So I got the impression that you folks found Radial Menu pretty exciting. Prepare to need a new pair of underwear.
We've got custom colors. We've got adjustable everything. We've got context sensitive menus. We've got a pile of different action modes. We've got a sexy new setup script for getting it all, er, set up.
Oh, and this:
Yeah. That thing that Dora tells the fox not to do.
Radial Menu 2
This time it's personal. Ized. Personalized. This time it's per.... You get the idea.
Getting Started:
Not everyone likes as much text as I do. If that's you, here! Have a video!
Provides a pop-up "quick menu", similar to how most FPS games handle weapon selection these days.
Pretty much any Reaper action, custom action, or script can be assigned to a menu button.
Create as many menus, submenus, and buttons as you want. Well, 16 buttons per menu, but only a weirdo needs more than that.
Buttons for toggle actions (Options: Toggle metronome, etc) will light up appropriately if their action is toggled On.
Context sensitive; open a different set of menus when the mouse cursor is over the TCP vs MCP vs Arrange. There are over 20 contexts available, or you can opt for broader categories.
Buttons can be activated via Swipe gestures, just like answering your iPhone or trying to pick up strangers on Tinder. When swiping into a submenu, the window will be reopened at your mouse cursor.
Buttons can be set to repeat their action for as long as the mouse is held down - nudging volume faders, etc.
Buttons can be set to perform an action multiple times per mouse-click - "insert three new tracks", etc.
Both of these ^ can be combined, and are compatible with custom actions and user scripts
Buttons can also be activated by hovering over them with the mouse.
Buttons can have key binds assigned, for an all-keyboard workflow if you want.
Several different behaviors for the script's shortcut key.
Custom colors for every individual button if you really feel like going to the trouble. I wouldn't want to.
A handy-dandy setup script with a help screen, tooltips, and 50% more Vitamin C than the leading brand. Messing around with text files to change settings is for filthy peasants.
The script is available via ReaPack or, if you'd rather do things the hard way, download and install both of these scripts *in the same folder*: Lokasenna_Radial Menu.lua Lokasenna_Radial Menu Setup.lua
(right-click the link, choose Save As, put the files in your Reaper/Scripts folder or wherever you want, then use the Load button in the Reaper's action list to find them)
Installing with ReaPack will also get you an example menu file that can be imported in the Setup script (in the same folder as the scripts). If you installed manually, grab the example file here: Lokasenna_Radial Menu - example settings.txt
By default, Radial Menu will look for the "example settings" file mentioned above, which is included if you installed via ReaPack. If that file isn't found, you'll have to run the Setup script and set up (see what I did there?) some menus of your own before Radial Menu will be of any use to you.
Assign 'Lokasenna_Radial Menu.lua' to the shortcut key of your choice. There are some technical limitations on WHAT shortcut key you choose - see below.
Holding down your shortcut key will bring up the menu, letting go of your shortcut key will close it.
Click on buttons to do stuff, or click any empty space (technically, anywhere that doesn't make one of the buttons light up) to go back to the original menu.
See the Setup script's Help tab for further explanation of the various settings. I tried to be thorough.
Seriously, look at the Help tab. I spent several hours figuring out how to make the text automatically wrap to fit the window; the least you could do is read through what I put there. :P
Shortcut key restrictions:
Because of how the script figures out what key you're holding, there are a few rules you'll have to follow.
Known to work: All of the English letters, all of the numbers, F1-12.
Shift+ will only work with letters - no Shift+3, or Shift+[, etc. I'm not sure about non-English characters like 'é'.
Ctrl+, Alt+, and Win+ should work with any key.
Certain keys/characters like tilde ('~') will open the window but not close it. I've been told it's an issue with how the OS passes those characters to Reaper, so you'll have to use something else. Sorry.
If the window is rapidly opening and closing, that's a separate issue that I SHOULD be able to fix. Please let me know what key combination you're using, and what OS you're on. Bonus points if you can install this script here, run it, and tell me what numbers it's showing when you press that key combination.
Reaper switches to a different set of key bindings when you're in the MIDI Editor. You can assign Radial Menu manually in the MIDI Editor's action list, or just assign your shortcut to Misc: Pass through key to main window. It'll use the same menus and settings either way.
Any Reaper action or script that takes focus away from Radial Menu's window will interfere with the key detection, causing Radial Menu to go "hey, you let go of the key!" and close. There's nothing I can do about this at present, so you may wish to use one of the alternate shortcut key modes in the Options tab.
Settings are stored in a text file right next to the two scripts. Feel free to edit it directly - there are instructions at the top of the file.
I haven't tried, but if you had a script loaded in the Action List you should be able to right-click, get the command ID, and paste that into a Radial Menu item.
The API function I'm using doesn't work with scripts. I'll look, but I don't think there's a different function that would.
Also, I just found a typo that kept the script from actually storing your actions. Fixing now. Also also, adding actions to submenus was putting the label on the wrong item. Fixed as well. Apparently I write code the same way I write forum/FB posts - type it out, post it, then have to go back and edit a billion tiny mistakes after the fact. :/
I haven't tried, but if you had a script loaded in the Action List you should be able to right-click, get the command ID, and paste that into a Radial Menu item.
The API function I'm using doesn't work with scripts. I'll look, but I don't think there's a different function that would.
Also, I just found a typo that kept the script from actually storing your actions. Fixing now. Also also, adding actions to submenus was putting the label on the wrong item. Fixed as well. Apparently I write code the same way I write forum/FB posts - type it out, post it, then have to go back and edit a billion tiny mistakes after the fact. :/
Thank you for this ligthning-fast answer and almost ligthning-fast edit
Regarding my question, don't worry about that, I've found another way around for my own script
And now, I'm thinking about all the other cool things I can do with your Radial Menu !
Once again, thank you for all your hard work, it's really useful to me, you can't even imagine
The API function I'm using doesn't work with scripts. I'll look, but I don't think there's a different function that would.
The textual command IDs must be converted with NamedCommandLookup before they can be used with Main_OnCommand:
local userinput = "_RSf9af5a881a603f63b4ac8574e6736996fc85eaf5"
-- local userinput = 1234
local runtime_id = reaper.NamedCommandLookup(userinput)
if runtime_id > 0 then -- if the script/action is loaded
reaper.Main_OnCommand(runtime_id, 0)
(The support for running scripts using Main_OnCommand was added in v5.12)
Btw would it be too much if I ask for release key activate function ? I mean I've already added it (its 3 lines of code) to be optional in the main release code (not to modify it every time when I need to download it again)?
(this is not causing this above,I have two versions this bug is on vanilla code)
EDIT:Important info, this happens if you click in the middle
Found the bug, it wasn't looking at the right table for "how many buttons do I have right now?". Should be fixed now, along with a similar bug for having more than 8 buttons.
As for running the action on release, no sweat. I'll add it to the list.
Also its not that it bothers me , its a really great feature for even faster access of everything but on other hand it triggers unwanted commands,but just want to know from coding point of view:
why is the center considered as last button? In main menu it is awesome!!!!! but when you enter a sub menu and click center (considering thats how you get back to main menu) it activates last button.
If you wanna fix this (if its not intentional) please keep it in the main menu !!
It's not meant to do that; in theory, anywhere within 32px of center should be a dead zone. I'll have a look.
Edit: I have two variables, mouse_mnu and mnu_clicked that track what the mouse is over. mouse_mnu was respecting the dead zone, but that wasn't being passed on to mnu_clicked. Fixing it now, because it is technically a bug.
As for keeping it on the main menu; I don't understand the benefit. How does it let you go faster? What if I made it so that pressing + releasing the keyboard key without moving the mouse automatically ran the last action you had clicked?
__________________ subproject FRs click here note: don't search for my pseudonym on the web. The "musicbynumbers" you find is not me or the name I use for my own music.
Looking mighty fine. Ideal for setting up Loudness submenu stuff, scripts and edit functions.
If you enter nothing in the action ID field by just leaving it empty, a script error pops up:
454: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
Hmm. I'll probably try to add a colour for each field for the mouse-over.
If a submenu is called, the submenu could use its own background and non-mouse-over colour too. Might be necessary to set something up ahead of time in the script.
That way you have another layer of visual feedback. Perhaps more code monkeys can jump in. To summarize the ideas and a couple of more:
Mouse-over colour per field
Per-submenu background and non-mouse-over field colour
Variable number of fields
Field shapes
Multiline text
Variable font height with possible auto-correction to fit text in to field
Use icon images from resource-folder/data/
Fascinating how whiny users can spiral out of control, eh ?
I'm getting uncomfortable with FR bu last thing I want here is context sensitivity.I 've done it with demo script but here I cant modify it (I do't know how to implement it here). The easiest way to do it is to have section in txt file that will be triggerd when context is cought "tcp" "arrange' item etc, and a global option "context"' if that option is disabled then use normal table for all contexts
Also adding more buttons from setup would be cool (add one more section in F1 where you enter a number and it creates that many menus autonamed menu 1-number you entered) and also delete button option
Here I've added adding more buttons from F1 menu :
local defstr = table.concat(col_main, " ")..","..table.concat(col_hover, " ")..","..table.concat(col_bg, " ")..",".."0"..",".."a or m"
-- added 4th and 5th options for adding menus (number of menus and menu type)
local retval, retstr = reaper.GetUserInputs("Settings", 5, "Main RGBA (0 255):,Hover RGBA:,BG RGBA (requires a restart):,Add Menus,Menu Type,extrawidth=24", defstr)
if retval then
local col_arr = {string.match(retstr, "([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)")}
col_main = {string.match(col_arr[1], "(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)")}
col_hover = {string.match(col_arr[2], "(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)")}
col_bg = {string.match(col_arr[3], "(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)")}
--- if number of menu is added (differrent than 0)
if string.match(col_arr[4], "(%d+)") ~= "0" then
-- save all entrys ( current open menu , number or menus to add, menu type (action or submen)
new_buttons = {cur_depth, string.match(col_arr[4], "(%d+)"), string.match(col_arr[5],"(%a+)")}
-- to how many buttons were entered
for i = 1 , new_buttons[2] do
-- if new menu is action
if new_buttons[3] == "a" then
-- set action to nil and label is set to "action" + last menu + 1
newA = { act = "" , lbl = "Action "..(#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+ 1) }
-- add new button to existing table
mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]][#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+1] = newA
-- if new menu is menu/submenu
elseif new_buttons[3] == "m" then
-- allow creating submenus only in main menu
if cur_depth == 0 then
-- new menu/submenu
newM = { act = "menu "..(#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+2), lbl = "Menu "..(#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+2) }
-- new action
newA = { act = "" , lbl = "Menu "..(#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+2) }
-- add new menu entry at current menu
mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]][#mnu_arr[new_buttons[1]]+1] = newM
-- add one new action in that menu (so it is not empty)
mnu_arr[#mnu_arr+1] = { [0] = newA }
It can add actions or menus (menu type "a" for action "m" for menu), menus can be only created if we are in main menu, if in sub menu only actions can be created (it will discare if you enter menu type "m" nothing will happen)
What kind of options are we talking about ? checkboxes ? maybe add F2 for second option window (one for global settings other for adding or whatever) ? or like you sayed separate script that would open on F1 (not sure is it possible to work that way)
I can actually reopen the window with different settings, so Setup mode will just make it wider and add a couple of tabs - one for all of the current button's settings and another tab for global stuff like Shape.
Ok I've found perfect solution for dead center menu that I very much love ,option to set center menu:
the code that drives it (also fixed that issue where center was always selecting last menu like you sayed)
if mouse_r < 32 then
if cur_depth ~= 0 then
mouse_mnu = -1 mnu_clicked = -1
if def_center_menu then
mouse_mnu , mnu_clicked = def_center_menu,def_center_menu
mouse_mnu = -1 mnu_clicked = -1
mnu_clicked = mouse_mnu % (#mnu_arr[cur_depth] + 1)
I'm weird I know but I like me
oh and btw
its little cpu hogy
edit: nevermind simple fix
if mouse_mnu ~= last_mouse_mnu then
last_mouse_mnu = mouse_mnu
I actually tried that trick to reduce CPU usage ages ago but couldn't make it work. Apparently you can only do that if you aren't using ANY of the gfx.drawsomething; as soon as you draw one thing, it blanks the canvas.
The CPU usage is probably because each button is calling gfx.arc about 200 times to fill in the middle. I think I've come up with a more efficient algorithm, but I'll add your "do we need to redraw yet?" code as well.
Edit: The arc function isn't accurate enough to draw these buttons nicely, and it just gets worse when I try to do it more efficiently. I might go with a different shape for the buttons altogether.
I've also added a center button for any menu you want to put it on, just by holding the left button in the middle like you do with the rest of them. That'll be in the same update as the CPU stuff once I sort that out.
This is going to be some really ...REALLY exciting shit when its finished!
Toggle states, beautifying a little bit and something special
in draw_mnu() for toggle
----- toggle state color
if string.sub(str.act, 1, 4) ~= "menu" and str.act ~= "" then
local action = string.match(str.act, "(%d+)")
local state = reaper.GetToggleCommandState(action)
if state ~= nil then
if state == 1 then
color = col_on
draw_ring_section(i + k, mnu_adj, rc, rd, ox, oy, 0.05, fill, color)
volume changing need a proper implementation (I do not want to shock anyone with my awesome coding skills hahaa), this was a test and very weird code of mine (never done this before),but anyway implemented left click hold (as lokasenna showed me) to bypass menu selection and while in that mode to move fader up and down depending on mouse possition)
Reduced the CPU usage, added a center button if you want (in setup, click and hold in the middle), toggle actions will light up the button as in Sexan's .gif above, various bug fixes.
That line is checking to see if there's a middle button, though, so it needs [-1]. It's just giving an error because the code goes straight to "give me [-1]'s label!" without seeing if [-1] is there first. Working on it.
Yeah great!
anyway here is the function for activate on release (that I've constantly put in new versions)
function on_release()
if mouse_act then
if string.sub(mouse_act, 1, 4) ~= "menu" and mouse_act ~= '' then
reaper.Main_OnCommand(mouse_act, 0)
mnu_clicked = mouse_mnu % (#mnu_arr[cur_depth] + 1)
mouse_act = mnu_arr[cur_depth][mnu_clicked].act ----------- here
if mouse_r < ((cur_depth == 0 and mnu_arr[0][0].lbl ~= "") and 48 or 16) then mnu_clicked = -1 end
if hold == true then
local tr = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0,0)
cur_vol = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(tr,"D_VOL")
mx, my = reaper.GetMousePosition()
cur_pos = my - ly -- ly is last reaper.GetMousePosition() so it starts counting from 0
this code is triggerd when left click is hold, now what I cant figure out how to move fader relative to this possition, or how to translate pixel to fader movement. Every time this code is called the mouse position is 0 and from there it should move fader from what ever position it is
--Msg("attempting action "..act)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(act, 0)
clicked = act
--cur_depth = 0 -- i don like switching menus while clicking when having on_release to activate actions
-- Figure out what option the mouse is over
if mouse_angle < 0 then mouse_angle = mouse_angle + 2 end
mouse_mnu = math.floor(mouse_angle / mnu_adj + 0.5)
if mouse_mnu == (#mnu_arr[cur_depth] + 1) then mouse_mnu = 0 end
mnu_clicked = mouse_mnu % (#mnu_arr[cur_depth] + 1)
mouse_act = mnu_arr[cur_depth][mnu_clicked].act
if clicked == mouse_act then
mouse_act = nil
if mouse_r < ((cur_depth == 0 and mnu_arr[0][0].lbl ~= "") and 48 or 16) then mnu_clicked = -1 end
this prevents double triggering actions if you clicked on them to activate/deactivate and then when you release to activate/deactivate them again