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Old 09-14-2015, 12:11 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 3
Default Character encodings not handled correctly in MIDI text events (FIXED)

I have some MIDI files with text events encoding in latin-1. When I import these into Reaper (by dragging them in), the text shows up correctly, even extended characters. However when I export as MIDI, all the extended characters get replaced with underscores. This makes sense with "Export MIDI text events in .MID files as UTF-8" unchecked, since those characters aren't within the ASCII set.

However, the bug is when I check "Export MIDI text events in .MID files as UTF-8". When this is checked and I export, it exports as the same latin-1 as it was in the original MIDI, not UTF-8. Any text events I edit will save as UTF-8 (even if I just edit them and click Ok without actually changing anything), but ones I don't edit stay the same as they were imported.

What I would expect to happen is that any extended characters that were imported would save out as correct UTF-8 when "Export MIDI text events in .MID files as UTF-8" is checked.

Additionally, it would be nice to either have a choice to save MIDI text events as latin-1, or for that the be the default instead of ASCII when UTF-8 is unchecked (because why waste that extra bit per character when twice as many characters can be used and still be understood by most programs that don't understand multi-byte character encodings like UTF-8).
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Old 10-06-2015, 01:27 PM   #2
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This issue should have been fixed in REAPER 5.02 (September 22):

+ MIDI: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
+ MIDI: convert Latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid file import [t=166423]

Please let us know if that addresses your use case.
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