIDI guitar chords via user input
Is it possible to have a script that does the following:
1. - Enter the guitar strings/fret chord form in the following format: 1 3 3 2 1 1 or X X X 2 1 1 - the chord would be inserted in a MIDI item as notes - the string number would be assigned to a MIDI channel (1 to 6) as an option - note value attributed at the beginning with a backslash character ex. 8/ X 3 2 0 1 X or 1/ X 3 2 0 1 X (eighth = 8/ whole = 1/) 2. - Enter the guitar strings/fret in the following format: 1-2-6-9-0-3-6-2-6-2 - the individual numbers would be inserted in a MIDI item as individual notes one after the other - MIDI channel would always be 1 in that case - note value attributed at the beginning with a backslash character ex. 4/ 6-3-7-3-5-7 or 2/ 8-4-6-645-2-12-9-5-3 (quarter= 4/ half= 2/) This script would be extremely useful for guitar players like me to enter guitar chords and notes in Reaper. Much obliged if that is something that can be easily done! Last edited by krahosk; 12-29-2024 at 10:18 AM. |
12-29-2024, 12:22 PM | #2 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 992
I'm not a guitarist, so I'm not sure if the below will give you the right result...
But it's a start ;o) Code:
local r=reaper local ctx=r.ImGui_CreateContext('TK_GTR_COMBINED') local font=r.ImGui_CreateFont('Arial',14) r.ImGui_Attach(ctx,font) local input_sequence="" local input_chord="" local selected_duration="4" local selected_string=1 local base_notes={40,45,50,55,59,64} local string_names={"E (Low)","A","D","G","B","E (High)"} function CreateMIDIItem() local track=r.GetSelectedTrack(0,0) if not track then return end local cursor_pos=r.GetCursorPosition() local ppq=960 local beats=4/tonumber(selected_duration) local item=r.CreateNewMIDIItemInProj(track,cursor_pos,cursor_pos+beats/2) local take=r.GetActiveTake(item) return item,take,ppq*beats end function InsertSequence(take,notes,note_length) local base_note=base_notes[selected_string] local position=0 local idx=0 local note_count=0 for _ in notes:gmatch("([^-]+)")do note_count=note_count+1 end local item=r.GetMediaItemTake_Item(take) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"D_LENGTH",(note_length*note_count)/960/2) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"B_LOOPSRC",0) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"B_LOOP",0) for note in notes:gmatch("([^-]+)")do local midi_note=base_note+tonumber(note) r.MIDI_InsertNote(take,false,false,position,note_length,0,midi_note,100,false) local retval,selected,muted,startppq,endppq,chan,pitch,vel=r.MIDI_GetNote(take,idx) if retval then r.MIDI_SetNote(take,idx,false,false,position,position+note_length,0,midi_note,100,true)end position=position+note_length idx=idx+1 end r.MIDI_Sort(take) end function InsertChord(take,frets,note_length) for string_num,fret in ipairs(frets)do if fret~="X"then local note=base_notes[string_num]+tonumber(fret) r.MIDI_InsertNote(take,false,false,0,note_length,string_num-1,note,100,false) end end r.MIDI_Sort(take) end function MainLoop() r.ImGui_SetNextWindowSize(ctx,400,400) local window_flags=r.ImGui_WindowFlags_NoTitleBar()|r.ImGui_WindowFlags_NoResize() r.ImGui_PushStyleVar(ctx,r.ImGui_StyleVar_WindowRounding(),12.0) local visible,open=r.ImGui_Begin(ctx,'Guitar MIDI Input',true,window_flags) if visible then r.ImGui_PushFont(ctx,font) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_WindowBg(),0x000000FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),0x1A1A1AFF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_ButtonHovered(),0x333333FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_ButtonActive(),0x404040FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBg(),0x1A1A1AFF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBgHovered(),0x333333FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBgActive(),0x404040FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleVar(ctx,r.ImGui_StyleVar_FrameRounding(),6.0) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Note Duration:") local active_color = 0xFF0000FF if selected_duration == "1" then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx, r.ImGui_Col_Button(), active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/1") then selected_duration = "1" end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/1") then selected_duration = "1" end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration == "2" then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx, r.ImGui_Col_Button(), active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/2") then selected_duration = "2" end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/2") then selected_duration = "2" end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration == "4" then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx, r.ImGui_Col_Button(), active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/4") then selected_duration = "4" end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/4") then selected_duration = "4" end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration == "8" then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx, r.ImGui_Col_Button(), active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/8") then selected_duration = "8" end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx, "1/8") then selected_duration = "8" end end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Separator(ctx) r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Select base string:") if r.ImGui_BeginCombo(ctx,"##stringselect",string_names[selected_string])then for i,name in ipairs(string_names)do if r.ImGui_Selectable(ctx,name,selected_string==i)then selected_string=i end end r.ImGui_EndCombo(ctx) end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Enter sequence (format: 1-2-6-9-0-3):") _,input_sequence=r.ImGui_InputText(ctx,"##sequence",input_sequence) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"Insert Sequence")then local item,take,note_length=CreateMIDIItem() if take then InsertSequence(take,input_sequence,note_length)end end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Separator(ctx) r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Enter chord (format: 1 3 3 2 1 1 or X X X 2 1 1):") _,input_chord=r.ImGui_InputText(ctx,"##chord",input_chord) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"Insert Chord")then local item,take,note_length=CreateMIDIItem() if take then local frets={} for fret in input_chord:gmatch("%S+")do table.insert(frets,fret)end InsertChord(take,frets,note_length) end end r.ImGui_PopStyleVar(ctx,2) r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx,7) r.ImGui_PopFont(ctx) r.ImGui_End(ctx) end if open then r.defer(MainLoop)end end r.defer(MainLoop) Last edited by Touristkiller; 12-29-2024 at 02:03 PM. |
12-29-2024, 02:09 PM | #3 | |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
Wow! Thank you so much. It seems to be doing what I need. I will give more feedback later on. Thanks again! Last edited by krahosk; 12-29-2024 at 02:16 PM. |
12-29-2024, 02:11 PM | #4 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 992
Yep... let me know what else might need to be done and what is and isn't correct. 👍
Is the input correct as you want it or should it perhaps be different? Extended version... Code:
local r=reaper local ctx=r.ImGui_CreateContext('TK_GTR_COMBINED') local font=r.ImGui_CreateFont('Arial',12) r.ImGui_Attach(ctx,font) local input_sequence="" local input_chord="" local selected_duration="4" local selected_string=1 local base_notes={64,59,55,50,45,40} local string_names={"E (High)","B","G","D","A","E (Low)"} local tunings={ ["Standard (EADGBE)"]={64,59,55,50,45,40}, ["Drop D (DADGBE)"]={64,59,55,50,45,38}, ["Open G (DGDGBD)"]={62,59,55,50,43,38}, ["Open D (DADF#AD)"]={62,57,54,50,45,38}, ["DADGAD"]={62,57,55,50,45,38} } local selected_tuning="Standard (EADGBE)" base_notes=tunings[selected_tuning] function CreateMIDIItem() local track=r.GetSelectedTrack(0,0) if not track then return end local cursor_pos=r.GetCursorPosition() local ppq=960 local beats=4/tonumber(selected_duration) local item=r.CreateNewMIDIItemInProj(track,cursor_pos,cursor_pos+beats/2) local take=r.GetActiveTake(item) return item,take,ppq*beats end function InsertSequence(take,notes,note_length) local base_note=base_notes[selected_string] local position=0 local idx=0 local note_count=0 for _ in notes:gmatch("([^-]+)")do note_count=note_count+1 end local item=r.GetMediaItemTake_Item(take) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"D_LENGTH",(note_length*note_count)/960/2) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"B_LOOPSRC",0) r.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item,"B_LOOP",0) for note in notes:gmatch("([^-]+)")do local midi_note=base_note+tonumber(note) r.MIDI_InsertNote(take,false,false,position,note_length,0,midi_note,100,false) local retval,selected,muted,startppq,endppq,chan,pitch,vel=r.MIDI_GetNote(take,idx) if retval then r.MIDI_SetNote(take,idx,false,false,position,position+note_length,0,midi_note,100,true)end position=position+note_length idx=idx+1 end r.MIDI_Sort(take) end function GetNoteName(midi_note) local notes={"C","C#","D","D#","E","F","F#","G","G#","A","A#","B"} local note_index=(midi_note%12)+1 return notes[note_index] end function InsertChord(take,frets,note_length) local reversed_frets={} for i=#frets,1,-1 do reversed_frets[#frets-i+1]=frets[i] end for string_num,fret in ipairs(reversed_frets)do if fret~="X"then local note=base_notes[string_num]+tonumber(fret) r.MIDI_InsertNote(take,false,false,0,note_length,string_num-1,note,100,false) end end r.MIDI_Sort(take) end function HandleFretboardClick(ctx,startX,startY,width,height,isChord,rightClick) local mouseX,mouseY=r.ImGui_GetMousePos(ctx) local winX,winY=r.ImGui_GetWindowPos(ctx) local num_strings=6 local num_frets=12 local string_spacing=height/(num_strings-1) local fret_spacing=width/num_frets mouseX=mouseX-(winX+startX) mouseY=mouseY-(winY+startY) if mouseX>=0 and mouseX<=width+20 and mouseY>=0 and mouseY<=height+20 then local raw_fret=mouseX/fret_spacing local fret=math.min(math.floor(raw_fret),num_frets) local string_num=math.min(math.floor(mouseY/string_spacing),num_strings-1) if string_num>=num_strings then string_num=num_strings-1 end if isChord then local num_frets=5 local string_spacing=width/(num_strings-1) local fret_spacing=height/num_frets local string_num=math.floor(mouseX/string_spacing)+1 local fret=math.floor(mouseY/fret_spacing) if fret>=0 and fret<=num_frets and string_num>=1 and string_num<=num_strings then local frets={"X","X","X","X","X","X"} local i=1 for existing_fret in input_chord:gmatch("%S+")do frets[i]=existing_fret i=i+1 end frets[string_num]=rightClick and"X"or tostring(fret) input_chord=table.concat(frets," ") end else if rightClick then local notes={} local clickX=mouseX local clickY=mouseY local radius=12 local i=1 for note in input_sequence:gmatch("([^-]+)")do local noteX=(tonumber(note)*fret_spacing)+(fret_spacing/2) local noteY=string_num*string_spacing local distance=math.sqrt((clickX-noteX)^2+(clickY-noteY)^2) if distance>radius then table.insert(notes,note) end i=i+1 end input_sequence=table.concat(notes,"-") else if input_sequence==""then input_sequence=tostring(fret) else input_sequence=input_sequence.."-"..tostring(fret) end end selected_string=string_num+1 end return true end return false end function DrawFretboard(ctx,startX,startY,width,height) local draw_list=r.ImGui_GetWindowDrawList(ctx) local winX,winY=r.ImGui_GetWindowPos(ctx) startX=winX+startX startY=winY+startY local num_strings=6 local num_frets=12 local string_spacing=height/(num_strings-1) local fret_spacing=width/num_frets for i=0,num_strings-1 do local y=startY+(i*string_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddLine(draw_list,startX,y,startX+width,y,0xFFFFFFFF) local note_name=GetNoteName(base_notes[i+1]) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddText(draw_list,startX-25,y-6,0xFFFFFFFF,note_name) end for i=0,num_frets do local x=startX+(i*fret_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddLine(draw_list,x,startY,x,startY+height,0xFFFFFFFF) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddText(draw_list,x-3,startY+height+5,0xFFFFFFFF,tostring(i)) end if r.ImGui_IsMouseClicked(ctx,0)then HandleFretboardClick(ctx,startX-winX,startY-winY,width,height,false,false) elseif r.ImGui_IsMouseClicked(ctx,1)then HandleFretboardClick(ctx,startX-winX,startY-winY,width,height,false,true) end local notes=input_sequence:gmatch("([^-]+)") local string_idx=selected_string-1 local x=0 for fret in notes do local fret_num=tonumber(fret) if fret_num then local note_x=startX+(fret_num*fret_spacing) local note_y=startY+(string_idx*string_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddCircleFilled(draw_list,note_x,note_y,6,0xFF0000FF) end x=x+1 end end function DrawChordboard(ctx,startX,startY,width,height) local draw_list=r.ImGui_GetWindowDrawList(ctx) local winX,winY=r.ImGui_GetWindowPos(ctx) startX=winX+startX+15 startY=winY+startY local num_strings=6 local num_frets=5 local string_spacing=width/(num_strings-1) local fret_spacing=height/num_frets for i=0,num_strings-1 do local x=startX+(i*string_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddLine(draw_list,x,startY,x,startY+height,0xFFFFFFFF) local note_name=GetNoteName(base_notes[num_strings-i]) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddText(draw_list,x-5,startY-20,0xFFFFFFFF,note_name) end for i=0,num_frets do local y=startY+(i*fret_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddLine(draw_list,startX,y,startX+width,y,0xFFFFFFFF) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddText(draw_list,startX-20,y-8,0xFFFFFFFF,tostring(i)) end if r.ImGui_IsMouseClicked(ctx,0)then HandleFretboardClick(ctx,startX-winX,startY-winY,width,height,true,false) elseif r.ImGui_IsMouseClicked(ctx,1)then HandleFretboardClick(ctx,startX-winX,startY-winY,width,height,true,true) end for string_num=1,num_strings do local fret=string.match(input_chord,string.rep("%S+%s",string_num-1)..("(%S+)")) if fret and fret~="X"then local fret_num=tonumber(fret) if fret_num then local x=startX+(string_num-1)*string_spacing local y=startY+(tonumber(fret)*fret_spacing) r.ImGui_DrawList_AddCircleFilled(draw_list,x,y,6,0xFF0000FF) end end end end function MainLoop() r.ImGui_SetNextWindowSize(ctx,360,600) local window_flags=r.ImGui_WindowFlags_NoTitleBar()|r.ImGui_WindowFlags_NoResize() r.ImGui_PushStyleVar(ctx,r.ImGui_StyleVar_WindowRounding(),12.0) local visible,open=r.ImGui_Begin(ctx,'Guitar MIDI Input',true,window_flags) if visible then r.ImGui_PushFont(ctx,font) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_WindowBg(),0x000000FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),0x1A1A1AFF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_ButtonHovered(),0x333333FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_ButtonActive(),0x404040FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBg(),0x1A1A1AFF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBgHovered(),0x333333FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_FrameBgActive(),0x404040FF) r.ImGui_PushStyleVar(ctx,r.ImGui_StyleVar_FrameRounding(),6.0) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"TK GUITAR 2 MIDI INPUT") r.ImGui_Separator(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Note Duration:") local active_color=0xFF0000FF if selected_duration=="1"then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/1")then selected_duration="1"end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/1")then selected_duration="1"end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration=="2"then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/2")then selected_duration="2"end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/2")then selected_duration="2"end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration=="4"then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/4")then selected_duration="4"end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/4")then selected_duration="4"end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration=="8"then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/8")then selected_duration="8"end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/8")then selected_duration="8"end end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if selected_duration=="16"then r.ImGui_PushStyleColor(ctx,r.ImGui_Col_Button(),active_color) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/16")then selected_duration="16"end r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx) else if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"1/16")then selected_duration="16"end end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Tuning:") r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if r.ImGui_BeginCombo(ctx,"##tuning",selected_tuning)then for tuning_name,_ in pairs(tunings)do if r.ImGui_Selectable(ctx,tuning_name,selected_tuning==tuning_name)then selected_tuning=tuning_name base_notes=tunings[tuning_name] end end r.ImGui_EndCombo(ctx) end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Transpose:") r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"-1")then local new_seq={} for note in input_sequence:gmatch("([^-]+)")do local n=tonumber(note) if n>0 then table.insert(new_seq,tostring(n-1)) else table.insert(new_seq,"0") end end input_sequence=table.concat(new_seq,"-") local new_chord={} for fret in input_chord:gmatch("%S+")do if fret~="X"then local n=tonumber(fret) if n>0 then table.insert(new_chord,tostring(n-1)) else table.insert(new_chord,"0") end else table.insert(new_chord,"X") end end input_chord=table.concat(new_chord," ") end r.ImGui_SameLine(ctx) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"+1")then local new_seq={} for note in input_sequence:gmatch("([^-]+)")do table.insert(new_seq,tostring(tonumber(note)+1)) end input_sequence=table.concat(new_seq,"-") local new_chord={} for fret in input_chord:gmatch("%S+")do if fret~="X"then table.insert(new_chord,tostring(tonumber(fret)+1)) else table.insert(new_chord,"X") end end input_chord=table.concat(new_chord," ") end r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Separator(ctx) r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Enter sequence (format: 1-2-6-9-0-3):") _,input_sequence=r.ImGui_InputText(ctx,"##sequence",input_sequence) DrawFretboard(ctx,30,r.ImGui_GetCursorPosY(ctx)+10,300,120) r.ImGui_Dummy(ctx,0,150) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"Insert Sequence")then local item,take,note_length=CreateMIDIItem() if take then InsertSequence(take,input_sequence,note_length)end end r.ImGui_Separator(ctx) r.ImGui_Spacing(ctx) r.ImGui_Text(ctx,"Enter chord (format: 1 3 3 2 1 1 or X X X 2 1 1):") _,input_chord=r.ImGui_InputText(ctx,"##chord",input_chord) DrawChordboard(ctx,10,r.ImGui_GetCursorPosY(ctx)+20,120,120) r.ImGui_Dummy(ctx,0,150) if r.ImGui_Button(ctx,"Insert Chord")then local item,take,note_length=CreateMIDIItem() if take then local frets={} for fret in input_chord:gmatch("%S+")do table.insert(frets,fret)end InsertChord(take,frets,note_length) end end r.ImGui_PopStyleVar(ctx,2) r.ImGui_PopStyleColor(ctx,7) r.ImGui_PopFont(ctx) r.ImGui_End(ctx) end if open then r.defer(MainLoop)end end r.defer(MainLoop) Last edited by Touristkiller; 12-29-2024 at 08:34 PM. |
12-29-2024, 06:34 PM | #5 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
Amazing! Such a useful tool!
I notice that the MIDI item's length does not correspond exactly to the note value when we insert the chord. For example, for a whole note, there's an extra 8th note added, for the half note, there's an extra 16th note, and so on. For the note sequence, it depends how many notes we enter: the MIDI item's length increased in the same ratio as cited above proportionally to the number of notes. It would be great if the play cursor would move automatically at the end of the inserted MIDI item after inserting. Thank you for taking the time for this. The fretboard update is something I wouldn't have dared to ask - incredible! Last edited by krahosk; 12-29-2024 at 07:08 PM. |
12-29-2024, 08:40 PM | #6 | |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 992
I'll look into it asap to hopefully fix the midi item length and to move the play cursor automatically 😁👍 |
12-30-2024, 10:16 AM | #7 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
I'm trying out the extended version.
- There are some hits and misses when we click the fretboard: sometimes the dot appears on the adjacent fret or string. - Is it possible to extend the fretboard for the chords? This way we could draw chord shapes beyond the 5th fret. - Is it also possible to insert the chord form in the take name when inserted (1 3 3 2 1 1, for example?) This would allow readout later on. - Eventually, inserting the chord name in the take name (I can participate in inserting the data in the script if you give me an example of a code line that does that). What I mean is, for example, 1 3 3 2 1 1 is F, so eventually, the take name would indicate both "1 3 3 2 1 1" and "F". Again, thanks for this script, it improves a guitarist's workflow! Last edited by krahosk; 12-30-2024 at 12:53 PM. |
12-30-2024, 03:16 PM | #8 | |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 992
As for the other points.... I'm going to party and have a few drinks on the new year first and when the drinking has worn off a bit I'll continue to figure this out. I'm also learning something from it, because I have to delve a bit into the do's and don'ts of guitar notation 😂 As for the chord name, it should be easy to do. So that will work out.... Hopefully you can get by with the simple or slightly more extensive version for now, but as I said I'll continue with it after the new year 👍😊 |
12-30-2024, 05:31 PM | #9 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
Happy New Year, Touristkiller! Enjoy the new year's celebration and take your time.
12-30-2024, 07:33 PM | #10 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 836
In case you find this old project interesting, I'm reposting it here:
MIDI Guitar Chord Tool https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=192481 |
12-31-2024, 12:11 PM | #11 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,492
I didn't know this guitar script existed! However, it doesn'T do the same thing as the above script.
Composing from the guitar directly, it is more useful to enter the guitar shape after having found it on a real guitar. Especially since I can't determine the chord name immediately all around the fret board. MIDI Guitar Chord Tool cannot do 2nd, 3rd or 4th position chord forms either. It's for people who don't play the guitar. Last edited by krahosk; 12-31-2024 at 01:13 PM. |
12-31-2024, 01:27 PM | #12 | ||
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 836
From what I have read, in G Major, the G,C and D chord, for example in position 1 G major chord with the root on the 3rd fret of the 6th string (E shape) C major chord with the root on the 3rd fret of the 5th string (A shape) D major chord with the root on the 5th fret of the 5th string (C shape) position 2 G major chord with the root on the 5th fret of the 4th string (D shape) C major chord with the root on the 8th fret of the 6th string (G shape) D major chord with the root on the 5th fret of the 5th string (A shape) position 3 G major chord with the root on the 10th fret of the 5th string (C shape) C major chord with the root on the 8th fret of the 6th string (E shape) D major chord with the root on the 10th fret of the 6th string (G shape) position 4 G major chord with the root on the 10th fret of the 5th string (A shape) C major chord with the root on the 10th fret of the 4th string (D shape) D major chord with the root on the 10th fret of the 6th string (E shape) Is that what you mean? I play the guitar, and I use it, but you do you. It is based on the CAGED system which may be different from how you learned to play. I downloaded Touristkiller's script and have been playing with that also. The more tools the better! Last edited by Sid; 12-31-2024 at 02:18 PM. |
01-02-2025, 07:31 PM | #13 | |
Human being with feelings
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I agree. Thank you! |
01-02-2025, 08:10 PM | #14 |
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I'm only passingly interested in this thread and can't really help, but I think that's mostly handled anyway, and you hit me in the peeves with
All of your examples show forward slashes, which we generally don't have to qualify because it's the default slash. It leans forward in the direction of our left>right writing. It happens way too often that somebody will be reading off an URL like "blah dot com backslash stuff", I have to assume in order to sound smart, except that can't possibly work because urls use forward slashes and we can just say "slash". The only time we really ever use backslashes is in windows network and file system addresses.
Lorenzo's Tractor is Everywhere --- Ash's Tube --- Join the Partnership for a Drum Free Amerika |
01-05-2025, 08:52 AM | #15 |
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Hey krahosk
Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten this one. 😁 Hope to continue working on it soon..... |
01-09-2025, 01:14 PM | #16 |
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Progress update...
Also Shows (chord)sequence, chord and fingering in generated midi file name Last edited by Touristkiller; 01-09-2025 at 01:51 PM. |
01-09-2025, 01:45 PM | #17 |
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 836
Looks great. Are those colors limited to one dot only? We don't want to forget about Barre chords.
https://andylemaire.com/bar-chord-hand-positions/ |
01-09-2025, 02:03 PM | #18 | |
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But... pffff... this is a different story for a non-guitarist (I'm a drummer, so that's a whole different blood group 😂😂 ) |
01-09-2025, 02:06 PM | #19 |
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01-09-2025, 02:33 PM | #20 |
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01-10-2025, 02:35 PM | #21 |
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Last bit before new update....
....the most boring part 🥴. Nope this is not machine code... just chords 🙄 😂 Last edited by Touristkiller; 01-10-2025 at 05:02 PM. |
01-10-2025, 05:55 PM | #22 |
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Released on Reapack and therefore created a new forum Thread for the script...
https://forum.cockos.com/showthread....81#post2837281 |
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