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Old 08-14-2016, 12:46 PM   #1
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 3,714
Default Notation editor: Improvements for "Minimize ties" action (DONE)

EDIT: Implemented in v5.25pre1

REAPER's notation editor has a clever algorithm for deciding when to display a single note as multiple tied notes. This algorithm takes into account the time signature as well as overlapping notes in the same voice.

As an alternative, there is an action (and right-click option) named "Minimize ties", which is useful for notation of certain syncopated rhythms, for example 1-2-2-2-1, or 3-3-2 tresillo, which do not follow the time signature.

I would like to suggest the following:

* The name of the action, "Minimize ties", is a bit misleading since it is actually a toggle: If the selected notes' ties are already minimized, the action will actually UNminimize the ties. The action can therefore be renamed to something like "Toggle minimize ties".

* It would be useful to have two additional actions, "Minimize ties" and "Unminimize ties" that are not toggles. Toggle actions are problematic for scripts that try to minimize ties (by calling the action via MIDIEditor_OnCommand), since scripts do not know whether the action will in fact minimize or unminimize the ties.

* Another action that would be super useful, is a global "Display all notes with minimal ties" option that can be switched on or off (similar to the "Automatically voice overlapping notes" option). By default, the MIDI editor displays notes with ties. Notation with minimal ties are not 'correct' as per the rules of notation, but it makes it much easier the see the flow of notes at a glance.

Last edited by juliansader; 09-06-2016 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 09-05-2016, 11:09 AM   #2
Human being with feelings
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 416

Originally Posted by juliansader View Post
Notation with minimal ties are not 'correct' as per the rules of notation, but it makes it much easier the see the flow of notes at a glance.
Man, I have to agree with this sentiment...

I used to compose using notation-centric Overture because it was (and is) so visually appealing...at some point I'll delineate the perceived visual (NOT notational) deficits of Reaper's notation editor. But for the moment, I'll agree with the OP that since printing isn't an option (and therefore probably not an editor for professional notation), I would say that improving its specifically visual appeal and ease might be (could be?) a priority going forward.

Windows 10/Surface Pro 3, Intel i7 4650U 1.7/2.3 GHz, 8GB SSD
Overture 5/GPO 5.1/Omnisphere 2.1/Audacity/Komplete/Reaper
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